3751. Which of the following best defines the work of a deconstructionist critic ?
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A. Suggesting that the study of literature is based on the breakdown of language into signs

B. Calling into question the capacity of language to communicate

C. Arguing that language, and therefore literary texts, relies on the difference between terms and therefore constantly defers meaning.

D. All of the above.
3753. What is double consciousness ?
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A. All of the above.

B. An understanding of how double experiences create identity

C. An attempt to explain dual identity

D. A concept developed by W.E.B Du Bois

3754. With which theorist is the term implied reader associated ?
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A. Cleanth Brooks

B. Harold Bloom

C. William Wimsatt

D. Wolfgang Iser

3755. With which theorist is the term identity thinking most closely associated ?
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A. Sigmund Freud

B. Carl Jung

C. William James

D. Theodor W. Adorno
3756. In Of Grammatology, Jacques Derrida argues what about literature ?
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A. Literature is timeless, and thus meaning does not change.

B. There is no potential for multiple and differing meanings in a work of literature.

C. No fixed, stable meaning is possible.

D. Language must be studied in conjunction with history in order to create meaning.

3757. With which theorist is phenomenology associated ?
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A. All of the above.

B. Emmanuel Lvinas

C. Wolfgang Iser

D. Jean-Paul Sartre

3758. To what idea does the term heteroglossia refer ?
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A. The multi-layered nature of language in a literary work

B. An infants inability to speak prior to the mirror stage

C. The formulaic shift between economic and political themes

D. The referential relationships among symbols, signifiers, and signs

3759. Modern literary theory began with the work of which theorist ?
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A. Viktor Shklovsky

B. Roland Barthes

C. Ferdinand de Saussure

D. Claude Lvi-Strauss

3760. In general, what is Judith Butlers concept of gender ?
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A. Gender is largely a cultural construct.

B. Gender is a problematic, but essentially true, category.

C. While gender is not real, the stereotypes that accompany it are true.

D. Womens gender is artificial, while mens gender is not.

3761. Which is a common postcolonial critique of the West ?
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A. The West tends to look at Asian countries as individual units rather than lump them together.

B. TheWest spends too much time trying to consider an Asian perspective.

C. The West views matters through its own limited historical position.

D. The West refuses to apply economic and political coercion to Asian writers.

3763. Which of the following statements best describes Cleanth Brookss attitude towards studying literature ?
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A. Critics should attempt to paraphrase texts in order to find out what they mean

B. Critics should develop universal readings of texts.

C. Critics should examine historical information surrounding a literary work.

D. Critics should consider evolving notions of a text over time.

3764. According to the Geneva School, what is the function of the reader ?
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A. Entering the authors mind through his or her literary works

B. All of the above.

C. Understanding the authors consciousness

D. Reproducing the authors thoughts in a critical context

3766. What is Christopher Rickss attitude toward literary theory ?
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A. He considers it to be vital in order to understand literary texts.

B. He considers theory to be the only way that literary texts can be interpreted.

C. He feels that literary theory is ultimately too limited in scope to serve as a proper method of interpretation.

D. He has no misgivings about the practical usability of literary theory.

3767. Which of the following statements offers the best definition of the concept of strange attractors in chaos theory ?
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A. Strange attractors are mysterious forces that are entirely random.

B. Strange attractors are complex forces that are determined by the laws of physics.

C. Strange attractors are mysterious forces that are both random and determined.

D. Strange attractors are complex forces that are entirely random.

3768. From whom did New Historicists draw the idea of self-regulating systems ?
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A. Jacques Derrida

B. Julia Kristeva

C. Theodor W. Adorno

D. Claude Lvi-Strauss
3769. How do Marxist theorists react to ideology ?
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A. They subject all ideologies to critique in order to expose biased interests.

B. They promote ideology because it helps to create a dominant social order

C. They accept ideology as an essential, although sometimes problematic, part of society.

D. They reject the idea that ideology has real effects on social progress.

3770. What fundamental idea does psychoanalytic criticism hold about literary texts ?
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A. Literary texts should not be read as a projection of the authors psyche.

B. Literary texts reveal secret elements of an authors unconscious.

C. Literary texts are unlike dreams because they have a system of order and produce meaning.

D. Literary texts solely reflect an authors intentions.

3771. Which of the following descriptions best defines the literary theory known as formalism ?
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A. An approach that emphasizes the historical context of a text

B. An approach that emphasizes the biographical intent of a text

C. An approach that emphasizes literary devices in a text

D. An approach that emphasizes racial issues in a text

3772. What is the main function of postcolonial criticism ?
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A. To explain why there are few examples of successful non-Western literature

B. To show the ways in which mostWestern literature is superior

C. To represent the relationship between colonizers and the colonized

D. To draw attention to the positive effects of colonization on literature

3773. Which theorist is most closely associated with the idea of art as imitation ?
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A. Edward Said

B. Stephen Greenblatt

C. Jacques Lacan

D. Plato
3774. Which of the following texts is considered the first example of postcolonial criticism ?
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A. Cleanth Brookss Keatss Sylvan Historian

B. Harold Blooms An Elegy for the Canon

C. Jacques Lacans The Mirror Stage

D. Edward Saids Orientalism
3775. How does literary theory resemble the practice of philosophy as it was developed by Plato and Aristotle ?
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A. Literary theory asks fundamental questions about literary interpretation, and at the same time builds specific systems of literary interpretation.

B. Literary theory engages with theoretical rather than real-world issues.

C. Literary theory relies totally on speculation rather than history.

D. Literary theory is detached from the reality of politics and the economy.

3776. Which of the following theorists is associated with formalism ?
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A. Viktor Shklovsky

B. Judith Butler

C. Cleanth Brooks

D. Terry Eagleton

3778. In his essay What Is an Author? what position(s) on authorship does Michel Foucault take ?
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A. The author may not always exist.

B. All of the above.

C. The names of authors serve a classificatory function.

D. The author is not a source of infinite meaning.

3779. What is the purpose of feminist theory ?
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A. To create literary subjects with which female readers can identify

B. All of the above.

C. To counter stereotypes about women

D. To critique phallocentric assumptions about literature

3780. Which of the following is a rule of semiotics ?
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A. All linguistic and social phenomena are texts, and the object of studying these texts is to reveal the underlying codes that make them meaningful.

B. All linguistics is related to history, and therefore the meaning of linguistics relies exclusively on historical context.

C. All linguistics is in some way related to class struggle.

D. All linguistic concepts evolve solely out of the responses of people within a specific historical era.

3781. What does Edward Said argue about the concept of the Orient ?
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A. It was produced by Western scholarship.

B. Its literature is less proud that that of the West.

C. It has little relationship to the colonization of Asian countries by the West.

D. It illustrates the fundamental political equality of all nations.

3782. Which theorist is associated with the idea that art is a copy of a copy ?
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A. Julia Kristeva

B. Claude Lvi-Strauss

C. Plato

D. Walter Benjamin

3783. How are Julia Kristevas psychoanalytic theories distinct from traditional Freudian concepts ?
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A. Kristeva offers a more central place for womens issues within psychological development.

B. Kristeva rejects the idea that neuroses provide insight into the unconscious.

C. Kristeva fundamentally disagrees with the idea of the mirror stage.

D. Kristeva suggests that women are not subject to traditional fetishes.

3784. Jacques Derridas concept of diffrance challenges us to think about language as a system that___________?
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A. involves a constant process of deferred meaning.

B. mirrors our physical evolution as human beings.

C. prevents us from communicating through writing or speech.

D. evolved exclusively as a function of our individual psyche.

3785. What is the main goal of ethnic criticism ?
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A. All of the above.

B. To rectify the double experiences of certain racial groups

C. To expand the canon to include works authored by different racial groups

D. To reconcile cultural identity with individual identity

3786. What is affective fallacy ?
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A. An important term in the field of New Historicism

B. All of the above.

C. A term that suggests that a critic should study the structural and thematic elements of a poem rather than the effect it has on the emotions of the reader B. A term that describes the confusion between a poem and its result

3787. What do many contemporary theorists find problematic about the literary canon ?
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A. It includes too few works by women.

B. It includes too few works by nonwhite writers.

C. All of the above.

D. It includes too few works by non- Western writers.
3788. What did Sigmund Freud believe about the unconscious ?
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A. It has little impact on human behavior.

B. It is the only significant aspect of the human psyche.

C. It can never be accessed.

D. It contains secret instincts and desires that are repressed.
3789. Who coined the term New Historicism ?
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A. Stephen Greenblatt

B. Jacques Derrida

C. Fredric Jameson

D. Terry Eagleton

3792. What does Elaine Showalter argue about gender in terms of representations of the character of Ophelia in William Shakespeares Hamlet ?
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A. All of the above

B. Womens tragedies tend to be subordinated to those of men.

C. Feminist critics need to re-appropriate Ophelia for their own purposes.

D. It is nearly impossible to represent women as anything other than mad in patriarchal discourses.

3793. Which literary theorist argues that there is nothing outside the text ?
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A. Jacques Derrida

B. Stanley Fish

C. T.S. Eliot

D. Jacques Lacan

3795. In his essay The Death of the Author, Roland Barthes argues what about literature ?
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A. Biographical information about the author must be considered when evaluating literature.

B. It is possible to distill meaning from a work based on the authors politics.

C. A text and its author text are unrelated.

D. Authorial intent must be considered when evaluating literature.

3796. According to Jacques Lacan, the mirror stage is the point at which a child_________________?
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A. is able to separate the I from the Other.

B. refuses maternal bonds.

C. first engages with speech.

D. looks into a mirror for the first time.

3797. Which of the following texts provides the best example of defamiliarization ?
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A. John Keatss Ode on a Grecian Urn

B. Aristotles Poetics

C. Leo Tolstoys The Kreutzer Sonata

D. Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness

3798. Which school of theorists is most closely associated with phenomenology ?
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A. The Frankfurt School

B. The Geneva School

C. The Moscow School

D. The Chicago School

3800. With which feminist theorist is gynocriticism most closely associated ?
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A. Lucy Irigaray

B. Julia Kristeva

C. Hlne Cixous

D. Elaine Showalter