fascism Mcqs
1. One of the major factors which contributed to rise of Fascism in Italy was: _________?
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A. Great gains made by Italy after World War

B. Growing power of Germany

C. Resentment against small gains made by Italy as a result of World War I

D. Love for democratic system of government

2. In the economic field the Fasists wanted:
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A. To establish trade monopolies

B. To encourage trade unionism

C. The state to control activities

D. To encourage lock outs and strikes

3. According to Fascists: ______________?
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A. War is necessary evil

B. War should be condemned

C. War is a curse on society

D. War is health of society

E. War is an evil and should be brushed aside

4. According to Fascists the state is: __________?
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A. A class structure

B. An instrument of exploitation

C. An embodiment of justice and virtue

D. Superfluous

5. Fascists were in favour of giving authority to state:
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A. In the economic sphere alone

B. In the political sphere alone

C. In the political as well as economic spheres

D. In social economic, political moral, religious spheres etc
6. Fascism resembles Communism (Marxism) in so far it stands for: ____________?
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A. The doctrine determinism

B. Internationalism

C. Retention of private property

D. A totalitarian state
7. The Fascists considered:
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A. State as more important than individual

B. The reconeiliation of interest of the individual and state as essential

C. Individual as more important than state

D. The King as more important than state
8. The Fascists believe that: __________?
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A. Liberty should be guaranteed as fundamental right

B. Individual liberty must be preserved

C. Liberty is dead carcass

D. Liberty is a natural right

9. Fascists wish to establish the leadership of __________?
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A. Proletariat

B. Working classes

C. Middle classes

D. Church

E. One leader
10. Fascism believed in: ___________?
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A. Socialism

B. Peaceful changes

C. Dignity of individual

D. Force
11. Fascism originated as: _______________?
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A. A programme of action

B. A philosophy

C. Both a philosophy and programme

D. None of the above things

12. The main objective of the Fascists in Italy was to transform Italy into: ____________?
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A. A great power

B. A socialist state

C. None of the above

D. A laissez faire state

13. Which one of the following was not main aim of political party according to Fascists?
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A. It should propagate aim of the party

B. It should glorify leader

C. It should glorify state

D. It should help in selection of bureaucrats

E. It should develop patriotism

14. In the political field the Fascists wanted to have: ____________?
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A. Single party system

B. Bi-party system

C. None of These

D. Multi-party system
15. Fascists and Communists differ from each other about their views about:
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A. Dictatorship of working classes

B. Love for educated class

C. Love for their religion

D. None of These

16. In the economic sphere Fascism stood for: ____________?
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A. Free trade and competition

B. None of the above

C. State regulation of all economic activities

D. Regulation of industries by workers

17. Which one of the followings was supreme according to the Fascists?
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A. The elected Parliament

B. The people

C. The leaders

D. The nation
18. Fascism developed very rapidly in: _________?
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A. Italy

B. Japan

C. U.S.S.R.

D. France

E. Germany

19. Fascist movement first of all developed in: _________?
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A. Germany


C. England


E. Italy
20. Which one of the defects of Fascism given below has been wrongly listed?
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A. Fascism glorifies war and violence

B. Fascism lay too much emphasis on peace and moral transformation

C. Fascism, insists on cooperation between two classes to increase national production

D. Fascism restricts individual freedom and curbs human personality

21. According to Fascists the state:
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A. Is one of the associations

B. Is collection of individuals

C. Represents the mind of the society

D. Is association of associations

22. The Fascist Philosophy helped in: _________?
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A. Communist rising in U.S.S.R.

B. Unification of Germany

C. Parliamentary reforms in England

D. Unification of Italy
23. Fascism believed in leadership of: ____________?
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A. Working classes

B. Middle classes

C. One man

D. Political elites

24. According to Fascists War:
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A. Will perish a nation

B. Was needed for international relations

C. Should be condemned

D. Was necessary for health of nation
25. Fascism was: ________________?
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A. Silent about right to private property

B. In favour of right to property subject to the condition that it does not came into clash with the national interests

C. In favour of absolute right to private property

D. Opposed to private property

26. Which one of the following is a feature of Fascism?
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A. Imperialism

B. Individualism

C. Internationalism

D. Socialism

27. Fascism held faith in: _______________?
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A. Elimination of racial discrimination

B. Grant of freedom to all colonial people who were politically fit to assume respobsibility for self governiment

C. International peace and order

D. War and imperialism</strong>

28. Fascists were the supporters of: ___________?
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A. Anarchism

B. Individualism

C. Totalitarianism

D. Syndicalism

E. Guild Socialism

29. Fascists state is: ________________?
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A. A Socialist state

B. Lasisez faire state

C. A classless state

D. A corporative state
30. Fascism is critised on account of their views about:
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A. Love for human rights

B. Love for religion

C. Anti-democratic views

D. Non-violence

31. The Fascists believe that all changes can be brought by: ___________?
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A. Peaceful means need to bring changes

B. Changes will come of their own

C. Peaceful means

D. Violent means
32. The term fascism is derived from the world facio which means: _____________?
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A. A bundle of rods

B. A bundle of sticks

C. A bundle of brooms

D. None of the above

33. According to the Fascists leader:
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A. Should be feared by the people

B. Has very little place in the development of nation

C. Should be one who is loved by his people

D. Should be feared
35. In which of the following way communists and Fascists have similar views?
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A. Both aim at abolition of capitalism

B. Both aim at abolition of state

C. Both agree on theory of class struggle

D. Both have faith in totalitarianism
36. Fascism was in favour of: _____________?
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A. Function representation

B. Individual liberty

C. representation of minorities

D. Territorial reporsentation

37. Pick out which one of the following is not true about Fascism:
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A. They favoured the idea of one party

B. They favoured war

C. They supported the idea of one leadership

D. They favoured violence

E. They favoured majority rule

38. The Fascists believe that:
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A. All races have proud culture

B. There is no cultural inequality

C. Their culture is superior as compared with other cultures

D. There should be no distinction on cultural basis

39. Which one of the following points is not common to Marxism (Communism) and Fascism?
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A. Supermacy of the leadership

B. Hatred for democracy

C. Opposition to individual freedom

D. Faith in the importance of religion
40. The Fascists believed that Bolshevism:
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A. Wasted time in dogmas

B. Was necessary for development of national feelings

C. Should be supported

D. Was supportive of Fasciam

41. Which one of the following is not an element of Fascism?
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A. It is negation of democracy

B. It is opposed to theory of class struggle

C. It is opposed to capitalism

D. It is negation of socialism

E. It is opposed to world peace

42. Which one of the following statements is in keeping with the programme of the Fascists?
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A. Existence of a strong opposition is essential far a good government

B. A state is the embodiment of class conflict

C. Capitalism is the best system which primates the good of all sections of society

D. A state must expand or period
43. Fascists believe that for advancement there should be: _________?
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A. Difference between theory and action

B. A good theory

C. Theory first and action later on

D. Action first and theory later
44. Which one of the following arrangements was favoured by the Fascists?
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A. A combination of good features of all the above systems

B. Guild Socialism

C. Socialism

D. Corporativism
45. Which one of the following is not true about Fascism?
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A. They had faith in hierarchy

B. Ther are the believers of law and order

C. They preferred liberty over discipline

D. They stood for material efficiency

E. They are opposed to individual liberty

46. The Fascists were opposed to democracy on account of various reasons. Which one of the following reasons has been wrongly listed?
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A. Because majority consists of fools

B. Because they felt that the masses were not competent to govern themselves

C. Because they believed in human inequality

D. Because they did not believe in the inherent worth of man

47. The Fascists believe:
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A. The democratic institutions serve the best interests of the masses

B. That democratic system will gradually whither away

C. That democratic institutions should be strengthened

D. That democracy is a farce

E. That deomocracy could be easily practised

48. Fascism believed in: __________?
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A. Personal dictatorship of one man

B. Rule of elites

C. Majority rule

D. Rule of law

49. The Fascists regarded:
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A. The nation as superior to the individual

B. views on relationship between the individual and the nation

C. The individual and nation as supreme within their allotted spheres

D. The individual as superior to nation

50. Which one of the following is not an element of Fascism?
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A. It believes in totalitarianism

B. It believes in supremacy of state

C. It believes in authoritarianism

D. None of the above

E. It is against imperialism