famous playwright poet and others Mcqs
751. When did John Milton die ?
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A. 9 December 1670

B. 22 June 1675

C. 8 November 1674

D. 14 February 1669

754. Which book Edmund Spenser dedicated to the Philip Sidney ?
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A. Complaints

B. Colin Clouts come home again

C. The shepheaedes Calendar

D. The Faerie Queene

756. In which style did John Milton write the poem Paradise Lost ?
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A. Free verse

B. Vers libre

C. blank verse

D. Regular meter

757. John Miltons Samson Agonistes is best described by which of the following genres ?
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A. Masque

B. Pastoral elegy

C. Blank verse tragedy

D. Prose polemic

760. Who does Milton name as his heavenly muse ?
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A. Virgil

B. Urania

C. Titania

D. Michael

763. From where Christopher Marlowe received his early Education ?
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A. Corpus Christi College

B. Cambridge

C. oxford

D. witternburg

764. When was John Keats born?
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A. 30 April 1789

B. 25 December 1767

C. 31 October 1795

D. 22 November 1756

765. The foundation story of John Miltons Paradise Lost derives from what text ?
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A. The Book of Genesis

B. The Odyssey

C. The Book of Revelations

D. Canterbury Tales

766. When was Paradise Lost published ?
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A. 1669

B. 1667

C. 1651

D. 1639

768. Which poet was first who used metaphysical poetry among his contemporaries ?
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A. John Milton

B. Edmund Spenser

C. Sir Philip Sidney

D. John Donne
769. Near the end of Samson Agonistes, Samson has decided not to perform for attendants at a certain event when (starting with line 1381) he suddenly reverses positions and agrees to go. Why does he do this ?
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A. He experiences some rousing motions which might be from God.

B. He wishes to see Dalila one last time in the crowd.

C. Manoa convinces him to do it or the Philistines will execute Samson.

D. The Chorus demands he stay in his prison cell and Samson reacts against them.

770. Samson Agonistes is described as a Closet Drama, which means_______________?
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A. it was written to be read but not acted upon a stage.

B. people will read it in secret and not publically admit they read it.

C. it was written to be acted in a church.

D. it can be acted out on a very small stage.

772. To which theater was Christopher Marlow associated with ?
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A. English Renaissance theatre

B. English Puritan theatre

C. English Neo-Classical theatre

D. Restoration theatre

773. Through his magic, Faustus is visited first by which of the devils angels ?
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A. none of the above

B. beelzebub

C. Aamon

D. Mephastophilis
774. In 1660, after the Restoration, Milton suffered which of the following punishments ?
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A. His left index finger was chopped off.

B. He was imprisoned.

C. A and B

D. He was placed in the stocks for a week.

775. When Satan leaps over the fence into Paradise, what does Milton liken him to ?
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A. A fish leaping out of water

B. A germ infecting a body

C. A snake slithering up a tree

D. A wolf leaping into a sheeps pen
776. John Miltons Paradise Regained is written in a(n) style ?
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A. plain

B. luminescent

C. Sophistic

D. Latinate

777. What is Christopher Marlowes Nationality ?
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A. American

B. British

C. German

D. Dutch

782. In which place of England Christopher Marlow born ?
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A. London

B. Canterbury

C. Norflock

D. Warwick

783. Which of the following elements DOES NOT characterize epic poetry ?
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A. An Arming of the Hero Scene

B. An Invocation to the Muse

C. An Epic Council

D. A Tragic Recognition Speech
784. Marlowe born in______________?
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A. 1563

B. 1565

C. 1562

D. 1564
785. Astrophel and Stella is a ?
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A. Epic

B. Allegory

C. Ballad

D. Sonnet
787. Which one of the following dramas attributed to Christopher Marlow is believed to have been his first ?
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A. Dido, Queen of Carthage

B. The Jew of Malta

C. Edward the Second

D. Tamburlaine the Great

788. On which Biblical theme that Paradise lost is based ?
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A. The fall of Lucifer

B. The genesis

C. The fall of man

D. Adam and Eve

789. When was John Milton born ?
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A. 2 May 1614

B. 9 December 1608

C. 12 June 1628

D. 17 August 1612

790. Early in Book Two of Paradise Regained, who yearns to see the missing Jesus (who has wandered into the desert) ?
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A. First Mary, then James and John

B. First Andrew and Simon (Peter), then Mary

C. First Peter, then Paul and Mary

D. First Mary, then Joseph

791. What angel often speaks to Adam in Paradise ?
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A. Raphael

B. Pandosto

C. Baal

D. Michelangelo

792. Who wrote The Massacre at Paris ?
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A. Shakespeare

B. Edmund Spenser

C. john Milton

D. Christopher Marlowe
795. Which devil is Satans second-incommand ?
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A. Beezelbub

B. Sin

C. Moloch

D. Mammon

796. Who wrote Holy Sonnets ?
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A. Edmund Spenser

B. John Milton

C. Shakespeare

D. John Donne
797. From which institution did Christopher Marlow receive Bachelor of Arts degree in 1584 ?
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A. Oxford University

B. Corpus Christi College

C. Queens college

D. Trinity College

798. The first complete version of Bible in English language was made by ?
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A. Robert Greene

B. Thomas more

C. John Lyly

D. Wyclif
799. Who translated Utopia in English language ?
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A. Ralph Robinson

B. Thomas More

C. Thomas lodge

D. William Tyndale

800. Which of the following published in 1579 and although it placed Spencer immediately in the highest rank of living writers ?
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A. The Shepherds calendar

B. Colin clouts come home again

C. Faerie queen, first three books

D. Faerie queen, second three books