3153. Which of the following was written first________________?
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A. Henry five

B. Henry seven

C. Henry six

D. None of above

3154. Which of the following best characterizes an Elizabethan masque ?
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A. A performance of a classical play in contemporary language

B. A drama, featuring players representing mythic or allegorical figures

C. A sophisticated comedy with a surprising ending

D. A horror play, featuring supernatural forces

3155. In the play, Henry V, who is the Queen of France ?
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A. Queen Nim

B. Queen Isabel

C. Queen Alice

D. Queen Montjoy

3156. Where does the sonnet form originate from ?
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A. Spain

B. England

C. Italy

D. France

3158. Desdemona was killed by _________________?
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A. Iago

B. Othello

C. Brabantio

D. Casio

3159. Which of the following is an unfinished novel by Jane Austen ?
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A. Persuasion

B. Mansfield Park

C. Sandition

D. Sense and Sensibility

3160. What literary genre is Shakespeares Venus and Adonis ?
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A. Tragedy play

B. Short story

C. Comedy play

D. Poetry
3161. According to Dante, who resides in his ante-purgatory ?
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A. The souls of those who are about to enter hell

B. The souls of those who are ready to enter heaven

C. The souls of those who are not yet ready to purge their sins

D. The souls of the repentant who are punished for their sins

3162. Epipsychidion is composed by ______________?
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A. Shelley

B. Coleridge

C. Wordsworth

D. Keats

3164. Tracts for the Times relates to ?
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A. The Pre-Raphaelite Movement

B. The Oxford Movement

C. The Romantic Movement

D. The Symbolist Movement

3165. Which of the following contributed to the rise of vernacular literature ?
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A. Most professional scribes found it difficult to write in Medieval Latin.

B. All of the above

C. Official documents were written in spoken language.

D. The spoken language tended to take precedence in areas where the Church was weak.

3167. Who is the author of The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus ?
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A. William Shakespeare

B. Christopher Marlow

C. Philip Sidney

D. The Earl of Oxford

3170. At the end of the play, Twelfth Night, who is discovered to have been secretly married ?
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A. Viola and Orsino

B. Sir Toby and Maria

C. Viola and Sir Toby

D. Malvio and Maria

3171. In verse, meter refers to which of the following ?
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A. The length of a written line

B. The number of words in a line

C. The measured pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables

D. The height of the stage

3172. Who directly challenges Richard for the throne in the play, Richard III ?
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A. Tyrell

B. Queen Elizabeth

C. The Earl of Richmond

D. King Edward IV

3173. In which circle would Dante place someone who committed suicide ?
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A. The circle of treachery

B. The circle of heresy

C. The circle of violence

D. The circle of wrath

3174. In Shakespeares Venus and Adonis, how is Adonis killed ?
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A. By execution

B. By Venus

C. By old age

D. In a hunting accident
3175. According to Dante, what does the term gramatica mean ?
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A. It is synonymous with natural language.

B. It is the language spoken by everyday people.

C. It is the only kind of illustrious vernacular.

D. It is static language with unchanging rules.
3176. In The Inferno, his journey starts on which holiday ?
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A. All Souls Day

B. All Saints Day

C. Good Friday

D. Christmas

3182. What type of play is Richard III ?
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A. Comedy

B. Tragedy

C. Lyric

D. History
3183. Shakespeare sometimes used the trochee, which in meter refers to which of the following? In Shakespeares plays, a troche is___________________?
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A. Only one syllable for the length of a foot

B. None of the above

C. The same as an iamb with an unstressed and stressed syllable in a foot

D. The opposite of an iamb with a stressed and then unstressed syllable in a foot
3184. The title of Carlyles Sartor Resartus means ?
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A. Seaside Resort

B. None of these

C. Tailor Repatched

D. Religious Scripture

3186. William Shakespeares father primarily worked as which of the following ?
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A. A professional actor

B. A politician

C. A teacher

D. A glover
3187. Who of the following were among Shakespeares royal patrons ?
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A. Queen Victoria

B. King James I.

C. King Richard

D. King Henry

3189. Dr. Ian Johnson suggests which of the following ideas about the play, Henry V ?
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A. That none of the characters undergo

B. That it is an incomplete play and possibly not authored by Shakespeare

C. That it is a satire of European monarchies

D. emarkable shift in personality over the course of the play

E. That it is historically accurate

3193. S. T. Coleridge was an Associate of__________________?
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A. The Royal Society ofLondon

B. Royal Society of Arts

C. Royal Society of Literature

D. The Royal Society of Edinburgh

3194. The Chartist Movement sought ?
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A. Recognition of chartered trading companies

B. Political rights for women

C. Protection of the political rights of the working class

D. Protection of the political rights of the middle class

3195. How is Dantes relationship with Beatrice an example of courtly love ?
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A. The relationship watches Dante pass through stages of love for Beatrices physical, moral, and divine beauty.

B. All of the above

C. The relationship focuses on Beatrices chastity and purity.

D. The relationship provides an example of passionate love rather than arranged matches.

3196. Which book of John Ruskin influenced Mahatma Gandhi ?
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A. Unto This Last

B. Fors Clavigera

C. Sesame and Lilies

D. The Seven Lamps of Architecture

3197. In which important medieval city was Dante born ?
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A. Rome

B. London

C. Florence

D. Sorrento

3198. Under the green wood tree is a song in____________________?
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A. A mid Summer nights dream

B. Loves labours lost

C. As you like it

D. Much ado about nothing

3199. Mr. Jaggers, in Great Expectations, is a_______________?
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A. Judge

B. School teacher

C. lawyer

D. postman

3200. Who was villain in Othello ?
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A. Claudius

B. Iago

C. None of above

D. Egeus