compressors gas turbines and jet engines Mcqs
51. The criterion of the thermodynamic efficiency for rotary compressor is_________________?
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A. polytropic compression

B. isentropic compression

C. isothermal compression

D. any one of the above

E. none of the above

52. The following is true for an open cycle gas turbine having exhaust heat exchanger. Atmospheric air before entering the compressor is____________________?
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A. bled gas from turbine is heated and readmitted for complete expansion

B. compressed air before entering the combustion chamber is heated

C. exhaust gases drive the compressor

D. heated

E. part of exhaust gases are heated and mixed up with atmospheric air to utilise exhaust heat

53. The fuel consumption in gas turbines is accounted for by___________________?
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A. higher heating value

B. heating value

C. highest calorific value

D. heating value

E. higher calorific value

54. What will be the volume of air at 327C if its volume at 27C is 1.5 m3/mt ?
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A. 3 m3/mt

B. 18 m3/mt

C. 0.75 m3/mt

D. 1.5 m3/mt

E. 6 m3/mt

55. Which is false statement about advantages of multistage compressor in comparison to single stage compressor_________________?
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A. less power requirement

B. less loss of air due to leakage past the cylinder

C. better mechanical balance

D. more effective lubrication

E. lower volumetric efficiency
56. For minimum work in multistage compression, assuming same index of compression in all stages_________________?
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A. work done in first stage should be more

B. work done in subsequent stages should decrease

C. work done in any stage is no criterion for minimum work but depends on other factors

D. work done in all stages should be equal

E. work done in subsequent stages should increase

57. A rocket works with maximum overall efficiency when air craft velocity is equal to the_________________?
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A. no such co-relationship with jet velocity exists

B. jet velocity

C. average of the jet velocity

D. twice the jet velocity

E. half the jet velocity
58. Isothermal compression though most efficient, but is not -practicable because_________________?
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A. it does not increase pressure much

B. it requires cylinder to be placed in water

C. it is impossible in practice

D. ityrequires very big cylinder

E. compressor has to run at very slow speed to achieve it
59. Pick up the wrong statement ?
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A. ramjet-engine has no turbine

B. bypass turbo-jet engine increases the thrust without adversely affecting, the propulsive efficiency and fuel economy

C. pulsojet requires no ambient air for propulsion

D. propeller is an indirect reaction device

E. turbine drives compressor in a burbojet

60. Intercooling in gas turbine results in ____________________ ?
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A. increase in net output but decrease in thermal efficiency

B. increase in thermal efficiency but decrease in net output

C. increase in both thermal efficiency and net output

D. decrease in both thermal efficiency and net output

E. none of the above

61. Volumetric efficiency is_____________________?
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A. the ratio of stroke volume to clearance volume

B. reciprocal of compression ratio

C. proportional to compression ratio

D. the ratio of the air actually delivered to the amount of piston displacement

E. index of compressor performance

62. Choose the correct statement ________________?
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A. gas turbine requires lot of cooling water

B. gas turbines can be used to generate power only

C. gas turbines have high standby losses and require lot of maintenance

D. gas turbines have flat efficiency at part loads

E. gas turbine is capable of rapid start up and loading
63. Standard air is the air at_____________________?
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A. 25C, 1 kg/cm2 and RH of 60%.

B. 15C and 1 kg/cm2

C. 20C and 1 kg/cm2 and relative humidity 36%

D. 0C and standard atmospheric conditions

E. atmospheric conditions at any specific location

65. For speed above 3000 km/hour, it is more advantageous to use____________________?
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A. rockets

B. turbo-jet engine

C. hydraulic jet propulsion

D. propellers

E. ram-jet engine
68. Losses in a centrifugal compressor are due to__________________?
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A. diffuser losses

B. all of the above

C. inlet losses

D. none of the above

E. impeller channel losses

69. Pick up the wrong statement ?
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A. axial flow compressors have instability region of operation

B. axial flow compressors are more stable than centrifugal type compressors but not as efficient

C. axial flow compressors have high capacity and efficiency

D. large gas turbines employ axial flow compressors

E. centrifugal compressors are used mainly on low flow pressure ratio gas turbines

70. The hottest point in a gas turbine is______________________?
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A. uniformly heated

B. at the base

C. at the tip

D. between ~ to i of the blade height

E. in the center

71. As the value of index is decreased, the volumetric efficiency will___________________?
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A. may increase/decrease depending on compressor clearance

B. decrease

C. remain unaffected

D. increase

E. none of the above

72. Water gas is produced by ___________________ ?
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A. same way as the natural gas

B. partial combustion of caol, eke, anthractie coal or charcoal in a mixed air steam blast

C. passing steam over incandescent coke

D. carbonisation of coal

E. passing air and a large amount of steam over waste coal at about 65C

73. A rocket engine for the combustion of its fuel_____________________?
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A. does not require oxygen

B. uses surrounding air

C. depends on electrical energy supplied by solar cells

D. carries its own oxygen

E. uses compressed atmospheric air

76. Actual compression curve is___________________?
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A. in between isothermal and adiabatic

B. better than isothermal and adiabatic

C. none of the above

D. same as adiabatic

E. same as isothermal

77. In a compressor, free air delivered is the actual volume delivered at the stated pressure reduced to ____________________?
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A. intake temperature and pressure conditions

B. N.T.P. conditions

C. none of the above

D. 20C and 1 kg/cm2

E. 0C and 1 kg/cm2

78. Pick up the wrong statement about advantages of multistage compression____________________?
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A. mechanical balance is better

B. better lubrication is possible advantages of multistage

C. more loss of air due to leakage past the cylinder

D. more uniform torque, light cylinder and saving in work

E. air can be cooled perfectly in between

79. Which of the following plants is smallest and lightest for genrating a given amount of power__________________?
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A. steam power plant

B. gas turbine plant

C. solar plant

D. diesel engine

E. petrol engine

82. Propulsive efficiency is defined as ratio of___________________?
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A. thrust power and fuel energy

B. thrust power and propulsive power

C. propulsive power and fuel input

D. none of the above

E. engine output and propulsive power

83. After-cooler is used to__________________?
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A. increase pressure

B. decrease the delivery temperature for ease in handling

C. cool the air

D. cause moisture and oil vapour to drop out

E. reduce volume

84. In multistage compressor, the isothermal compression is achieved by_________________?
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A. by running compressor at very slow speed

B. employing intercooler

C. by constantly cooling the cylinder

D. none of the above

E. by insulating the cylinder

86. The pressure ratio of an ideal vaned compressor with increase in mass flow rate_________________?
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A. remains constant

B. first decreases and then increases

C. unpredictable

D. decreases

E. increases

87. Which is false statement about multistage compression ?
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A. Outlet temperature is reduced

B. It is best suited for compression ratios around 7:1

C. Power consumption per unit of air delivered is low

D. Volumetric efficiency is high

E. The moisture in air is condensed in the intercooler

88. The power available for take off and climb in case of turbojet engine as compared to reciprocating engine is ___________________?
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A. more

B. less

C. same

D. unpredictable

E. may be less or more depending on ambient conditons

89. Which of the following fuels can be used in turbojet engines _____________________?
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A. liquid hydrogne

B. high speed diesel oil

C. kerosene

D. demethylated spirit

E. methyl alcohol

90. The ratio of the increase in pressure in rotor blades to total increase in pressure in the stage is called__________________?
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A. pressure coefficient

B. degree of reaction

C. slip factor

D. pressure ratio

E. stage factor

92. The specific output per kg mass flow rate of a gas turbine (having fixed efficiencies of compressor and turine and fixed higher and lower temperature) with increase in pressure ratio will___________________?
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A. none of the above

B. first increase, reach maximum and then decrease

C. increase first at slow rate and then fast

D. increase first at fast rate and then slow

E. decrease continuously

93. Turbofan engine employs ____________________ ?
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A. two or more air streams

B. rocket principle for its operation

C. one air stream

D. solid fuel firing

E. no air stream

94. As the turbine inlet temperature increases, the thermal efficiency of gas turbine for the optimum pressure ratio_____________________?
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A. first increases and then decreases

B. remains same

C. decreases

D. first decreases and then increases

E. increases
95. The effective power of gas turbines is increased by adding the following in compressor__________________?
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A. hydrogen

B. ammonia and water vapour

C. none of the above

D. nitrogen

E. carbon dioxide

96. In gas turbines^ high thermal efficiency is obtained in_________________?
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A. closed cycle

B. open cycle

C. both of the above

D. closed/open depending on other con-siderations

E. unpredictable

97. The main purpose of reheating in gas turbine is to__________________?
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A. increase pressure ratio

B. increase power output

C. reduce turbine size

D. increase speed

E. increase temperature

98. Mining industry usually employs following motive power___________________?
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A. diesel engine

B. D.C. electric motor

C. compressed air

D. A.C. electric motor

E. petrol engine

99. The net work input required for compressor with increase in clearance volume_____________________?
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A. unpredictable

B. remains same

C. increases

D. increases/decreases depending on com-pressor capacity

E. decreases

100. Ram-jet engine__________________?
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A. is self-operating at zero flight speed

B. is not self-operating at zero^flight speed

C. none of the above

D. requires no air for its operation

E. produces a jet consisting of plasma