sociology Mcqs
1353. New age movements are an example of which type of religious movement ?
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A. world-accommodating

B. world-affirming

C. world-rejecting

D. world-enhancing

1354. Which of the following is NOT a function of education ?
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A. social integration

B. completing socialization

C. procreation

D. research and development

1356. Supporters of sustainable development are arguing for________________?
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A. growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution

B. more resources to be directed towards economic growth

C. more resources to be put into Third World development

D. fewer resources to be directed towards economic growth

1357. The purpose of a reference group is to serve a(n) ?
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A. normative function by enforcing standards of conduct and belief

B. comparison function by serving as a standard against which people can measure themselves and other

C. elimination function by dissolving groups that no longer have a social purpose

D. both a and b
1362. Princess is an _______ status?
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A. Ascribed

B. Achieved

C. both a and b

D. None of these

1363. With the exit of the Hindus and Sikhs Pakistan became a_____________?
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A. Multi-lingual state

B. None of these

C. Multi-ethnic state

D. Uni-religious state
1364. Which of these is not a feature of an ideal type bureaucracy according to Weber ?
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A. a clear-cut hierarchy of authority

B. written rules governing conduct

C. co-ownership among all workers of the material resource with which they operate

D. fixed salaries associated with each role

1366. Theories of racialized discourse suggest that________________?
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A. people choose their racial identity, and this becomes fixed

B. the idea of race is socially constructed through powerful ideologies

C. race relations in Britain and America can be traced back to colonial times

D. race is an objective way of categorizing people on biological grounds

1367. Which one of these statements is NOT a definition of the knowledge economy ?
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A. the economy is dominated by the constant flow of information and opinions

B. investment in public education and software development is more significant

C. this is a phase of development beyond industrialism

D. much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods
1369. Which of these key early figures in sociology had an interest in issues of labor and the economy ?
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A. Karl Marx

B. All three of them

C. Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim

D. Karl Marx and Max Weber

1370. Which of these bests describes Islamic revivalism in the contemporary world ?
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A. a growing belief in literal interpretations of sacred texts

B. traditional practices and modes of life have been revived but combined with concerns that relate specifically to modern times

C. traditional practices and modes of life have been revived without any reference to recent historical events involving external non-Islam countries

D. a uniquely political phenomenon associated with introducing Islamic principles into laws and government

1372. Which of these types of industrial conflict is the odd one out ?
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A. overtime ban

B. work to rule (working only ones contracted hours noting more or less)

C. sabotage

D. strike
1373. How has Grace Davie (1994) characterized the general religious position within Western Europe ?
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A. secularization against religion

B. religious pluralism with many gods

C. belonging without believing

D. believing without belonging
1377. Bowlbys maternal deprivation thesis claimed that_______________?
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A. children deprived of an early secure attachment to their mother are prone to suffer physically intellectually and socially in later life

B. deprivation is something children inherit usually through their mothers side

C. mothering is a socially constructed activity identified in the narratives of new mothers

D. mothers who are living in poverty cannot afford to give their children the resources that other children enjoy

1378. Ethnic identity refers to_____________?
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A. the fragmented and pluralistic nature of ethnicity

B. the imposition of a racial label on a minority by a powerful majority

C. the objective categories of ethnicity used in the census

D. a felt sense of group membership on the basis of religion language or history
1381. A persons overall position in society is called______________?
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A. status set

B. ascribed status

C. master status

D. achieved status

1382. Which one of these would not be regarded as a dysfunction of bureaucracy according to Merton ?
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A. adherence to the rules takes precedence over organizational goals

B. people know they should be guaranteed fair and consistent treatment

C. workers are not encouraged to be flexible in making decisions

D. the rules could be upheld at all cost even in the face of a better solution

1383. The teacher-expectancy effect is most closely associated with the_______________?
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A. interactionist perspective

B. anomie theory

C. functionalist perspective

D. conflict perspective

1384. Two basic types of economic systems distinguish contemporary industrial societies ?
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A. capitalism and communism

B. capitalism and socialism

C. socialism and communism

D. capitalism and dictatorships

1385. What concept does Durkheim use to explain how religious ceremonies generate social solidarity ?
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A. collective interaction

B. collective consciousness

C. collective effervescence

D. class consciousness

1386. The sociological perspective on race_______________?
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A. begins with the assumption that race is based on easily classified differences

B. considers race a social construct not an absolute

C. neither nor b

D. both a and b

1387. Judith Butler (1999) suggested that_______________?
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A. sexual characteristics are the biological determinants of gender

B. gender is performed through bodily gestures and styles to create sex

C. the tow-sex model replaced the one-sex model in the eighteenth century

D. heterosexuality and homosexuality are essential opposing identities

1388. Japanese emphasize on conformity in their culture This is an example of______________?
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A. Narrow Socialization

B. None of these

C. cultural impact

D. Broad Socialization

1389. Role and status are two aspects of same____________?
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A. None of these

B. Situation

C. Phenomenon

D. personality

1391. Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea ?
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A. all history is the history of class struggles

B. rationalization is bound to progress further in all spheres of life

C. modern societies are in transition towards a socialist model

D. the main dynamic of modern development is capitalist economics

1392. Urbanization Causes many Social problems as___________?
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A. Unemployment

B. All of the above

C. Poverty

D. Inflation

1393. What is education ?
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A. a social institution promoting the acquisition of skills and knowledge

B. a knowledge and understanding of societys high culture

C. the process of delivering relevant skills and knowledge

D. the skills and knowledge required for employment in a relevant field

1394. Which of the following is not part of a sociological definition of a minority group ?
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A. minority groups are always non-white

B. the minority group often experiences prejudice and discrimination

C. the minority group is disadvantaged compared to the more powerful and dominant group

D. the minority group has a strong sense of group solidarity

1396. Which term does John Thompson use to describe the sort of social relations created by the mass media ?
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A. face-to-face interaction

B. mediated interaction

C. mediated quasi interaction

D. mediated multiple -interaction

1397. Both the functionalist and conflict perspectives agree that ?
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A. if ethnic stratification continues in a society conflict will decrease as people are socialized into the stratification system

B. ethnic stratification will persist as long as it is in the best interests of those in power

C. conflicts will be particularly likely and severe if class and ethnic cleavages coincide

D. none of the above

1399. The most all-encompassing type of collective behavior is_____________?
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A. public opinion

B. crowds

C. social movements

D. rumors

1400. Which one of the following does Chodorow NOT argue is a consequence for boys and men of separating from their early attachment to their mother ?
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A. feeling their self-esteem threatened by the lack a close relationship

B. developing a detached and analytical approach to the world

C. learning that to be a man is to reject being like a woman

D. feeling endangered by close intimate emotional relationships