population and development Mcqs
3. The Essay on the Principle of Population was written by ?
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A. The World Bank

B. Julian Simon

C. Abraham Lincoin

D. Thomas Robert Malthus
4. The density of population in Baluchistan is ?
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A. 28 per sq. Km

B. 59 per sq. Km

C. 18 per sq. Km

D. 39 per sq. Km

5. The fifth Census was held in ?
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A. 1998

B. 2000

C. 1988

D. 1978

10. The density of population in Sindh is ?
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A. 239 per sq. Km

B. 212 per sq. Km

C. 270 per sq. Km

D. 305 per sq. Km

13. What was the crude birth rate of 1998 ?
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A. 30.5 per 1000

B. 32.5 per 1000

C. 35.4 per 1000

D. 31.8 per 1000

17. The density of population in K.P.K is ?
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A. 291 per sq. Km

B. 270 per sq. Km

C. 196 per sq. Km

D. 235 per sq. Km
19. The second major profession in Pakistan is ?
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A. Civil Service

B. Industry

C. Agriculture

D. Trade

22. The density of population in Punjab is ?
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A. 211 per sq. Km

B. 270 per sq. Km

C. 305 per sq. Km

D. 353 per sq. Km
23. The development of high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of wheat and rice is known as ?
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A. the agribusiness revolution

B. Agri-R&D

C. the Green Revolution

D. farming system theory

28. What was the crude death rate of 1998 ?
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A. 9.8 per 1000

B. 8.6 per 1000

C. 5.6 per 1000

D. 6.4 per 1000

29. The total fertility rate (TFR) is ?
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A. The number of woman age 15-45 in a country divided by total population

B. The number of children born to the average woman during her reproductive years.

C. The number of births in a country divided by total population in a given year.

D. The total number of children born in a country in given year a divided by labor force

30. Simons model is consistent with ?
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A. low fertility and mortality

B. a constant returns to scale production function

C. population self-sufficiency and constant economic growth

D. a laissez-faire population policy
31. Which of the following is NOT true about children in a peasant society ?
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A. Boys as young as 8 years old tend or herd animals, weed pick and sell produce

B. Major financial security is usually provided by sons

C. The cost of education entertainment and travel is low

D. Children place more economic demands on a peasant family than an urban family
33. Economics in India Pakistan the Philippines and Mexico argue the foodgrain growth would not have kept up with population growth in the last four decades without ?
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A. improved packages of high-yielding seed varieties

B. better extension service

C. fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation


35. The present death rate per thousand in Pakistan in ?
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A. 7.1 persons

B. 13 persons

C. 14 persons

D. 11 persons

38. What is the density of population in Pakistan according to census of 1998 ?
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A. 150 persons per square KM

B. 185 persons per square KM

C. 158 persons per square KM

D. 164 persons per square KM
40. The largest spoken language in Pakistan is ?
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A. Sindhi

B. Pushto

C. Urdu

D. Panjabi
42. Which of the following is not an example of a global public good ?
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A. Polio and small-pox vaccinations.

B. the campaign against river blindness

C. high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of grains

D. the drilling of oil in the Arctic

44. Census is held in Pakistan after every?
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A. Twenty-five years

B. Twenty years

C. Ten years

D. Fifteen years

46. The population pf Pakistan according to 1998 Census is ?
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A. 145.4 million

B. 151.0 million

C. 142.5 million

D. 148.5 million

47. The death rate of infant rate per thousand in Pakistan is ?
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A. 120 infant

B. 100 infant

C. 70 infant

D. 60 infant

48. How much of the total potential labour force is unemployed ?
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A. 2.82 million

B. 2.42 million

C. 2.65 million

D. 2.76 million