political science Mcqs
1951. Who said first, workers of the world unite:
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A. Kosygin

B. Khrushchev

C. Karl Marx

D. Stalin

E. Lenin

1952. In England chief exponent of theory of State socialism was:
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A. Bentham

B. Mill. J.S.

C. T.H. Green

D. James Mill

E. G.B. Shah
1954. Which one of the following is not an element of Fascism?
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A. None of the above

B. It believes in authoritarianism

C. It believes in supremacy of state

D. It believes in totalitarianism

E. It is against imperialism
1956. The term fascism is derived from the world facio which means: _____________?
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A. A bundle of rods

B. A bundle of brooms

C. None of the above

D. A bundle of sticks

1957. Classical Liberals means that hereditary advantages should be:
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A. Continued but in a limited manner

B. Continued

C. Continued but in a modified form

D. Brought to an end

1958. Point out which one of the following is incorrect about democratic socialism?
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A. Wealth should not be allowed to get concentrated in few hands

B. Production should eb community controlled

C. Inequalities in wealth should be reduced

D. Progressive taxation should be checked
1959. Which one of the following merits of political parties has been wrongly listed?
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A. Political parties impart political education to people

B. Political Parties check nepotism

C. Political parties are essential for the successful working of Cabinet system of government

D. Political parties eliminate nepotism and favouritism
1960. Fascism believed in leadership of: ____________?
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A. Middle classes

B. One man

C. Working classes

D. Political elites

1962. Which one of the following is not true about Lockes political views?
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A. He wanted limited rights for the individuals

B. He supported constitutional government

C. He wanted limitations on state sovereignty

D. He considered individual prior to state

1963. The profit, according to Fabians, should be:
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A. Located in trade unions for workers welfare

B. Used for the welfare of the society

C. Distributed among all the workers

D. Distributed among all traders

E. Retained by the capitalists

1964. A conservative party anywhere would stand for:
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A. Private ownership

B. Gradual nationalisation of means of production

C. Mixed economy

D. Public ownership

1965. Who used to say My Programme is action and not talk:
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A. Stalin

B. Karl Marx

C. Mussolini

D. Hitler

E. Lenin

1966. Which one of the following is not true about Fabian Socialists?
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A. They stood for secularism

B. They championed the cause of all sections of society

C. They believed in democratic system

D. They stood for revolutionary means

E. They pleaded for spread of education

1967. Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a contribution of Marxism?
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A. It emphasises the inadequacy of the present social organisation

B. It provides a social system with a definite purpose and a clear programme

C. It aims at the welfare of the proletariat

D. It lays emphasis on bringing about changes in the present system through peaceful and constitutional methods
1968. Fascism believed in: __________?
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A. Rule of law

B. Majority rule

C. Rule of elites

D. Personal dictatorship of one man
1969. Which one of the following is not correct views of C.E.M. Joad about Democratic Socialism?
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A. It was set of economic principles

B. It was political philosophy

C. It was a vague philosophy

D. It was political viewpoint

E. It was a social theory
1970. Fabian Socialists believe that profits:
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A. Should never be earned

B. Were earned by individuals and should be kept with them

C. Should be used for social welfare

D. Should be used for the welfare of individuals

1971. According to Fabians existing struggle is between the:
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A. The employers and employees

B. The rich and the poor

C. Community and the capitalists

D. The poor and middle classes

1972. Which one of the following was not main aim of political party according to Fascists?
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A. It should glorify leader

B. It should develop patriotism

C. It should propagate aim of the party

D. It should glorify state

E. It should help in selection of bureaucrats
1973. Which one of the following is not true about evolutionary socialism?
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A. It stands for gradual transformation of society from capitalism to socialism

B. It stands for democracy

C. It regards individual an end

D. It believes in stateless society</strong>

E. It stands for abolition of private property

1974. A person can be member of: _________?
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A. Only one pressure group at time

B. Either a pressure group or a political party

C. Any number of pressure groups at the same time

D. Not more than three pressure groups at a time

1975. According to Fabians the value of a commodity always depended on:
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A. Land and capital needed in production

B. Extent to which society created its value

C. Capital investment in production

D. Labour of the labourers put in it

1977. According to Marx the class distinctions in the society are based on:
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A. Social status

B. Family status

C. Hostile interests

D. Religion

1978. Marsian Socialism is also known as: ______________?
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A. Scientific Socialism

B. Utopian Socialism

C. Evolutionary Socialism

D. Revolutionary Socialism

1979. Which one of the following is regarded by Gustav Rains as an important indicator of development?
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A. None of the above

B. The growthe of bureaucracy

C. Growth of trade unions

D. Extent to which the social and political institutions are reorganised
1980. Marx suggested that before state is finally abolished during the transitory period:
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A. Private sector should be strengthened

B. There should be nationalisation of big industries alone

C. There should be nationalisation of small scale industries alone

D. There should be nationalisation of all industries

E. Private sector should be allowed to continue as it is
1981. Which one was not a feature of 17th century liberalism?
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A. It treated state as a necessary evil

B. It emphasised on rationality

C. It laid stress on dignity of individual

D. It cared least for capitalists and maximum for the welfare of common man

E. It believed that freedom was absence of restraints

1982. About underdevelopment it has been said that capitalism:
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A. Is always opposed to it

B. It seldom opposed to it

C. Helps maintaining status quo

D. At times it helps in development but at times not
1983. According to Marx motive force of history is: _________?
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A. None of these

B. Forces of production

C. Great personalities

D. Great ideas

E. Gods will

1984. One of the chief merits of multi-party system:
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A. Change in government is very convenient

B. It leads to formation of stable governments

C. People have wider choice in the selection of their representatives

D. It is convenient for the voters to clect their representatives

1985. Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a merit of socialism?
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A. It ensures real democracy

B. It tried to promote the welfare of the entire community

C. None of the above

D. It ensures liberty as well as equality

1986. Fascism believes in bringing changes through:
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A. Constitutional and peaceful methods

B. Fascism is opposed to all changes

C. Violent methods

D. Persuasion and propaganda

1987. Fascism was: ________________?
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A. Silent about right to private property

B. In favour of absolute right to private property

C. Opposed to private property

D. In favour of right to property subject to the condition that it does not came into clash with the national interests
1988. Fascism made its appearance in: ___________?
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A. Italy

B. Germany

C. U.S.S.R.

D. U.S.A.

1989. The chief defect of the multi-party system is:
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A. The opposition cannot freely criticise the policies of the government

B. It leads to frequent constitutional crisis

C. It leads to cabinet dictatorship

D. People have very limited choice in the selection of their representatives

1990. Voraus Setznugen de-Socialismus was written by: ___________?
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A. Robert Owen

B. Syden Webb

C. MacIver

D. Edward Bernstein
1991. A liberal party believes in:
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A. Conserving the old institutions

B. Retaining the present institutions

C. Making reforms in the existing institutions

D. Retaining the present institutions by new and radical institutions

1992. According to Classical Liberals:
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A. No one should be sentenced without trial

B. No property should be confiscated without compensation

C. Application of law could not depend on the whims of law makers

D. Any person could be put to death without trial
1994. Marxs principle of materialistic conception of history is based on the assumption that:
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A. The course of history is determined by the mode of production

B. The course of history is determined by the leaders of society

C. The course of history remains unchanged

D. The course of history is determined by the conscience of men

1995. The Democratic Socialists favour:
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A. Social, economic and political democracy

B. Only political democracy

C. Only economic democracy

D. Only social democracy

1997. Which one of the following is incorrect about liberalism?
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A. It stands for equality among citizens

B. It is champion of democracy

C. It upholds seculatism

D. It advocates individual liberty

E. It wants abolition of private property
1998. In their philosophy the Fabians have laid maximum stress on:
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A. Political elite

B. Bureaucracy

C. Middle classes

D. Working classes

2000. In which of the following way communists and Fascists have similar views?
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A. Both aim at abolition of capitalism

B. Both aim at abolition of state

C. Both agree on theory of class struggle

D. Both have faith in totalitarianism