production technology Mcqs
51. Works cost implies________________?
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A. primary cost

B. none of the above

C. primary cost + factory expenses

D. factory cost

E. factory expenses

52. In which of the following layouts, the lines need to the balanced_______________?
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A. functional layout

B. product layout

C. fixed position layout

D. plant layout

E. process layout

53. Work study is most useful_______________?
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A. where men are biggest contributor to success of a project

B. in judging the rating of machines

C. in judging the output of a man and improving it

D. in improving industrial relations

E. where production activities are involved
54. Product layout is employed for____________________?
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A. continuous production

B. effective utilization of machine

C. none of the above

D. batch production

E. all of the above

56. The most important objective behind plant layout is_____________________?
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A. to avoid any bottlenecks

B. to provide conveniently located shops

C. economy in space

D. maximum travel time in plant

E. overall simplification, safety of integration
57. In micromotion study, therblig is described by_______________?
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A. an activity

B. micro motions

C. standard symbol and colour

D. an event

E. a symbol

58. Time study is__________________?
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A. method of determining the personnel Requirement

B. machine setting time

C. time taken by workers to do a job

D. method of fixing time for workers

E. the appraisal, in terms of time, of the value of work involving human effort
59. Inventory control in production, planning and control aims at________________?
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A. acceptable customer service at low capital investment in inventory

B. regulate supply and demand

C. ensuring against market fluctuations

D. achieving optimisation

E. discounts allowed in bulk purchase

60. Process layout is employed for_________________?
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A. continuous type of product

B. batch production

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

E. effective utilisation of machines

61. Which of the following layouts is suited for mass production_________________?
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A. plant layout

B. process layout

C. functional layout

D. product layout

E. fixed position layout

62. Motion study involves analysis of________________?
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A. layout of work place

B. actions of operator

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

E. tooling and equipment

63. Routing prescribes the_________________?
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A. inspection of final product

B. none of the above

C. flow of material in the plant

D. proper utilization of man power

E. proper utilization of machines

64. What does symbol D imply in work study ___________________?
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A. permanent storage

B. delay/temporary storage

C. transport

D. none of the above

E. inspection

65. Standard time is defined as ____________________?
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A. normal time + idle time + allowances

B. normal time + allowances

C. only normal time for an operation

D. normal time + idle time

E. none of the above

66. Acceptance sampling is widely used in________________?
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A. mass production

B. batch production

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

E. job production

67. Statistical quality control techniques are based on the theory of___________________?
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A. statistics

B. probability

C. none of the above

D. all of the above

E. quality

69. Military organisation is known as_______________________?
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A. functional organisation

B. all of the above

C. line organisation

D. none of the above

E. line and staff organisation

70. Frederick W. Taylor introduced a system of working known as________________?
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A. line organisation

B. none of the above

C. line and staff organisation

D. effective organisation

E. functional organisation
71. Basic tool in work study is __________________?
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A. graph paper

B. stop watch

C. planning chart

D. process chart

E. analytical mind

72. Routing is essential in the following type of industry_________________?
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A. job order industry

B. process industry

C. assembly industry

D. mass production industry

E. steel industry

73. Work study is done with the help of_______________?
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A. none of the above

B. all of the above

C. material handling

D. stop watch

E. process chart

74. A low unit cost can be obtained by following____________________?
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A. automatic material handling equipment

B. specialisation of operation

C. functional layout

D. minimum travel time plan and compact layout

E. product layout
75. The technique of value analysis can be applied to____________________?
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A. crash programmer items only

B. complicated items only

C. simple items only

D. cost consciousness items only

E. any item
76. The wastage of material in the store is taken into account by the following method in the evaluation of the material issued from the store_______________?
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A. variable price method

B. fixed price method

C. current value method

D. primary cost method

E. inflated system
77. Pick up the incorrect statement about advantages of work sampling_________________?
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A. simultaneous study of many operators may be made by a single observer

B. permits a fine breakdown of activities and delays

C. calculations are easier, method is economical and less time consuming

D. as operators are not watched for long periods, chances of obtaining misleading results are less

E. no time measuring devices are generally needed

78. For a product layout the material handling equipment must _________________?
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A. be designed as special purpose for a particular application

B. be a general purpose type

C. arranging shops according to specialization of duties

D. employ conveyor belts, trucks, tractors etc.

E. have full flexibility

79. Material handling in automobile industry is done by_________________?
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A. trolley

B. all of the above

C. none of the above

D. belt conveyor

E. overhead crane
80. Queuing theory deals with problems of________________?
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A. reducing the waiting time or idle Jajme

B. effective use of machines

C. better utilization of man services

D. none of the above.

E. material handling

82. The grouping of activities into organisational units is called_________________?
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A. company policy

B. higher level management

C. functional authority

D. corporate plans

E. departmentatidn
83. In Lincoln plan (one type of group incentive plan), the amount of the profit which an .employee receives in addition to the guaranteed basic _________________?
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A. a job evaluation system

B. all of the above

C. a standard rating system

D. his individual performance

E. /wages, is based on :

F. a merit rating system
84. The employees provident fund act is applicable to________________?
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A. all industries

B. all industries other than small and medium industries

C. volunteers

D. all major industries

E. the industries notified by Government
85. In inventory control, the economic order quantity is the_________________?
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A. none of the above

B. optimum lot size

C. lot corresponding to break-even point

D. capability of a plant to produce

E. highest level of inventory

86. Merit Rating is the method of determining worth of_______________?
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A. overall quality

B. machine

C. a particular division in workshop

D. an individual employee

E. a job

87. In the Halsey system of wage incentive plan, a worker is ________________?
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A. never a loser

B. not paid any bonus till his efficiency

C. ensured of minimum wages

D. induced to do more work

E. paid as per efficiency

88. In Halsey 50-50 plan, output standards are established______________?
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A. from ones judgement

B. all of the above

C. by time study

D. none of the above

E. from previous production records
89. The objective of time study is to determine the time required to complete a job by_______________?
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A. fast worker

B. slow worker

C. average worker

D. new entrant

E. any one of the above

90. Emergency rush order can be pushed more effectively in__________________?
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A. continuous production

B. intermittent production

C. job production

D. automatic production

E. none of the above

91. Pick up the correct step used for scheduling a project by C.P.M.__________________?
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A. required time for each activity is established

B. a project is divided into various activities

C. sequence of various activities is made according to their importance

D. all of the above

E. network is drawn by connecting the activities and the events

93. PERT stands for k (fit) project evaluation and review technique__________________?
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A. project execution and results technique

B. project evaluation and reporting technique

C. process execution and reporting technology

D. project examination and review technique
94. In queuing theory, the nature of the waiting situation can be studied and analysed mathematically if_________________?
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A. arrival and waiting times are known and can be grouped to form a waiting line model

B. complete detailsof items in, waiting line are known

C. all of the above

D. all variables and constants are known and form a linear equation

E. the laws governing arrivals, service times, and the order in which the arriving units are taken into source are known
95. The simplex method is the basic method for__________________?
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A. operation research

B. model analysis

C. linear programming

D. value analysis

E. none of the above

97. What does symbol O imply in work study________________?
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A. operation

B. transport

C. delay/temporary storage

D. none of the above

E. inspection

98. The critical activity has____________________?
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A. none of these

B. minimum float

C. average float

D. maximum float

E. zero float,