A. none of the mentioned
C. design-based analysis
D. tangible entities
A. data store
B. data flow
D. control specification
A. reconfigure()
B. powerSave()
D. restart()
B. Subsystem model
C. Dynamic model
D. Both Sequence and Dynamic model
E. w Answer
A. Sequence model
C. Subsystem model
D. Dynamic model
A. Powersave
B. Reconfigure
D. Shutdown
A. signalStatus()
C. reconfigure()
D. remoteControl()
B. interaction model
C. environmental model
D. both system context and interaction
A. Designing system architecture
C. Developing design models
D. Specifying interfaces
A. system context model
A. Sequence diagram
B. Activity diagram
C. Object diagram
A. An interface
B. None of the mentioned
C. An activity
A. ER diagram
B. State transition diagram
C. None of the mentioned
A. Grouping things
B. Structural things
C. Behavioral things
A. None of the mentioned
B. Condition
D. Repetition
A. Product Restrictions Document
C. Project Requirement Document
A. Version Verification
C. Verified Version
D. Version Validation
A. Relationships
B. Diagrams
C. Things
A. attribute
B. instance
C. object
A. Alpha Test
B. Beta Test
C. Smoke Test
A. program in Java, but not in C++ or Smalltalk
C. define an API for all classes
D. define executable logic to reuse across classes
A. cardinality
B. entity
D. structured analysis
A. Structure enforcement
B. Overall simplicity
C. Maintainability
A. condition
C. do while tests
D. if then-else
A. Communicates through its interfaces only
B. Implements some functionality
D. Has explicit dependencies through provides and required interfaces
B. users model
C. mental image
D. system image
A. ER-diagram
B. Component diagram
D. Node diagram
A. Actor
C. Use Case
D. Relationship
B. Behavioral things
C. Annotational things
A. Decision tables
B. Boundary value testing
C. Boundary value testing AND Equivalence class partitioning
A. Testing never ends
B. When some coverage is reached
C. When resources (time and budget) are over
A. Include
C. Generalization
D. Extend
B. workflow diagram
C. data flow diagram
D. state transition diagram
A. eight
B. seven
D. six
B. Component-based software engineering
D. Reusability in general
A. Singleton Pattern
C. Abstraction-Occurrence Pattern
D. General Hierarchy Pattern
A. Activity Diagram + State Chart Diagram
D. Deployment Diagram + Collaboration Diagram
A. control specification diagram
B. data flow diagram
D. workflow diagram
A. Regression Testing
B. Unit Testing
C. Acceptance Testing
B. Class
C. Collaboration
D. Activity
A. State chart
B. Collaboration
A. Annotational things
C. Structural things
D. Grouping things
B. Object
C. Interface
A. Control Structure Coverage
B. All Statements Coverage
D. All Paths Coverage
A. Define rules by indicating what action(s) occurs for a set of conditions
B. List all conditions during execution of the procedure
D. List all actions that can be associated with a specific procedure
B. describing the customer complaints
C. establishing a basis for the creation of a software design
D. defining a set of requirements that can be validated once the software is built
B. Structural
C. Abstract Factory
D. Behavioral
A. Test Suite
B. Test document
C. Test plan
A. moving this knowledge out of the framework
B. instantiating the application specific documents without knowing their class
D. encapsulating the knowledge of which document subclass to is to be created and
B. mental image
C. interface design
D. interface validation
Showing 1 to 50 of 79 mcqs