political science Mcqs
1652. A system under which a representative is required to work under instructions from his electorates is known as:
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A. System of secret ballot

B. Public voting system

C. Plural voting system

D. System of instructed representation

E. System of functional representation
1653. The Universal Adult feature of: _________?
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A. All systems

B. Democratic system

C. None of the above

D. Totalitarian system

1654. Woman franchise is pleaded because:
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A. Women can ably perform their duties

B. As weaker section of society they need protection

C. For women proper place is not the home but politics

D. Feminine qualities will develop among women

1656. One of the arguments advanced against Women Suffrage is:
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A. Their participation in the political life would lead to corruption

B. Women are ill-fitted to represent their own interests

C. Menfolk can represent the interests of women better

D. Women would lose many of their feminine qualities
1657. One of the basic features of interest groups is: __________?
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A. They are found only in communist countries

B. To promote interest of its members

C. To promote national interest

D. It has close alignment with politics

1658. The Limited vote Plan, which is a scheme for minority representation, entitles each voter to cast
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A. As many votes as there are candidates to be elected

B. Cast all his votes in favour of any single candidate

C. One vote less than the seats to be filled up

D. Only one vote

1660. One great advantage of proportional representation is that:
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A. It ends distinction between the majority and the minority

B. Minorities get proper representation

C. It can easily be practised in big countries

D. It is a simple system
1661. Equal wages for equal work for both the sexes is covered under:
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A. National equality

B. Religious equality

C. Political equality

D. Economic equality

E. Natural equality

1663. Which one of the followings does not fall under the freedom of press?
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A. Right to gather news

B. Right to print public news and views

C. Freedom not to publish any news, article, correspondence or other matter

D. None of the above
1664. Franchise means:
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A. Right to vote granted to men

B. Right to vote

C. Right to vote granted to women

D. Vote

1665. A trade union can be placed under the category of pressure group:
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A. Religion

B. Caste

C. Language

D. Special

E. Region

1666. One of the chief merits of second ballot system is:
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A. There is no scope for corruption

B. It gives satisfaction to people that they are being governed by a representative elected by absolute majority

C. Poor candidates are deterred from contesting the election

D. The political parties come to playa dominant role

1667. Which of the following is no a reasonable restriction on the freedom of speech?
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A. It should not defame the nation

B. It should not criticise the government bluntly

C. It should not instigate communal feelings

D. It should not disturb peace

1668. Womanhood franchise means equality in: ___________?
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A. Political sense

B. None of the above

C. Economic sense

D. Moral sense

E. Cultural sense

1669. There are two pillars of democracy viz. liberty and:
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A. Fraternity

B. None of the above

C. Law

D. Equality
1670. The officially recognised party of Soviet Union is known as: __________?
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A. The Revolutionary Party

B. The Bolshevik Party

C. The Communist Party

D. The Socialist Party

1672. Which one of the following is not a good method for removal of hindrance on the formation of good public opinion?
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A. Economic inequality may be wiped out

B. Illiteracy may be removed

C. Political activities should be encouraged

D. Press should be made free

E. Committed education should be encouraged
1673. Direct election means:
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A. The voters directly take part in the election of their representatives

B. People cannot authorise their

C. People assemble at one place and elect their representatives by voice

D. People can suggest the name of their representative on their own

1674. Under the List System each voter :
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A. Votes for the list as a whole

B. Can indicate candidates in the votes

C. Can prepare his own list from amongst the candidates

D. Can pick up candidates from various lists

1677. Of a good free press it is expected that it should:
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A. Focus attention on failures of the government

B. Lay more stress on national rather than international events

C. Give fair picture of national progress

D. None of the above

E. Draw attention only on the achievements of the government

1678. The political parties are generally formed on the basis of: __________?
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A. Common economic and political principles

B. Common interests

C. Common group interests

D. All the above

1679. Which one of the following is not the function of a good and free press?
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A. To help in the eradication of social evils

B. To promote cultural heritage

C. To encourgae communal disharmony

D. To give an idean of achievements of nation

E. To create healthy public opinion

1680. The pressure groups are:
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A. Political organisations

B. Moral organisations

C. Organisations of universal character

D. Economic organisation

1681. The importance of the press has increased in recent years due to: __________?
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A. Invention of printing machines

B. Introduction of quick means of transportation

C. Spread of education

D. Manufacture of paper in large quantity
1682. Under the List System the list of the contesting candidates is prepared by:
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A. The voters

B. Each political party

C. Mutual consent of the political parties contesting elections

D. The Election Commissioner

1683. Womanhood franchise is opposed because:
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A. Women are not good citizens of state

B. Female education is not politically motivated

C. Women are a strong section in every society

D. It is against basic concept of democracy

1687. Under the Hare Scheme every voter enjoys:
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A. As many votes as there are seas to be filled

B. One vote less than the number of seats to be filled up

C. One effective role

D. Only two votes

1688. In a single party system membership:
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A. Can be easily obtained

B. Importance of legislature considerably increases

C. Is open to all

D. Is given to only few trusted and dependable workers
1689. Law and public opinion:
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A. Are generally opposed to each other

B. Generally conform to each other

C. Law creates the public opinion

D. There is no relationship between the two

1690. Which one of the following does not fall under the purview of freedom of speech and expression?
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A. Freedom of publish ones ideas

B. None of the above

C. Freedom of circulation ones ideas

D. Freedom of propagation of ideas

1691. Which one of the following agencies exercises maximum influence on the formulation of public opinion:
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A. Religious institution

B. Press and radio

C. Trade associations

D. Educational institutions

1692. Educational institutions help in the formulation of public opinion by:
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A. By inculcating moral qualities

B. By cultivating habit of independent thinking and formulating correct opinion

C. Imparting education

D. By paying attention to the physical and mental development of students

1693. The main political parties in England are: _________?
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A. Liberal Socialists and Radical Socialists

B. Liberal and Communist

C. Conservative and Labour

D. Democratic and Republic

1694. Equality before law is possible:
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A. In a country with written constitution

B. In a society with democratic set up

C. In a unitary form of Government

D. In a presidential form of Government

E. In a federal form of Government

1696. One of the chief merits of functional representation is:
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A. It ensures equitable representation to the various professions

B. It encourages people to think in terms of their class interests

C. It promotes national unity

D. It secures representation to various interests and makes the parliament a truly representative body
1697. Which of the following is not an element of political party?
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A. Acommon religion

B. Fedility to certain common principles

C. None of these

D. A common programme

E. An organised group of persons

1698. In bi-party system chances are that:
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A. Cabinet might become dictator

B. Majority party might feel submissive and adjusting

C. There may be wider choice of candidates

D. Vested interests will not get promoted