political science Mcqs
2201. Marxian theory depicts the development of human society on the basis of: _________?
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A. Natural holding

B. Unfolding of natural law

C. Social engineering

D. Historical materialism
2203. The Parliamentary system of government is good because:
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A. It provides autocratic powers to the executive

B. It ensures continuity and consistency of policy

C. It makes the opposition behave in a responsible manner

D. It provides a flexible form of government
2204. Which one of the following was not included in political development by Lucian Pye?
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A. Nature of laws passed by the state

B. Method of recruitment

C. Method of paying wages to workers

D. Achievement and standards of public servants

2205. According to Lucian Pye political and economic development:
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A. Should be separated from each other

B. Both are contradictory to each other

C. Should be delinked from each other

D. Should be linked with each other
2206. In Presidential Government: ____________________?
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A. The executive is subordinate to the legislature

B. President is the head of state

C. The legislature is subordianate to the executive

D. The legislature and executive are independent of each other
2207. President under Presidential system is head of: _____________?
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A. None of the above

B. State as well as government

C. Government

D. State

2209. An unwritten constitution differs from written constitution in so far as it is:
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A. Wholly unwritten

B. Adopted after obtaining sanction of the people

C. Very brief

D. Not adopted by a formal constituent body
2212. Which one of the following is not true about Malthus?
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A. Wages go high when land-population ratio is favourable

B. Population tended to come down when wages increased

C. Profit go high when rate of accumulation is large

D. Profits are high when land-population ratio is favourable

2214. F.W. Riggs in his theory political development has laid stress on:
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A. Political participation

B. Political modernisation

C. Political democracy

D. Industrialisation

E. Political stability
2215. A Parliamentary government cannot operate without:
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A. Political parties

B. An independent judiciary

C. A written constitution

D. A rigid constitution

2216. Marx believed that spread of capitalism throughout the world had led to: __________?
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A. Underdevelopment

B. None of the above

C. Development in some parts and underdevelopment in other parts

D. Development
2217. According to Talcott Parsons political develop0ment should be measured in terms of: ___________?
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A. Political modernisation

B. Industrialisation

C. Legal development

D. Standards of modern state

2218. The Parliamentary government:
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A. Encourages despotic tendencies of government

B. Is not able to adopt itself according to changing requirements

C. Leads to frequent confliicts between the Legislature and the executive

D. Secures swiftness in decision and vigour in action
2219. The classical economicts opposed government interference because:
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A. It subsidized the poor

B. It encouraged overpopulation

C. On account of all the above reasons

D. It appropriated a part of purposes

E. It keeps prices of food high by levying high tariffs

2220. According to Marx capital accumulation depended on: ___________?
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A. International trade

B. Increasing population

C. Surplus valuation

D. Industrialisation

2221. The members of the Cabinet under Presidential system are: ___________________?
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A. Accountable to the electorate

B. Individually accountable to legislature

C. Collectively accountable to legislature

D. Accountable to the President
2222. According to Marx most dependable method for capital accumulation was: __________?
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A. Decreased international trade

B. Increased international trade

C. Payment of less wages to workers

D. Technological development

E. Denial of facilities to the workers

2223. According to Schumpeter the entrepreneurs contribute to development by: ____________?
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A. Providing the existing goods at the lowest price

B. Bringing about changes in the tastes of consumers

C. All the above actions

D. Quickly catering to the tastes of the consumers

2224. Which one of the following is not essential for constitutional government?
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A. Freedom of press

B. Freedom of association

C. Freedom to exploit the weaker sections

D. Freedom to approach the courts

2225. A rigid constitution:
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A. Can be amended by the people as a whole

B. Can be amended like an ordinary law

C. Cannot be amended

D. Can be amended by a special procedure
2226. One of the serious disadvantage of a rigid constitution is that:
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A. It is not suited to federations

B. It shifts the balance of authority from legislature to judiciary

C. It does not reflect public opinion

D. It can easily be tampered with

2227. Which one of the following is not correct about classical thinkers or development?
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A. Level of wages could not be changed by the Government

B. Social product was the outcome of labour utilised

C. Level of wages was linked with employment capacity of economy.

D. Level of wages could be arbitrarily fixed

E. Level of wages could not be changed by labour unions

2229. Which one of the following countries possesses an evolved constitution?
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A. Al the above countries

B. U.S.A.

C. Britain

D. Switzerland

2230. The main contribution of the Romans to the development of constitutional rule was:
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A. The principle of the divine right of the king

B. The principle that people alone are the source of all laws

C. Independence of judiciary

D. None of the above

2231. Which one of the following criticism levelled against the classical theory of development is not correct?
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A. None of the above

B. It underestimated the possibility of technological progress

C. It failed to adequately analyze the problem of maintaining aggregate demand

D. It attached too much importance to the role of technology in development
2232. The method of amending constitution by convening Special Convention exists in
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A. U.S.S.R.

B. China

C. India

D. Certain Latin American countries
2233. Schumpeter held that significant advances in national production occur by disharmonious leaps and spurts. This idea was:
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A. Borrowed by Schumpeter from neo-classical thinkers

B. His original contribution

C. Borrowed by him from Marx

D. None of the above

2234. In a constitutional monarchy the real power is enjoyed by the __________?
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A. King

B. Electorate

C. The majority party

D. The council of ministers
2235. The Presidential government operates on the principle of: ________________?
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A. Separation of powers

B. Fusion of powers

C. Centralization of powers

D. Division of powers

2236. People prefer to have a written constitution for various reasons. Which one of the reasons listed below is not correct?
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A. To restrain the actions of the rulers to protect their rights

B. To reduce the possibility of arbitrary action

C. To educate the people in the art of government

D. To ensure a government which is comprehensible to the subjects

2237. One of the following is not correct about Presidential system of Government; pick that up:
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A. Head of the state enjoys real powers

B. Babinet consists of nominees of the President

C. It is based on the principle of combination of powers

D. It is based on the theory of separation of powers

2240. In a Presidential Government the President is: ______________?
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A. Dependent on judiciary

B. Independent from the legislature

C. Dependent on the legislature

D. Dependent on the Council of Ministers

2241. Which one of the following is a hindrance on the way or constitutional government in a developing society?
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A. Strong party system

B. Powerful leadership

C. Absence of political stability

D. Foreign economic aid

2242. The new-classical writers believed that economic development benefits:
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A. Only the capitalists

B. All the major income groups

C. Only the workers

D. None of the above

2243. In U.S.A. there is: _______________?
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A. Dictatorship of cabinet

B. Supremacy of Congress over the President

C. Presidential system of Government

D. Monarchy

E. Totalitarian system

2245. Marx in his writings: _______________?
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A. None of the above

B. Paid no attention to the issue of underdevelopment

C. Emphasized that capitalism was respobsible for underdevelopment

D. Paid great attention to the issue of underdevelopment

2247. Which one of the following is not a valid criticism?
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A. This approach is too wide

B. It fails to appreciate the importance of political stability

C. This approach is too narrow

D. It fails to appreciate the importance of attitude of people in development processes

2249. In economic development Marx had laid maximum stress on: ___________?
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A. Decentralisation of power

B. Technological advancement

C. Lower payment of wages

D. Trade unionism

E. Capital formation

2250. Hansen argued that as compared to the nineteenth century the development at present suffered from two limitations viz:
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A. Decline in purchasing capacity and growing unemployment

B. Growing population and prevailing unemployment

C. Technological changes and presence of large labour force

D. Shifting frontiers and growing population