A. Independence of judiciary
B. Right to private property
D. Political liberty
B. It should defend people from foreign invasions
C. It should protect private property
D. It should maintain law and order
E. It should ensure justice
B. Lenin
C. Rousseau
D. Locke
E. St. Thomas Acquinas
B. To maintain good postal system
C. Spread of education
D. To open employment exchanges
E. Provide scholoarships for brilliant students
A. It is socialism
C. It is totalitarianism
D. It is democracy
E. It is individualism
B. Taxing only the industrialists
C. Principle of equal taxation
D. No taxation
A. The state authority is not being misused
B. The state is using its position in favour of workers
C. State is using its position in favour of consumers
E. The state is using its authority for collective welfare
A. Hitler
B. Bosanquet
D. T.H. Green
A. None of the above
B. Welfare Theory
D. Socialist Theory
A. Burgess
B. Gettell
C. Garner
E. Rousseau
A. A police state
B. A welfare state
D. A totalitarian state
E. A totalitarian state
A. It means obeying the orders of the state
C. It means obeying the commands of the Pope
D. It means doing what one wants to do
B. The middle classes
C. Intellectuals
D. The poor people
B. Is irreligious
C. Is anti-religious
D. Declares all religions as state religions
A. Leaving the individual completely free
B. Raising the living standard of the poor and down-trodden
D. Assigning only police functions to state
A. Improving the lot of the weaker sections
B. The welfare of the ruling class
C. Controlling all the means of production and distribution
A. Controlled
B. Uncontrolled
C. Unlimited
B. A servant of people
C. A master of people
D. None of the above
A. An elitist ideology
B. Democratic ideology
D. An aristocratic ideology
A. Be given maximum powers
B. Perform maximum optional functions
D. Have maximum interference in individual affairs
A. T.H. Green
C. Karl Marx
D. Lenin
B. The individual and the state are opposed to each other
C. The individual exists for sake of the state
D. The state exists for the sake of the individual
A. Anarchist principle
B. Aristocratic principles
D. Marxist principle
A. State is given by the society to perform
C. State compulsorily takes upon itself
D. State is forced to take upon itself
B. State should bother about removing hindrances
C. Nothing should be left to the individual
D. Individual is not the best judge of his interests
A. Given minimum functions to state
C. Given only welfare functions to state
D. Have given individuals right to revolt against the state
A. Hobbes
B. Locke
C. Marx
A. Capitalists
B. Priests
C. Bureaucrats
A. Mosaca
C. August Comte
A. Each law promotes individual liberty
B. There is no relationship between law and liberty
D. Law is the first condition of liberty
A. Anarchist theory
B. Socialistic theory
D. Divine theory
B. Utilitarianists
C. Idealism
D. The socialists
A. Multi-nationals
B. Non-interference in the economic activities
C. Free competition
A. A law-making agency
B. A welfare agency
C. A means of revolution
A. Locke
B. Laski
D. Rousseau
B. Bentham
C. Kroptikan
D. Marx
A. U.S.A.
B. China
C. Britain
B. Putting of restrictions on the sale of intoxicating drugs
C. Protecting of citizens from foreign aggressions
D. Protection of an particular class of citizens
E. Restrictions on economic activities
A. Has remained as it was
B. Has altogether come to an end
D. Has consiiderably widened
A. Disruption of consumption system
B. Slow land reform system
D. Sovereign will of the people
B. State is unnecessary evil
C. State is a necessary evil
D. State is march of God on earth
A. Only walfare functions
B. Only protective functions
D. Either protective or welfare function
B. Herbert Spencer
D. Adam Smith
A. Stateless society
B. Police state
D. Totalitarian state
A. The Socialists
B. The Monistic
C. The Dualists
A. The Parliament was the best judge of individuals Interests
B. The king was the best judge of peoples interests
D. The state was the best judge of mans interest functions of state
B. G.D.H. Cole
C. T.H.Green
D. H.J.Laski
A. The Divine Origin Theory
B. Historical Theory
C. The Anarchists
A. Herbert Spencer
A. Lenin
B. Stalin
C. Chou-En Lai
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