miscellaneous literature Mcqs
201. Synecdoche refers to the term_____________?
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A. a thing stands for whole thing

B. Self-contradictory speech

C. pity and fear

D. long speech

203. We find Subjective Elements in ?
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A. Keats

B. All

C. Wordsworth

D. Shelley

205. One of these men did NOT write during the Restoration period. Who ?
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A. Thomas Otway

B. John Dryden

C. Sir Walter Scott

D. John Milton

206. The novel Talisman is written by_______________?
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A. Sir Walter Scott

B. Charles Dickens

C. Oliver Goldsmith

D. Jane Austen

207. Historical events often influence literature. Which of the following did NOT occur during the Restoration period ?
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A. The French Revolution

B. Charles II was restored to the throne

C. The Great Fire of London

D. The Exclusion Bill Crisis

208. The literary work Kubla khan is_______________?
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A. a short story by Somerset Maugham

B. a verse by Coleridge

C. a history by Vincent Smith

D. a drama by Oscar Wilde

209. The Romantic Age began with publication of_______________?
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A. My Last Duchess

B. Lyrical Ballads

C. Canonization

D. A Tale of Two Cities

210. The Cardinal virtues of the Houyhnhnms are__________________?
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A. Bitterness and revenge

B. None of these

C. Hatred and jealousy

D. Friendship and benevolence
211. Shirley, Jane Eyre, Villete were written by_______________?
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A. E. Bronte

B. J. Austen

C. C. Bronte

D. None of these

213. Would you tell Sordelo (Browning) as a______________?
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A. Dramatic Monologue

B. None of these

C. Dramatic Lyrics

D. Tragic Drama

215. Who is the father of English Literature ?
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A. Roger Bacon

B. Cynewulf

C. Robert Browning

D. Geoffrey Chaucer
216. What is Parable ?
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A. the basic unit of a composition

B. a sense of distress

C. an allegorical story usually containing

D. none of the above

E. oral lesson

217. What do you mean by Quatrain ?
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A. a poem of fourteen lines

B. a stanza of fourteen lines

C. a stanza of four lines

D. a stanza of six lines

218. Macbeth and Oedipus is by_________________?
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A. Earnest Jones

B. Freud

C. Nicoll

D. W. H. Auden
219. Which of the following is written by P. B. Shelly ?
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A. To a skylark

B. Culture and Anarchy

C. The Daffodils

D. Pride and Prejudice

220. Jane Austen is the writer of__________________?
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A. Rebecca

B. Emma

C. Jane Eyre

D. Ramona

221. Who is called the Mock heroic poet ?
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A. Alexander Pope

B. Jonathan Swift

C. Edmund Walter

D. Dr. Samuel Johnson

222. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are written by________________?
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A. P.B. Shelley

B. William Blake

C. John Keats

D. John Milton
223. Who is the author of The Origin of Species ?
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A. A. Pope

B. Charles Darwin

C. O. Goldsmith

D. T. Hardy

224. Who is the writer of Harold ?
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A. Christopher Marlowe

B. William Shakespeare

C. George Bernard Shaw

D. A. Lord Tennyson
226. What do you mean by Phonetics ?
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A. study of language and rules

B. study of insects

C. study of speech sounds

D. study of meaning and syntax

227. What do you mean by Heroic Couplet ?
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A. a song for mourning

B. a two line stanza

C. a poem of lamentation

D. a pair of rhyming iambic pentameter
228. Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome about____________?
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A. 1000 years ago

B. 1500 years ago

C. 3000 years ago

D. 2000 years ago
229. Written in March is a poem composed by_______________?
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A. William Congreve

B. William Shakespeare

C. William Wordsworth

D. William Blake

230. April is the Cruelest month of all is taken from Eliots__________________?
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A. The Hollow men

B. Prufrock

C. The Wasteland

D. East Coker

231. Lycidas is written by_____________?
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A. Thomas Hardy

B. Henry Fielding

C. Alexander Pope

D. John Milton
232. Who is contemporary of William Shakespeare ?
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A. John Milton

B. Lord Tennyson

C. Christopher Marlowe

D. All of them

233. Shaws Man and Superman is an example of___________?
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A. Romantic Comedy

B. Comedy of Errors

C. Comedy of Ideas

D. Comedy of Manners

235. Andrea Del Sarto is a poem written by_________________?
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A. Tennyson

B. T. S. Eliot

C. Browning

D. Keats

237. In Memoriam by Tennyson is________________?
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A. an elegy

B. a lyric

C. a collection of elegies

D. a dramatic lyric

238. Who was American poet ?
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A. John Milton

B. John Keats

C. Robert Frost

D. Robert Herrick

239. Which was the oldest period in English literature ?
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A. Chaucers period

B. Anglo-Norman

C. Middle Age

D. Anglo-Saxon
240. Who was a friend of John Milton ?
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A. Andrew Marvell

B. John Donne

C. John Dryden

D. Alexander Pope

241. The poem Wind is written by________________?
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A. Shelley

B. John Ashbery

C. Ted Hughes

D. Sylvia Plath

242. In Memoriam is _______________?
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A. neither

B. an ode

C. a sonnet

D. an elegy
245. But Gods eternal Laws are kind And break the heart of stone. In which poem do these lines appear ?
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A. Ballad of Reading Goal (Oscar Wilde)

B. None of these

C. We Are Seven (Wordsworth)

D. Prisoner of Chillon (Byron)

246. Find the Odd man out ?
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A. Tom Jones : Henry Fielding

B. Roxana: Daniel Defoe

C. All for Love: John Milton

D. The Good-nature man: Oliver Goldsmith

248. James Joyces famous novel_____________?
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A. Roots

B. Ulysses

C. Tom Jones

D. Rebecca

249. The 18th century work Tom Jones was written by whom ?
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A. John Donne

B. Samuel Johnson

C. Henry Fielding

D. Tobias Smollett

250. The kind Claudius was killed by________________?
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A. None of these

B. Horatio

C. Laerteus

D. Hamlet