3301. When was Paradise Lost published ?
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A. 1654

B. 1660

C. 1667

D. 1658

3304. Which of the following novels has the subtitle A Novel Without a Hero ?
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A. Vanity Fair

B. Wuthering Heights

C. Oliver Twist

D. Middlemarch

3305. Which of the following events occur(s) in the first book of John Miltons Paradise Lost ?
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A. A and B

B. Adam and Eve fall from the state of Paradise.

C. Satan assembles his fallen legions.

D. Satan lays dazed on the burning lake.

3307. The first sonnet form invented was the____________?
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A. Shakespearean

B. Spenserian

C. Petrarchan

D. first sonnet form invented was the

E. Wordsworthian

3309. Roughly speaking, how long was the English Civil War ?
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A. Two decades

B. Four decades

C. One decade

D. Three decades

3313. Which is the shortest book ?
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A. Book V

B. Book VIII

C. Book VII

D. Book III

3314. What was Shakespeares first play ?
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A. King Lear

B. Henry VI

C. The Tempest

D. Romeo and Juliet

3318. Which river is associated with Shakespeares birth place ?
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A. The Seven

B. The Tyburn

C. The Thames

D. The Avon
3319. Whom did monster demand to Victor Frankenstein to create for him ?
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A. Someone who can transform him

B. Another creature without the fearful features

C. Another monster

D. A female companion
3321. Which of the following myths does not figure in The Waste Land ?
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A. Sysyphus

B. Grail Legend of Fisher King

C. Philomela

D. Oedipus

3322. In the Biblical book of Judges,?
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A. Dalila refuses to pay Samsons ransom in prison.

B. Dalila pays Samsons ransom from prison.

C. Never records Dalilas visit to Samson in prison.

D. Never records Dalilas cutting of Samsons hair.

3324. In how many books is Paradise Lost divided ?
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A. Eighteen

B. Nine

C. Twelve

D. Fourteen

3325. What was the first name of the playing company Kings Men that William Shakespeare partly-owned ?
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A. The Queens Troupe

B. Stratford Theatre

C. The London Theatre

D. Lord Chamberlains Men
3326. Which work of William Wordsworth is generally considered to be his magnum opus ?
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A. Guide to the Lakes

B. The Prelude

C. Preface to the Lyrical Ballads

D. Laodamia

3328. When was William Wordsworth born ?
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A. 20 March 1773

B. 7 July 1767

C. 10 September 1772

D. 7 April 1770
3329. John Milton was inspired by the previous works of what authors ?
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A. Dante, Spenser, and Pope

B. Homer, Virgil, and Dante

C. Virgil, Shakespeare, and Jane Austen

D. Homer, Dryden, and Longfellow

3330. What poet was famous for his Eclogues ?
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A. Shakespeare

B. Chaucer

C. A and B

D. Virgil
3333. In Book Four of Paradise Regained, for his final temptation Satan takes Jesus to what location ?
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A. Up to the middle Region of thick Air

B. The top of a Mountain high

C. The top of the Pantheon in Rome

D. The Pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem
3340. Graham Greenes novels are marked by ?
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A. Paganism

B. Buddhism

C. Protestantism

D. Catholicism
3341. Identify the writer who first used blank verse in English poetry ?
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A. Sir Thomas Wyatt

B. Milton

C. Earl of Surrey

D. William Shakespeare

3343. Which of these was not one of Shakespeares plays ?
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A. Shakespeare in love

B. Titus Andronicus

C. Cymbeline

D. The Tempest

3344. The twins in Lord of the Flies are ?
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A. Ralph and Eric

B. Ralph and Jack

C. Sam and Eric

D. Simon and Jack

3345. In Shakespeares literary output, the period 1604-1608 is the period of__________________?
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A. None of above

B. Historical plays

C. Comedy plays

D. Great Tragedies

3348. When did William Wordsworth die ?
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A. 12 January 1842

B. 23 April 1850

C. 3 November 1852

D. 7 June 1849

3350. The two archangels who serve as generals in Gods army are ?
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A. Michael and Raphael

B. Michael and Lucifer

C. Michael and Gabriel

D. Raphael and Gabriel