miscellaneous literature Mcqs
301. The Alchemist is written by_______________?
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A. Ben Johnson

B. Samuel Johnson

C. Marlowe

D. None of them

302. The Age of Chaucer ranges from_______________?
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A. 1340-1385

B. 1340-1399

C. 1340-1400

D. 1240-1300

303. This work was written before the other three choices ?
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A. Bedes An Ecclesiastical History of the English People

B. Sir Thomas Mores Utopia

C. Julian of Norwhichs Book of Showings

D. Chaucers Canterbury Tales

304. In Poem Daffodils Sprightly Dance means________________?
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A. lively dance

B. nonsense dance

C. nice dance

D. ugly dance

305. Who Is known as the Father of English Poetry_______________?
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A. John Milton

B. William Shakespeare

C. Geoffrey Chaucer

D. William Wordsworth

306. Who is the writer of The Charge of the Light Brigade ?
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A. George Bernard Shaw

B. Christopher Marlowe

C. A. Lord Tennyson

D. William Shakespeare

307. The period of English literature from 1660to the end of the century is called_____________?
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A. Jacobean Period

B. Renaissance

C. Restoration Period

D. Romantic Age

308. Who wrote the poem Requiem ?
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A. John Milton

B. Samuel Johnson

C. Robert Louis Stevenson

D. William Shakespeare

309. Who is famous for representing London in his novels ?
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A. W. Scott

B. Hardy

C. Dickens

D. Thackeray

310. The Rape of the Lock is a_______________?
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A. Parody

B. Romance

C. Elegy

D. Sonnet

311. Beauty is truth, truth is beauty is stated by_____________?
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A. Charles Lamb

B. Keats

C. Shelley

D. Jane Austine

312. Who is an American author ?
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A. H.D. Thoreau

B. Henry W. Longfellow

C. R.W. Emerson

D. All 4
313. Who is the first modern novelist ?
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A. Samuel Johnson

B. None of the above

C. Samuel Richardson

D. Samuel Beckett

314. HYMN TO ADVERSITY is a poem by_______________?
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A. Alexander Pope

B. William Blake

C. Edward gibbon

D. Thomas gray
315. Who write the story Story Teller ?
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A. William Shakespeare

B. Saki

C. William Wordsworth

D. Thomas Grey

318. Who is the writer of The Restoration Period ?
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A. Jeremy Taylor

B. Robert Herrick

C. John Dryden

D. Thomas Hobbes

319. Which is called the Victorian Age______________?
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A. None of these

B. 20th Century

C. 19th Century

D. 18th Century

320. What is the feature of Romantic poetry ?
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A. Modernism

B. None of the above

C. Imagination

D. Post-modernism

322. Browning is famous for his______________?
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A. Dramatic Monologues

B. Sensory images

C. Narrative ballads

D. Blank Verse

323. I count religion but a childish toy is a line from Marlowes play______________?
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A. Edward II

B. The Jew of Malta

C. Tamburlaine

D. Dr. Faustus