A. i) loaded draft + 1.2 m when bottom is soft
B. ) loaded draft + 1.8 m when bottom is soft
C. ) loaded draft + 1.8 m when bottom is rock</strong>
A. In low level method of mound construction, the area of working is limited.
B. In staging method of mound cons-truction, the work is not interrupted even during stormy weather
C. The progress of work in low level method of mound construction is very slow.
A. mean range
B. maximum rise
C. mean rise
A. 1.9412
B. 1.7412
D. 1.3412
A. eight points
B. two points
C. six points
A. 1.27 Hs and 1.67 Hs
B. 1.27 Hs and 1.87 Hs
D. 0.6 Hs and 1.67 Hs
A. ect the correct statemens.
B. ) is the difference between displacement load and displacement light</strong>
D. is more than displacement tonnage
A. ect your answer based on the coding system given below
B. when the dock is empty with the ship of maximum tonnage
C. when the dock is empty
D. when the dock is dry and is under construction
B. 90 with the face of the dock
C. 45 with the face of the dock
D. 30 with the face of the dock
B. the length of design vessel + 10% clearance between adjacent vessels
C. the length of design vessel
D. twice the length of design vessel
B. i) compressive force on the gate will increase </strong>
C. ect the correct statements?
D. ) transverse stress due to water pressure on the gate will increase
A. Refuge dock
B. Wet dock
C. Dry dock
A. ect your answer based on the coding system given below?
B. dry docks, wet docks, floating docks, lift docks
C. wet docks, lift docks, marine railways, dry docks
D. marine railways, dry docks, floating docks, wet docks
A. ect your answer based on the coding system given below.
A. 1.5 L
B. 2.0 L
C. L
A. ) Higher Beaufort number indicates higher speed of wind,
B. i) Beaufort number for calm is smallest and for hurricane is highest </strong>
D. ect the correct statments.
B. freeboard
C. depth
D. beam
A. 16-May
C. 8-Mar
D. 16-Mar
A. 1.2 H to 1.25 H above the low water level
B. 1.2 H to 1.25 H above the mean sea level
D. 1.2 H to 1.25 H above the datum
B. Manoeuvring lane + 2 x Bank clearance lane
C. Manoeuvring lane + 2 x Bank clearance lane + ship clearance lane
D. 2 x Manoeuvring lane + 2 x Bank clearance lane
A. ) Slip is the space of water area between two adjacent piers where ships are berthed,
B. ect the correct statements?
D. i) Pier head is a structure constructed near the tip of a break water near the harbour entrance.</strong></span>
A. sea walls, bulk heads and groynes
B. bulk heads, revetments and groynes
D. sea walls, revetments and groynes
B. moles
C. sea walls
D. revetments
A. stepped sea wall
B. vertical sea wall
D. sea wall with batter
A. 5 m
C. 2.5 m
D. 4 m
A. 8.169 m
B. 2.073 m
C. 6.8 m
A. one fourth highest waves
C. one tenth highest waves
D. one fifth highest waves
A. 50 m
B. 1.5 B or 50 m
C. 1.5 B
A. requires less material
B. requires low maintenance cost
D. requires skilled labour
B. cables
C. anchors
D. buoys
A. Fetch
C. Surf
D. Swell
A. 1.5 VF
B. 3.4 VF
D. re F is the fetch in km
E. 0.5 VF
Showing 1 to 35 of 35 mcqs