famous playwright poet and others Mcqs
701. Who is commonly known as Pip in Great Expectations ?
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A. Philip Pip

B. Filip Pirip

C. Philips Pirip

D. Philip Pirrip

702. In Pride and Prejudice, Lydia elopes with ?
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A. Charles Bingley

B. William Collins

C. Wickham

D. Darcy

704. Which of the following is the first novel of D. H. Lawrence ?
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A. The White Peacock

B. Sons and Lovers

C. The Trespasser

D. Women in Love

705. Heaven lies about us in our infancy. This line occurs in the poem ?
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A. Tintern Abbey

B. The Second Coming

C. Leda and the Swan

D. Immortality Ode
706. Sir John Falstaff is one of Shakespeares greatest ?
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A. comic figures

B. historical figures

C. tragic figures

D. romantic figures

707. At what point does the narration unfolds in the poem Paradise Lost ?
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A. After the fall of man

B. In paradise, when Lucifer sits with God

C. In Eden

D. After the defeat of rebel angels
708. When was William Wordsworth born ?
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A. 7 July 1767

B. 20 March 1773

C. 7 April 1770

D. 10 September 1772

709. Who, among the following, is not connected with the Oxford Movement ?
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A. E.B. Pusey

B. John Keble

C. Robert Browning

D. J. H. Newman

710. What is the sub-title of the play Twelfth Night ?
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A. Or, What you Like It

B. Or, What you Think

C. Or, What you Will

D. Or, What is you Will

711. What is the name of the eccentric scientist in the novel Frankenstein ?
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A. Kristofer Frankenstein

B. Victor Frankenstein

C. Paris Frankenstein

D. Mario Frankenstein

712. Between what time period did William Shakespeare begin a successful career in London as an actor ?
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A. between1580 and 1591

B. between1585 and 1592

C. between1579 and 1583

D. between1579 and 1587

713. Shakespeare dedicated his long narrative poem Venus and Adonis to________________?
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A. Henry Wriothesley, the second earl of Southampton

B. Thomas Wriothesley,forth earl of Southampton

C. William Fitzwilliam, first earl of Southampton

D. Henry Wriothesley, the third earl of Southampton
716. What was the occupation of Christopher Marlowes father ?
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A. Farmer

B. Cobbler

C. Civil servant

D. Carpenter

717. John Miltons Paradise Regained is a story largely about what topic ?
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A. A quest for knowledge of the self

B. A quest for Forbidden Knowledge

C. A quest for knowledge of other countries

D. A quest for knowledge of the future

718. What is Faerie Queene ?
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A. An epic

B. A ballad

C. An allegory

D. A sonnet

720. The Prince Of Poets in his time, on whom grave the inscription is given ?
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A. Sir Philip Sidney

B. John Milton

C. John Donne

D. Edmund Spencer
721. Thomas kyd (1558-95) achieved great popularity with which of his first work ?
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A. The Spanish Tragedy

B. The Rare Triumphs of love and fortune

C. Cornelia

D. Jeronimo

722. Despite Samsons defeat and shame, Samson predicts that God will arise and his great name assert by making Dagon receive Such a discomfit, as shall quite despoil him / Of all these boasted Trophies won on me / And with confusion blank his Worshippers (46771). This prediction is interesting because ?
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A. the prophet Enoch had made the same prediction centuries earlier.

B. Samson doesnt know he himself will fulfill the prediction.

C. the prediction is finally fulfilled much later when Jesus defeats Dagon

D. the prediction is never fulfilled.

724. In whose reign Morality plays began ?
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A. Elizabeth one

B. Henry five

C. Henry eight

D. Henry six
725. Who wrote Mirror for Magistrates ?
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A. Thomas Wyatt

B. Thomas Sacville

C. Thomas Kyde

D. Thomas lodge

726. The term Agonistes is Greek and it means______________?
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A. one who is in agony.

B. one who inflicts agony.

C. one who struggles for or champions a cause.

D. one who predicts the future.

727. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE concerning Book Two of John Miltons Paradise Lost ?
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A. Satan embarks on his passage across the great gulf of Chaos.

B. The Narrator invokes his muse by the name of Holy Light.

C. ging competitions.

D. A debate is held in Hell by Satan and his compatriots concerning whether to attempt to recover Heaven.

E. The demons begin exploring Hell, engaging in philosophical debates, and entering

729. John Miltons Areopagitica is best described by which of the following genres ?
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A. Prose polemic

B. Masque

C. Pastoral elegy

D. Blank verse tragedy

730. In Book Six of Paradise Lost, Adam is told of what major event ?
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A. The fall of the Rebel Angels

B. The death of Michael

C. The fall of the Son

D. The fall of God

734. In the Biblical book of Judges,?
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A. Never records Dalilas cutting of Samsons hair.

B. Never records Dalilas visit to Samson in prison.

C. Dalila refuses to pay Samsons ransom in prison.

D. Dalila pays Samsons ransom from prison.

735. In what book does the fall take place ?
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A. Book IX

B. Book VII

C. Book X

D. Book VIII

736. Renaissance first came to the ?
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A. Rome

B. France

C. England

D. Italy
737. In Samson Agonistes, Harapha exits because of what reason ?
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A. He must hurry to catch up with Dalila.

B. He does not want to fight Samson.

C. Samson will not fight him.

D. He has been called back to his hometown of Gath.

738. When did John Keats die ?
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A. 11 May 1838

B. 12 March 1833

C. 19 August 1825

D. 23 February 1821
740. John Miltons Comus is best described by which of the following genres ?
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A. Prose polemic

B. Pastoral elegy

C. Blank verse tragedy

D. Masque
742. What author wrote Life of Milton ?
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A. Edmund Spencer

B. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

C. Samuel Johnson

D. T. S. Eliot

743. Which Poem caused Miltons stature as a poet to be recognized ?
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A. Il Penseroso

B. Lycidas

C. Areopagitica

D. Paradise Lost
744. Faustus asks two magicians to aid him in summoning the devil. What are their names ?
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A. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

B. Valdes and Cornelius

C. Troilus and Cressida

D. Pyramus and Thisbe

745. In Book One of Paradise Lost, the narrator identifies the fallen angels or devils by what names ?
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A. The names of the angels they will become

B. Their surnames

C. The names of pagan gods

D. The names of foreign countries

748. John Milton was inspired by the previous works of what authors ?
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A. Homer, Dryden, and Longfellow

B. Virgil, Shakespeare, and Jane Austen

C. Dante, Spenser, and Pope

D. Homer, Virgil, and Dante
749. Who declared him as Britains greatest dramatist in 1598 ?
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A. Francis Meres, a lawyer

B. Queen Elizabeth

C. Burbage, an actor

D. King James

750. Greville was biographer of ?
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A. Sir Philip Sidney

B. John Milton

C. John Donne

D. Edmund Spencer