B. Self-contradictory speech
C. pity and fear
D. long speech
A. Pope
C. Dryden
D. Shelley
A. Keats
C. Wordsworth
A. Browning
C. Byron
D. Keats
A. Thomas Otway
B. John Dryden
D. John Milton
B. Charles Dickens
C. Oliver Goldsmith
D. Jane Austen
B. Charles II was restored to the throne
C. The Great Fire of London
D. The Exclusion Bill Crisis
A. a short story by Somerset Maugham
C. a history by Vincent Smith
D. a drama by Oscar Wilde
A. My Last Duchess
C. Canonization
D. A Tale of Two Cities
A. Bitterness and revenge
B. None of these
C. Hatred and jealousy
A. E. Bronte
B. J. Austen
D. None of these
A. 163
C. 194
D. 102
A. Dramatic Monologue
D. Tragic Drama
A. London
C. Paris
D. Venice
A. Roger Bacon
B. Cynewulf
C. Robert Browning
A. the basic unit of a composition
B. a sense of distress
D. none of the above
E. oral lesson
A. a poem of fourteen lines
B. a stanza of fourteen lines
D. a stanza of six lines
A. Earnest Jones
B. Freud
C. Nicoll
B. Culture and Anarchy
C. The Daffodils
D. Pride and Prejudice
A. Rebecca
C. Jane Eyre
D. Ramona
B. Jonathan Swift
C. Edmund Walter
D. Dr. Samuel Johnson
A. P.B. Shelley
B. William Blake
C. John Keats
A. A. Pope
C. O. Goldsmith
D. T. Hardy
A. Christopher Marlowe
B. William Shakespeare
C. George Bernard Shaw
A. 12th
B. 10th
C. 11th
A. study of language and rules
B. study of insects
D. study of meaning and syntax
A. a song for mourning
B. a two line stanza
C. a poem of lamentation
A. 1000 years ago
B. 1500 years ago
C. 3000 years ago
A. William Congreve
D. William Blake
A. The Hollow men
B. Prufrock
D. East Coker
A. Thomas Hardy
B. Henry Fielding
C. Alexander Pope
A. John Milton
B. Lord Tennyson
D. All of them
A. Romantic Comedy
B. Comedy of Errors
D. Comedy of Manners
A. Simile
C. Conceit
D. Metaphor
A. Tennyson
B. T. S. Eliot
C. both A and B
D. none of these
B. a lyric
C. a collection of elegies
D. a dramatic lyric
B. John Keats
D. Robert Herrick
A. Chaucers period
B. Anglo-Norman
C. Middle Age
B. John Donne
C. John Dryden
D. Alexander Pope
A. Shelley
B. John Ashbery
D. Sylvia Plath
A. neither
B. an ode
C. a sonnet
A. A ballad
C. None of these
D. An Ode
A. Epic
B. Fable
C. We Are Seven (Wordsworth)
D. Prisoner of Chillon (Byron)
A. Tom Jones : Henry Fielding
B. Roxana: Daniel Defoe
D. The Good-nature man: Oliver Goldsmith
B. 1610
D. 1608
A. Roots
C. Tom Jones
D. Rebecca
A. John Donne
B. Samuel Johnson
D. Tobias Smollett
A. None of these
B. Horatio
C. Laerteus
Showing 201 to 250 of 323 mcqs