political science Mcqs
1701. Communal Representation means:
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A. Representation on the basis of ideology

B. Representation on the basis of cast

C. Representation on the basis of religion

D. Representation on the basis of profession

1702. Under the List system each voter enjoys:
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A. Two votes

B. One vote less than total number of seats to be filled up

C. Only one vote

D. As many votes as there are seats to be filled up
1703. Proportional representation primarily aims at giving representation to:
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A. Linguistic majority

B. Caste majority

C. Minorities in societies

D. Religious minority

1705. A by-election is an election, which is held:
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A. When desired by the head of the state

B. To fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of a Minister

C. Each year to fill vacant vacancies

D. Along with general elections

E. To fill a vacancy after general elections are over
1707. When in the election process voters themselves elect their representatives the system is known as:
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A. Representative democracy:

B. Direct elections

C. Adult franchise

D. Direct democracy

1708. The legislature in a democratic country can influence public opinion by:
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A. By granting rights

B. Enacting laws

C. By prescribing the duties of citizens

D. By focusing public attention on various problems facing the country during the course of parliamentary debates
1709. Which one of the following is true about social equality?
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A. It means equal opportunities to travel abroad

B. It means equal property

C. It means equal right to vote

D. It means elimination of caste distinction
1710. In Pakistan elections are organized by:
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A. The Parliament

B. The Election Commission

C. The Prime Minister of Pakistan

D. The President of Pakistan

E. The Supereme Court of Pakistan

1711. The grant of franchise to women on equal terms with men is assertion of the principle of:
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A. Natural Equality

B. Social Equality

C. Civil Equality

D. Political Equality
1712. Who described political parties as power behind the throne?
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A. MacIver

B. Lord Bryce

C. Burke

D. Herman Finer
1713. Women suffrage means:
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A. Right to vote granted to those women who have undergone political suffering

B. Right to vote granted to graduate women

C. Right to vote granted to adult married women

D. Right to vote granted to all adult married women
1714. Who of the following is usually denied freedom of speech?
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A. Skilled technocrats

B. Peasants and agriculturists

C. Unemployed youth

D. The working labourers

E. People of the armed forces
1715. Which of the following is not true about pressure group?
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A. Its objects are limited

B. Its membership is limited

C. It can use both constitutional and unconstitutional means

D. It can be organised

E. It tries to capture political power
1717. One of the chief merits of single member constituencies is: _______?
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A. People have a very limited choice in the selection of their representatives

B. Minority may get over representation

C. Local interests are given precedence over national interests

D. Intimate relationship is possible between the electors and the representative
1719. It is usually believed about freedom of speech that:
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A. It should be left to the decision of the executive head

B. There should be no restriction on it

C. There should be absolute freedom

D. There should be some reasonable restrictions on it
1720. Political parties render great service to the poor people by: __________?
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A. Providing free legal assistance to needy persons

B. Taking up their cause with the government

C. All the above measures

D. Providing them necessary funds to contest elections
1724. One of the arguments in favour of women suffrage is:
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A. Political alertness leads to better understanding between hunsand and wife

B. Women require greater protection and safeguards

C. Women learn the art of government which proves helpful in the management of family affairs

D. It destroys the feminie qualities

1725. Under the List System there are:
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A. None of the above

B. Nulti-member constituencies

C. Two member constituencies

D. Single-member constituencies

1726. In Pakistan we have: ________________?
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A. Single party system

B. No party system

C. Bi-party system

D. Multi-party system
1727. Certain features of public opinion are given below, but one of them has been wrongly listed. Tick the same.
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A. Gererally it is the opinion of the intellectual minority

B. Public opinion is definite opinion

C. Public opinion is based on sound arguments and reasons

D. Public opinion is based on common good

1728. Equality in true and positive sense means that:
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A. Everyone should get equal opportunity for development of personality

B. All must get equal wages

C. All must get equal social status

D. Everyone should get equal property

E. All must get equal employment

1729. A pressure group is: ___________?
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A. A group of people which tries to capture power with the help of money

B. A group of people with common objectives, which tries to promote the interests of its members by influencing the government policies

C. A military group, which comes to the assistance of the state when the police force is unable to maintain law and order

D. A group formed to protect the interests of members of a group by contesting elections

1730. Which of the following is not a method used by the pressure group for achieving its objectives?
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A. It tries to influence policy makers

B. It finances political parties

C. It organises demonstrations

D. It clearly aligns with a political party
1732. One of the serious disadvantages of adult franchise is that:
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A. It will develop anti-national feelings

B. Women will participate in elections which will make politics dirty

C. Choice of candidates becomes very limited

D. Fight of vote can go to the ignorant

1733. Suffrage means
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A. The right to vote

B. Right to vote granted to people with property

C. Enactment of bad laws which cause suffering to common people

D. Right to vote granted to ad without discrimination

1735. Pressure groups differ from political parties in so far as: _________?
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A. They contest elections

B. Their field of operation is very limited

C. They have large membership

D. They pursue broader objectives

1736. One serious problem of functional representation is that:
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A. It introduces all evils of territorial representation

B. It will divide society in small economic groups

C. The producers will not get proper representation

D. The consumers will not get proper representation

1738. Proportional Representation is a method of representation which:
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A. Provides votes to the people keeping in view their property

B. Provides extra votes to the educated people

C. Provides representation to all the political parties

D. Provides representation to each group of party in proportion to its voting strength
1739. After independence in India each political party is:
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A. Trying to keep students away from politics

B. Leaving the students to its own care

C. Ignoring the students and adopting indifferent attitude

D. Trying to use students to its advantage
1740. The political parties impart to the citizens:
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A. Political as well as general education

B. No education

C. Political as well as legal education

D. Political education
1741. Territorial Representation means:
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A. Election of the representatives by various local government institutions

B. Election of the representatives on the basis of their profession

C. Election of representatives on the basis of an area or locality

D. Election of representatives who own land

1742. Universal Adult Franchise is justified on the ground that:
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A. It leads to rule by ignorants

B. It gives power to the elected representatives of people

C. It makes the parliament very powerful

D. It gives practical shape to the principle of popular sovereignty
1743. Which one of the following kinds of equality is not compatible with the liberal notion of equality?
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A. Social equality

B. Economic equality

C. Legal equality

D. Political equality

1744. In our times a political party means:
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A. People who have different political viewpoints

B. People have common opinion

C. People who have united for achieving political ends

D. People who have joined because they have common opinion
1745. Which one of the following is not the advantage of list system?
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A. It increases dissatisfaction of of minorities

B. It can result in the cooperation of minorities

C. It it there is no loss of votes

D. It enhances the prestige of legislature

E. In it political parties get satisfaction

1746. Which one of the following is not a hindrance in the formation of public opinion?
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A. Controlled mass media

B. Disparities in wealth

C. Committed press

D. Single party political system

E. Widespread education
1747. In U.S.S.R. there is:
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A. Two party system

B. One party system

C. Multi-party system

D. Plural party system

1748. Which one of the following is not true about pressure group?
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A. Group tries to create bolly in its favour

B. Member of one pressure group cannot become that of the other

C. It acts from behind

D. Group does not contest elections

E. Its membership is narrower

1749. Mussolini during the heights of his glory liked:
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A. Bi-party system

B. Single arty system

C. No party system

D. Multi-party system

1750. Which one of the following is not a great hindrance in the formation of sound public opinion?
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A. Disparity in wealth

B. Right to leisure

C. Lethargy of the people

D. Illiteracy