3201. Shakespeare dedicated his long narrative poem Venus and Adonis to________________?
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A. William Fitzwilliam, first earl of Southampton

B. Henry Wriothesley, the third earl of Southampton

C. Thomas Wriothesley,forth earl of Southampton

D. Henry Wriothesley, the second earl of Southampton

3202. Othello was sent to fight with______________?
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A. French army

B. German army

C. None of above

D. Ottomans
3203. Which of the following poems was authored by Shakespeare ?
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A. Tintern Abbey

B. El Cid

C. The Wasteland

D. A Lovers Complaint
3204. Which of the following is Hamlets mother ?
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A. Rosalind

B. Beatrice

C. Gertrude

D. Margaret

3205. Brevity is the soul of wit is a quotation from ?
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A. T. S. Eliot

B. William Shakespeare

C. Ruskin

D. Milton

3206. Who is Thomas Percy in Henry IV, Pt I ?
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A. Earl of Northumberland

B. Earl of Douglas

C. Earl of March

D. Earl of Worcester

3208. At the end of the play Richard III, what happens to Richard ?
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A. He is arrested.

B. He was sent into exile.

C. He is crowned king.

D. He is killed.
3209. Blank verse refers to which of the following ?
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A. Unrhymed iambic pentameter

B. Rhyming verse

C. Prose

D. Rhyming couplets

3210. Which of Shakespeares play is his only play that has never been adopted for film or Television ?
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A. The two Noble Kinsmen

B. Cymbeline

C. Taming of the Shrew

D. Troilus and Cressida

3211. Which roles have played by Shakespeare in Hamlet and As you like it ?
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A. Ghost, Old servant Adam

B. Leartus, Silvius

C. Osric, Touchstone

D. Fortinbras, Corin

3213. In the play, Hamlet, who is Yorick ?
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A. The King of Norway

B. King Hamlets former jester

C. A castle guard

D. A friend of Hamlets from school

3214. Which of the following play was written in 1601 ?
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A. Othello

B. Macbeth

C. Hamlet

D. King Lear

3215. Who coined the phrase Egotistical Sublime ?
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A. P.B Shelley

B. John Keats

C. William Wordsworth

D. S. T. Coleridge

3217. Pride and Prejudice was originally a youthful work entitled ?
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A. Last Impressions

B. True Impressions

C. False Impressions

D. First Impressions
3219. Wordsworth calls himself a Worshipper of Nature in his poem___________________?
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A. The Prelude

B. Tintern Abbey

C. Immortality Ode

D. The Solitary Reaper

3220. Who is Mr. Tench in The Power and the Glory ?
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A. A dentist

B. A teacher

C. A thief

D. A clerk

3221. In the play, Twelfth Night, who is Sebastian ?
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A. Violas twin brother

B. Olivias uncle

C. A clown

D. Violas eventual lover

3224. Who said that Shakespeare in his comedies has only heroines and no heroes ?
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A. Ben Jonson

B. John Ruskin

C. William Hazlitt

D. Thomas Carlyle

3225. According to Dr. Roger Dunkle, in ancient times, what was considered a tragedy ?
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A. A song for the prize or sacrifice of a goat

B. A comedic performance

C. A worship of the gods

D. A story that ended with a marriage

3226. Which of the following historical figures influenced Dante ?
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A. Brunetto Latini

B. Thomas Aquinas

C. All of the above

D. Cicero

3230. The key-note of Brownings philosophy of life is ________________?
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A. skepticism

B. optimism

C. pessimism

D. agnosticism

3231. The rarer action is in virtue that in vengeance. This line occurs in ?
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A. Hamlet

B. Henry IV,Pt I

C. Twelfth Night

D. The Tempest
3232. A man can die but once is one of quote of following plays ?
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A. Henry 6 part three

B. Henry 4 part one

C. Henry 6 part one

D. Henry 4 part two
3233. Joe Gargery is Pips ?
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A. cousin

B. brother-in-Jaw

C. guardian

D. brother

3235. Which of Shakespeares play features Sir John Falstaff ?
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A. Titus Andronicus

B. The merry wives of Windsor

C. King John

D. Troilus and Cressida

3237. What is the sub-title of the play Twelfth Night ?
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A. Or, What is you Will

B. Or, What you Will

C. Or, What you Think

D. Or, What you Like It

3239. Why did Miss Havisham remain a spinster throughout her life in Great Expectations ?
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A. She was unwilling to marry

B. Because she was betrayed by the bridegroom

C. She was arrogant

D. She was poor

3240. In Vita Nuova, how does Dante represent love ?
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A. Love obscures all possibility for salvation.

B. Love has little to do with spirituality.

C. Love is an ennobling force that offers a chance for salvation.

D. Love is problematic for Dante, because Beatrice is considered impure.

3241. Thackerays Esmond is a novel of historical realism capturing the spirit of ____________?
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A. the age of Queen Anne

B. the Elizabethan age

C. the Victorian age

D. the Medieval age
3243. Twelfth night is a______________?
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A. Tragedy

B. Comedy

C. Problem play

D. Both a and b

3244. Fill in the blank. According to Dr. Debora Schwartz, Greek old comedy was often characterized as being ?
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A. Not comedic at all

B. Grounded in religion

C. Highly sexual

D. Satirical and political
3245. In his lectures on Shakespeares tragedies, A.C. Bradley states that he will not do which of the following ?
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A. Discuss any aspect of Shakespeares philosophy.

B. Evaluate and examine Hamlet.

C. Consider anything about Shakespeares comedies.

D. Compare Shakespeare to other writers.
3247. The Pre-Raphaelite poets were mostly indebted to the poets of the ?
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A. Neo-classical age

B. Metaphysical school

C. Puritan movement

D. Romantic revival
3249. One important feature of Jane Austens style is ?
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A. subtlety of irony

B. stream of consciousness

C. boisterous humour

D. humour and pathos