political science Mcqs
1601. One of the outstanding characteristics of one-party system is that:
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A. Members have to abide by iron discipline of the party

B. Elections are free

C. The people can easily influence the political decisions

D. Large number of people can be admitted as its members
1602. One great advantage of political party is that:
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A. It unites the nation

B. It does not offer opportunity to demagogues

C. It does not promote vested interests

D. Helps in getting the grievances of the people redressed
1603. Which one of the following two types of equalities was emphasized by Barker?
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A. Social and economic

B. Legal and political

C. Legal and social

D. Political and economic

1604. In the constitution of Pakistan freedom of press exists because:
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A. The government are highly educated

B. The people are highly educated

C. It is implied in the right of expression

D. Propagate violence

E. Managements of the press are keen to have that

1605. In a democratic government, the importance of public opinion is wry great. Democracy becomes real only when there is strong and effective public opinion. Which one of the following statements is relevant regarding the meaning of public opinion?
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A. Public opinion is the reasoned and conscious opinion of the dominant action of community based on the ideal of general welfare and common-good

B. Public opinion is the opinion of all the people of the society

C. Public opinion is opposed to common good

D. Public opinion is necessarily majority opinion

1606. Limited Vote Plan is a scheme of: __________?
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A. Free and fair elections

B. Majority rule

C. Proportional representation

D. Minority representation
1607. Interest group means:
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A. A small group within a party which fights for the interests of members, of its own category

B. Any small group, which contests elections, with the sale objective of protecting Interestsof Its members

C. A group of people who with the help of money try to secure control overgovernment

D. A group of people with common objectives which tries to influence the
1609. The importance of pblic opinion for the successful working of democracy lies in the fact that:
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A. It shapes the policies of the government and exercises control over it

B. It ensures independence of judiciary

C. It works for the prosperity of the community

D. It protects the people

1610. Electorate means:
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A. The nominated members of parliament

B. The body of voters

C. The elected representatives of people

D. The candidates who actually contest the elections

1611. U.S.A. is known for: __________?
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A. No party system

B. Bi-party system

C. Single party system

D. Multi-party system

1612. Importance of free press all over the world has increased because:
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A. The Governments have now no means to restrict this freedom

B. The people are awakening everywhere

C. There is keen competition in the press industry

D. The Governments want to give it to the people

1613. Political parties are generally formed on the basis of: __________?
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A. Religious principles

B. Common interests

C. Caste

D. Economic and political principles
1614. One-party system means:
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A. None of the above things

B. There may be number of political parties but the government is formed by only one party viz., the party securing maximum of votes

C. There is one dominant party, while the other parties occupy an insignificant position

D. There is only one political party and no other political party is permitted to come into existence
1616. Which one of the following is not an important qualification of an enlightened voter?
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A. He should be a property owner

B. He should cast his vote judiciously

C. He should be politically awakened

D. He should not be swayed by consideration of caste and religion at the time of elections

E. He should be educated

1617. A Multi-member constituency is better than single-member constituency because
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A. It provides greater freedom to the people in selecting their representatives

B. It ensures more stable ministries

C. It encourages the growth of a number of political parties

D. It is easy for the poor man to contest elections

1618. The function of associational pressure groups is to: __________?
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A. Communicate the demands

B. Regulate the demands

C. Aggregate the demands

D. Articulate the demands
1619. Which of the following is not true about cumulative method?
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A. Its aim is to promote national unity

B. It aims at protecting the educated classes

C. In this there are always multimember constituencies

D. It aims at protecting minorities
1620. Communal representation pre-supposes the existence of: _________?
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A. A Joint electorate

B. Separate electorates

C. Reservation of seats

D. There can be both joint as well as separate electorates

1621. Which of the following is an essential element of public opinion?
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A. Views of the majority but not of all

B. Public issues

C. National thinking

D. Sense of common good
1622. One of the important agencies, which help in the formation of public opinion, is:
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A. None of the above

B. Communist system of government

C. Free mass media

D. Unicameral legislature

E. Single party dominant government

1623. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of political party system?
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A. Its members should have common programme

B. Its members should obey discipline

C. Its members should follow common line of action

D. Its members should keep party above nation
1624. Which one of the followjng has been wrongly listed as constituting equality?
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A. Provision of adequate opportunities for all

B. Provision of equal pay for all

C. Absence of distinctions based on class, caste, etc.

D. Absence of discrimination

1625. Which one of the following is true about economic equality. It means:
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A. Minimum basic needs of the rich

B. None of These

C. Possession of equal property by all

D. Minimum basic needs of all
1626. A totalitarian state has generally:
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A. No political parties

B. A bi-party system

C. A multi-party system

D. Single party system
1627. The hindrances in the way of formulation of sound public opinion are given below. Which one of them is not correct?
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A. Superstition and conservatism

B. Unscrupulous press

C. Educational institutions

D. Absence of civil liberties

1628. Political parties are:
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A. Not essential for democracy

B. Essential for democracy

C. Essential for totalitarian government

D. Not essential either for democracy or totalitarian government

1629. The Limited Vote Plan is defective in so far as it
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A. Provides representation to the majorities alone

B. Provides no representation to the minorities

C. Provides representation to small minorities alone

D. Provides representation to large minorities only
1631. Amongst the agencies of public opinion the press plays an inportant role. Press can be an effective agency of public opinion only if:
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A. It is free and impartial

B. It supports the cause of the weaker sections

C. It is highly critical of government policies

D. It is committed to the policies of the government

1634. One of the major defects of pressure groups is: _________?
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A. They interfere in the formulation of government policy

B. They exercise undue pressure on the government with the help of majority at their disposal

C. They try to promote the interests of their membes at the cost of the common people

D. They try to influence the public opinion

1635. What is the main objective of proportional representation system?
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A. It aims at giving representation to minorities

B. It aims at protecting the interests of women

C. Its aim is to protect the rights of various occupations

D. It aims at giving more opportunities to the voters to participate in governmental affairs

1636. Which one of the following is not a valid criticism against compulsory voting?
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A. It will reduce the importance of vote

B. Voting cannot be a matter of compulsion

C. It aims at forcing disinterested people to vote

D. It may result in the election of non-deserving persons

E. Vote cannot be national trust to be exercised by all compulsorily
1637. Joint electorate system means:
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A. Where people of all religions are allowed to vote together

B. Where voters belonging to all categories, castes and religion vote together

C. Where only women are allowed to vote together

D. Where men and women are allowed to vote together

1638. Which one of the following is true about freedom of speech in Pakistan?
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A. It has been provided in the constitution

B. None of the above

C. It has been forcibly obtained by the opposition

D. For it the people had to put in hard struggle

E. It has been given to the people by the President

1639. A sinle-member constituency means:
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A. A constituency from which a candidate is returned unopposed

B. None of the above

C. A constituency from which only one candidate contests the election

D. A constituency from which a number of candidates may contest but only one member is elected
1640. England is known for: _______?
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A. Single party system

B. Bi-party system

C. Multi-party system

D. No party system

1641. The Universal Adult Franchise is a indication of the principle of the:
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A. Political sovereignty

B. Popular sovereignty

C. National sovereignty

D. Legal sovereignty

1642. The system of adult franchise is keeping with the concept of:
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A. Popular sovereignty

B. Legal sovereignty

C. De-Jure sovereignty

D. Titular sovereignty

1643. Equality in the positive sense means:
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A. Equal health facilities

B. Following the same religion

C. Following the same political ideology

D. Equality before law

E. Equal opportunity to get higher education
1644. The Pressure groups try to achieve their objectives through:
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A. Agitational methods

B. All the above methods

C. Persuasive methods

D. Violent methods

1645. On which of the following ground freedom of speech in a parliamentary democracy can reasonably be restricted?
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A. When foreign governments do not like criticism

B. When the right endangers well established social norms

C. When people begin to vehemently criticise the government

D. When the majority does not want driticism

E. When the right endangers well established social norms
1646. Constituency means:
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A. The areas of the country as defined in the constitution

B. None of the above things

C. The division of the country into electoral areas for the purpose of conducting the elections

D. A law according to which the territory is divided into a sumber of units for the purpose of elections

1648. Legislature helps in the formation of public opinion because:
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A. It consists of elected representatives of the people

B. It practically controls the executive

C. It has the respobsibility of enacting laws

D. It focuses attention on issues public importance

E. It is an important organ of government

1649. In the List System of voting, the voter indicates his:
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A. Choice for a political party

B. Choice for a candidate

C. Like or dislike for the ruling party

D. Preferential order among the candidates

1650. The terms press includes:
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A. Weekly and monthly periodicals only

B. Newspapers, weeklies, monthlies and other published material

C. None of the above

D. Newspapers only