A. Perjury
B. Cheating
C. None of these
A. 498B
D. 498A
A. Daman for teeth
B. None of these
C. Diyat for teeth
A. A commits theft U/S 378, P.P.C.
D. A commits theft U/S 381, P.P.C.
A. Three years, if the isqat-i-haml is caused with consent of the women
B. Ten years if the isqat-i-is caused with out consent of the women
D. None of these
A. 425 to 430
D. 430 to 438
A. R
C. Q
A. Intercourse with animal
B. Intercourse with a woman through proper way
A. None of these
B. Hashimah
D. Mudiah
A. Five years as provided in section 406 P.P.C.
D. Three years as provided in section 406 P.P.C.
B. None of above
D. An instrument which measures gas recovered from well
B. Shajjah-i-Hashimah
C. Shajjah-i-khafifah
B. 5
C. 7
B. 489D P.P.C.
D. 489C P.P.C.
D. Shajjah-i-khafifah
A. 496D
B. 496B
A. Ghayr Jaifah
B. Jurah
B. Zina
D. Unnatural offence
B. Possession of theft property
D. Dishonestly sale of property
A. Imprisonment of seven years
B. Imprisonment of five years
A. Two or more persons
B. Seven or more persons
A. Imprisonment for six month
C. Imprisonment for one year
B. Kidnapping from lawful guardian
C. Both (a) and (b)
B. Ransom
D. Extorting property
A. Confinement
B. High treason
A. None of above
D. Imprisonment for either description a term which may extend to three years
A. Single form
D. Trice
C. Itlaf-i-udw
D. Shajjah
C. 462-D
D. 462-E
B. Wrongfully restraint that person
C. Illegal detention of that person
B. Victim
D. Government
A. With imprisonment for five years
B. With imprisonment for two years
A. 462-D
D. 462-C
B. Five years
C. Three years
B. 9
D. 8
B. With imprisonment for fourteen years
D. With imprisonment for ten years
A. None of the above
C. Kidnapping and abducting women to extort property
C. Counterfeiting of public notes
D. Counterfeiting of any document
C. None of above
D. Using of public records fraudulently
A. Shajjah-i-ammah
B. Shajjah-i-hashimah
A. Section 341, P.P.C.
C. Section 343, P.P.C.
A. Isqat-i-Janin
D. Non of (a) and (b)
B. Imprisonment for life
A. Dacoity
D. None of above
B. 280
C. 566
D. 268
A. Ten years as tazir
C. Twenty five years as tazir
D. Making of false evidence
C. 337M
D. 337L
A. 3
B. 4
C. Cheating and fraud
D. Cheating by personation
Showing 1 to 50 of 270 mcqs