3251. Which of the following is in correct sequel ?
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A. Comedy of errors, A mid summer nights dream, Much ado about nothing, Henry 6 part three.

B. Alls well that ends well, The tempest, As you like it, As you like it,A mid summer nights dream, Much ado about nothing.

C. King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Measure for measure, Henry 8, Romeo and Juliet.

D. A mid summer nights dream, Romeo and Juliet, As you like it, King Lear, Pericles.

3253. What was the cause of Williams death in Sons and Lovers ?
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A. An accident

B. Pneumonia

C. Suicide

D. An overdose of morphia

3254. In the play, Henry V, the Chorus serves to do which of the following ?
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A. Comment on the plot and themes of the play

B. Make jokes about Henry

C. Sing songs about the events

D. Dance upon the stage

3255. How many from his plays were published in his lifetime?
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A. Only sixteen

B. Only nineteen

C. Only seventeen

D. Only eighteen

3257. Epic similes are found in which work of John Milton ?
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A. Paradise Lost

B. Lycidas

C. Areopagitica

D. Sonnets

3258. Identify the work by Swinburne which begins when the hounds of spring are on winters traces.. ?
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A. A Song of Italy

B. Atalanta in Calydon

C. Chastelard

D. Songs before Sunrise

3260. Hamlet is_________________?
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A. a passionate lover

B. an over ambitious man

C. an intellectual

D. a man of action

3261. In the play, Macbeth, how does Macbeth kill Duncan ?
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A. He beheads him.

B. He shoots him.

C. He stabs him.

D. He strangles him.

3262. How does Lady Macbeth explain her husbands wild behavior at the banquet ?
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A. She tells the guests that Banquos ghost is haunting Macbeth.

B. She informs the guests that Macbeth is ill.

C. She tells the guests that Macbeth has had too much to drink.

D. She reveals that Macbeth is overcome with grief over the death of Duncan.

3263. The term the Palliser Novels is used to describe the political novels of ______________?
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A. B.Disraeli

B. Anthony Trollope

C. Charles Dickens

D. W. H. White

3265. Heaven lies about us in our infancy. This line occurs in the poem ?
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A. Leda and the Swan

B. Immortality Ode

C. The Second Coming

D. Tintern Abbey

3266. The better part of valour is discretion occurs in Shakespeares ?
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A. Henry IV, Pt I

B. The Tempest

C. Hamlet

D. Twelfth Night

3267. The style of Paradise Lost is ?
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A. more satirical than spontaneous

B. more Latin than most poems

C. more spontaneous than thought out

D. more dramatic than lyrical

3269. Fill in the blank. In Shakespeares plays, prose is often used in_________________?
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A. Iambic pentameter

B. Couplets

C. Rhyming verse

D. Serious letters
3272. Who wrote the poem Defence of Lucknow ?
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A. Rossetti

B. Browning

C. Tennyson

D. Swinburne
3274. Dantes mention of the sound of the angelic trumpet refers to which religious event ?
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A. Baptism

B. The Last Judgment

C. The Annunciation

D. Holy Communion

3275. Shakespeares Henry IV, Pt I contains his _______________?
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A. patriotism

B. love of nature

C. platonic ideals Plays by Shakespeare..

D. senecan attitude

3276. Which method of narration has been employed by Dickens in his novel Great Expectations ?
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A. Documentary method

B. Stream of Consciousness technique

C. Autobiographical method

D. Direct or epic method
3277. According to Dr. Mazzotta, what trait distinguishes Dantes purgatory from his hell ?
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A. Purgatory includes references to time.

B. Purgatory is less rooted in the human, natural world.

C. Purgatory is less future-oriented.

D. Purgatory is a place of redemptive intervention.

3278. Who was the Queen of England throughout much of Shakespeares early life?
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A. ong>A. Queen Elizabeth</strong>

B. Queen Victoria

C. Queen Gertrude

D. Queen Anne

3280. Which of the following are not among the subjects of Shakespeares sonnets ?
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A. A young man

B. A rival poet

C. Shakespeares father

D. The Dark Lady

3281. Who was Fortinbras ?
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A. Claudiuss son

B. Ophelias lover

C. Son to the king of Norway

D. Hamlets Mend

3283. Which of the following is the theme of Dantes Vita Nuova ?
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A. His experiences in exile

B. His opposition to the separation of Church and State

C. His love for Beatrice

D. His dislike of the vernacular language

3284. In which text did Dante introduce the dolce stil novo technique ?
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A. De Vulgari Eloquentia

B. The Convivio

C. Eclogues

D. Vita Nuova
3285. In the play, Macbeth, who is the goddess of witchcraft ?
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A. Lady Macbeth

B. Lennox

C. The porter

D. Hecate
3286. Twelfth Night opens with the speech of ?
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A. Viola

B. Duke

C. Olivia

D. Malvolio

3287. The novel The Power and the Glory is set in ?
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A. Italy

B. Germany

C. France

D. Mexico
3288. Which of the following was a popular medieval criticism about the Church ?
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A. Many people were unable to understand the language of the Mass.

B. Many people were unable to understand Church texts written in Latin.

C. Many people took issue with the Popes inordinate wealth and power.

D. All of the above
3289. In the play, Richard III, who is Richards elder brother ?
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A. King Edward IV

B. Clarence

C. Richmond

D. Tyrell

3290. What century does the play, Henry V, take place in ?
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A. 17th century

B. 14th century

C. 15th century

D. 16th century

3293. Which of the following are tragedies of Shakespeare ?
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A. Macbeth, Much ado about nothing and Antony and Cleopatra

B. Coriolanus, Timon of Athens and Titus Andronicus

C. Hamlet, Othello and Troilus and Cressida

D. King Lear, Measure for measure and The merchant of Venice

3294. In The Inferno, where is hell physically situated ?
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A. Beneath Jerusalem

B. Beneath Rome

C. Beneath Florence

D. Beneath Cairo

3295. In the narrative poem, The Rape of Lucrece, who is Lucretia ?
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A. A beggar woman

B. A villainess

C. A Roman matron

D. A fairy queen

3298. In the play, Richard III, who is manipulated into marrying Richard ?
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A. Margaret

B. Queen Elizabeth

C. Lady Anne

D. Duchess of York