production technology Mcqs
101. CPM is the___________________?
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A. time oriented technique

B. activity oriented technique

C. work oriented technique

D. event oriented technique

E. target oriented technique

102. Positive slack on a PERT indicates that project is________________?
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A. as per schedule

B. none of the above

C. beyond schedule

D. on critical path

E. ahead of schedule
103. CPMis___________________?
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A. is built of activities oriented program-mes

B. synthesising in concepts

C. all of the above

D. is, based on one time eytimate

E. is used for repetitive works

104. Critical path moves along the activities having total float of_____________________?
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A. same value

B. none of the above

C. negative value

D. positive value

E. zero value
106. Criticalpath on PERT/CPM chart is obtained by joining the events having____________________?
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A. minimum slack

B. maximum slack

C. average slack

D. judgement and experience

E. no slack

107. PERT and CPM are__________________?
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A. charts which increase aesthetic appearance of rooms

B. aids to the decision maker

C. aids to determine cost implications of project

D. techniques to determine project status

E. decision making techniques

108. Pick up the correct statement from the following?
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A. critical path method was invented by Morgan R. Walker of Dupot and James E. Kelley of Remington U.S.A in 1957

B. all of the above

C. critical path method avoids delays which are very common in bar chart

D. critical path method provides a realistic approach to the daily problems

E. critical path method is an improvement upon bar chart method

109. The reasons which are basically responsible for the formation of a queue should be that ___________________?
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A. output rate is constant and the input varies in a random manner

B. all of the above

C. the average service rate Hess than the average arrival rate

D. output rate is linearly proportional to input

E. none of the above

110. Descripancies of bar chart techniques are________________?
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A. consequential effects of lack in one activity on omer

B. all of the above

C. consequential effects of lack in one activity on the finish date

D. free time available for an activity cant be predicted

E. effective monitoring/controlling cant be done

111. The first method invented for planning projects was________________?
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A. milestone chart

B. none of the above

C. critical path method (CPM)

D. bar chart method

E. programme evaluation and review technique (PERT)

112. The basic difference between PERT and CPM is that_____________?
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A. critical path is determined in PERT only

B. costs are considered on CPM only and not in PERT

C. guessed times are used in PERT and evaluated times in CPM

D. PERT deals with events and CPM with activities

E. PERT is used in workshops and CPM in plants

114. The performance of a specific task in CPM is known as ______________________?
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A. activity

B. event

C. contract

D. none of the above

E. dummy

115. In order that linear programming techniques provide valid results________________?
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A. relations between factors must be linear (positive)

B. relations between factors must be linear (negative)

C. only one factor should change at a time, others remaining constant

D. A. or B.

E. none of the above

116. Choose the wrong statement Time study is used to_________________?
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A. determine the capability of an operator to handle the number of machines

B. determine standard costs

C. provide a basis for setting piece prices or incentive wages

D. determine overhead expenses

E. compare alternative methods

117. In A-B-C control policy, maximum attention is given to__________________?
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A. proper quality assurance program-mes

B. those items which consume more money

C. those items which consume money

D. those x items which are in more demand

E. those items which are not readily available

119. In perpetual inventory control, the material is checked as it reaches its__________________?
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A. average value

B. alarming value

C. middle value

D. minimum value

E. maximum value

120. Slack of various events on the critical path in PERT/CPM chart___________________?
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A. decreases continuously

B. unpredictable

C. increases continuously

D. remains constant

E. may increase or decrease depending on various factors

121. Critical Path Net Work helps an engineer_________________?
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A. none of the above

B. all of the above

C. to be cautious for avoiding any delay in the critical activities to avoid delay of the whole project

D. to divert the resources from non-critical advanced activities to critical activities

E. to concentrate his attention on critical activities

122. Pessimistic time is___________________?
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A. the minimum time in which an activity can possibly be accomplished

B. the maximum time which an activity might require

C. the earliest finish

D. the average time required for a job

E. the most probable time considering all conditions

123. A dummy activity________________?
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A. is artificially introduced

B. none of the above

C. all of the above

D. does not require any time

E. is represented by a dotted line

124. Queuing theory is associated with __________________?
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A. waiting time

B. inspection time

C. inventory

D. sales

E. production time

125. The standard time for a job is_________________?
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A. total work content + delay contingency allowance

B. total work content + basic time

C. total work content

D. total work content + relaxation time

E. base time + relaxation time

126. If TL is the largest allowable event occurrence time, total activity slack (s) is equal to__________________?
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A. all of the above

B. none of the above


D. latest finish time earliest finish time (EFT)

E. latest start time earliest start time

129. A big advantage of PERT over Gantt charts is that in the former case_________________?
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A. inter-relationship among activities is clearly shown

B. early start and late finish of an activity are clearly marked

C. activities and events are clearly shown

D. activity times are clear

E. critical path can be easily determined

130. Routing assists engineers in deciding in advance___________________?
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A. the flow of material in the plant

B. the layout of factory facilities

C. the methods of proper utilization of manpower

D. the methods of proper utilization of machines

E. normal route of workers through the plant

131. A CPM family includes____________________?
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A. CPP (Critical Path Plotted)

B. MCE (Minimum Cost Expenditure)

C. all of the above

D. CPA (Critical Path Analysis)

E. CPS (Critical Path Scheduling)

132. Which one of the following represents a group incentive plan ?
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A. Bedaux Plan

B. Lincoln Plan

C. Taylor Plan

D. Rowan Plan

E. Halsey Premium Plan

134. Pick up the correct statement from the following?
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A. critical path method is event oriented

B. none of the above

C. critical.path method is not activity oriented

D. programmer evaluation and review technique is not event oriented

E. programmer evaluation and review technique is event oriented

135. PMTP (predetermined motion time systems) include___________________?
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A. MTM (method time measurement)

B. none of the above

C. WFS (work factor systems)

D. BNTS (basic motion time study)

E. all of the above
136. The important file in making a PERT is__________________?
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A. no activity from any event can be started from preceding event till it is completed

B. length of arrow has nothing to do with time

C. every activity must be completed before end point is reached

D. all of the above

E. an event cant be accomplished until activities leading to it are completed

137. PERT is___________________?
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A. an analytic tool in concept

B. based on three time estimates for activities linking up two events

C. all of the above

D. used for research and development projects

E. limit up of event oriented diagrams

139. Scheduling gives information about____________________?
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A. when work should complete

B. that how idle time can be minimized

C. none of the above

D. when work should start and how much work should be completed during a certain period

E. proper utilisation of machines

140. Queuing theory is used for____________________?
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A. job-shop scheduling

B. none of the above

C. inventory problems

D. all of the above

E. traffic congestion studies

141. The assumption in PERT is__________________?
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A. a project can be subdivided into a set of predictable, independent activities

B. commissioning time can be changed, if activities are behind schedule

C. cost of project will always be more than the estimated cost, if no timely corrections are taken

D. a project will always be behind schedule, if left uncorrected

E. activities are fixed and cant be changed ,

143. The critical path of a network represents_______________________?
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A. the minimum time required for completion of project

B. maximum cost required for completion of project

C. none of the above

D. minimum cost required for completion of project

E. the maximum time required for completion of project

144. Work study comprises following main techniques_________________?
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A. value analysis and work measurement

B. method study and time study

C. time study and work measurement

D. method study and work measurement

E. method study and job evaluation

145. Bin card is used in__________________?
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A. assembly shop

B. stores

C. foundry shop

D. workshop

E. administrative wing

146. What does symbol V employ in work study________________?
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A. permanent storage

B. none of the above

C. inspection

D. delay/ temporary Storage

E. operation

147. PERT analysis is based on____________________?
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A. optimistic time

B. all of the above

C. none of the above

D. most likely time

E. pessimistic time

148. The time which results in the least possible direct cost of an activity is known as________________?
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A. none of the above

B. standard time

C. normal time

D. slow time

E. crash time

150. The two-bin system is concerned with_________________?
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A. forecasting sales

B. despatching and expediting

C. ordering procedure

D. none of the above

E. production planning