sociology Mcqs
1451. According to Sassan which of these is NOT a necessary trait of a global city ?
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A. they are the key locations for financial and specialized service firms

B. they are visited by large numbers of tourists from across the world

C. they are markets for the exchange of the products of financial service

D. they are centers of direction and policy-making for the global economy

1452. Occupational gender segregation is used to explain ?
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A. the allocation of men and women to different types of job

B. women increasing labor market participation

C. relations between men and women in the workplace

D. the belief that women control the private sphere

1453. Arnett proposed an interesting distinction of types of socialization_______________?
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A. None of these

B. broad and narrow

C. old and new

D. high and low

1454. Functionalists argue that even though ethnic conflict is dysfunctional it my still serve some important functions in society Which of the following is NOT one of those important functions ?
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A. A multiplicity of conflicts between large numbers of differing groups within a society may be conducive to a democratic as opposed to a totalitarian society

B. Conflict may function as a safety valve for society by enabling hostilities to be channelled toward permissible targets known as permissible targets known as scapegoats

C. Conflict promotes group formation and cohesion

D. Conflict attributable to ethnic stratification problems may reach an unacceptable frequency and intensity
1455. The theoretical perspective that views social life as similar to performances staged in a theater is called_______________?
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A. the dramaturgical approach

B. the Thomas theorem

C. the looking -glass self

D. impression management

1456. According to Steve Bruce (1996) which of the following was a factor in generating strong religious commitment in the USA as compared to Europe ?
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A. a non-established church

B. a variety of new religious movements

C. an evangelical strand of Christianity

D. late and very rapid industrialization
1457. Isabelle was___________?
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A. a child whose language skills were of genius calibre

B. kept in almost total seclusion for the first six years of her life

C. reared in an interracial family

D. subjected to mistreatment in a mental institution

1459. Which statement below most accurately describes the global unemployment rate ?
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A. the unemployment rate remains historically high

B. the unemployment rate remains historically low

C. the unemployment rate in not known

D. the unemployment rate has decreased significantly since the 1970s

1460. Symbolic interactionists ?
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A. none of the above

B. view sickness as a condition to which we attach socially devised meanings

C. are not interested in how the medical profession defines certain conditions as diseases

D. refer to the rising geriatric prisoner population in need of medical treatment as the medicalization of deviance

1463. Which equation can be used to represent pluralism ?
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A. A+B+C=A+B+C

B. A+B+C=D

C. A+B+C=A+B+D

D. A+B+C=A

1464. Sociologists believe that_______________?
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A. None of these

B. Biology being the major constraints does not allow any change in human nature hence socialization does not change much of human individual nature

C. The nature-nurture controversy has ended in favor of nurture and the bio-sociologists have failed to promote their thesis

D. Individual is the product of social group within which he is socialized
1465. The Green revolution resulted in 1970s in the establishment of____________?
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A. Medium

B. Light engineering industry

C. None of these

D. Heavy industry

1466. When a status may have many roles to play It is known as______________?
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A. Role sets

B. Role playing

C. None of these

D. Role adjustment

1467. Role-learning theory suggests that______________?
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A. we create and negotiate our roles through interaction with others

B. roles have to be learned to suppress unconscious motivations

C. we internalize and take on social roles from a pre-existing framework

D. social roles are not fixed or stable but fluid and pluralistic

1468. The iron law of oligarchy refers to_____________?
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A. the legal system of the former communist countries

B. regimes that use repression against their population

C. the tendency for power inevitably to flow towards top

D. the exclusion of women from the highest levels of politics

1470. In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had ?
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A. relatively open class systems

B. extensive social mobility

C. a much more rigid division of labor by gender

D. all of the above

1473. Some of hallmarks of socio-economic change in Pakistan can be enlisted as such_____________?
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A. Urbanization and Islamization of Zia ere

B. All of the above

C. Green Revolution

D. Migration after Independence

1474. Ascribed status as the name explains is one______________?
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A. Achieved through effort

B. Ascribed to use by society

C. Both a and b

D. None of these

1475. Among which occupational group are infant mortality rates the lowest____________?
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A. skilled non-manual

B. professional

C. managerial and technical

D. skilled manual

1476. Why do sociologists use the category race ?
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A. it denotes something fixed and unchanging

B. it enables comparisons between groups in different countries

C. it is social category which has real effects on peoples lives

D. it distinguishes between biological and social factors

1477. Urban recycling is shorthand for______________?
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A. encouraging existing residents to move out of an area

B. the refurbishment or replacement of old buildings and land

C. introducing local environmental strategies to an area

D. providing incentives for urban dwellers to use public transport

1479. The importance of socialization has been drawn upon few cases of children who were through neglect____________?
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A. Were over socialized

B. None of these

C. Not socialized by adults while they were growing

D. Were given extremely protected environment

1480. Urbanization in preindustrial cities was restricted by___________?
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A. the high levels of surplus produced by the agricultural sector

B. the ease of migration to the city

C. reliance on animal power as a source of energy

D. all of the above

1481. Bourdieu attributed the reproduction of class to______________?
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A. cults of the capital

B. capital culture

C. culpable capture

D. cultural capital
1484. Social occasions in which individuals act out formal roles are called___________?
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A. social regions

B. back regions

C. front regions

D. public regions

1485. A decline in which of the following does Putnam link to the spread of television ?
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A. cultural capital

B. rational through

C. political awareness

D. social capital
1487. Which of the following does NOT account for the rise in the cost of health care ?
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A. Classical rules that govern marketplace exchanges have been applied to the health care industry for decades

B. Labor costs have risen sharply

C. The concept of health has been expanded to include mental and psychological difficulties and condition such as infertility

D. The continual upgrading in the scope and intensity of medical services is costly

1488. There are some important gender inequalities in paid employment and the chapter identifies three of these Which one of the following is not one of the three ?
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A. womens concentration in part-time jobs

B. the wage gap in favor of men

C. the division of household labor

D. occupational segregation

1490. The socializer is also called socializing agent and socialize is also called_______________?
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A. novice

B. principal

C. None of these

D. object of socializing process

1492. How does racial and ethnic stratification differ from other forms of stratification ?
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A. Racial and ethnic groups often have the potential for carving out their own independent nations from the existing state

B. Racial and ethnic stratification is harder to eliminate than are other forms of stratification

C. All other forms of stratification grow out of racial and ethnic stratification

D. All of the above

1494. The coexistence of diverse groups is called_______________?
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A. continued subjugation

B. gatekeeping

C. pluralism

D. assimilation

1495. Which Black person wrote the acclaimed novel Invisible Man ?
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A. Malcolm X

B. James Baldwin

C. Alice Walker

D. Ralph Ellison

1498. Secularization involves the two related ideas of__________________?
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A. disbelief and disintegration

B. distribution and distillation

C. disengagement and disenchantment

D. disappointment and disproportion

1500. Weber,s famous study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904/5) was part of a larger project to study what ?
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A. how salvation beliefs have shaped the modern world economy

B. Christianity,s influence in the West

C. the impact of capitalism on the world religions

D. the influence of the world religions on social development