3702. The Prince Of Poets in his time, on whom grave the inscription is given ?
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A. Sir Philip Sidney

B. John Donne

C. John Milton

D. Edmund Spencer
3704. University Wits were those who ?
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A. gave curriculum of two universities

B. none of the above

C. Erected two universities

D. Had training at two universities
3705. In Paradise regained who regained the paradise ?
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A. Only Adam

B. Adam and Eve

C. Jesus

D. Satan

3706. The collection of the papers and correspondence of a well-to-do Norfolk family is known as ?
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A. Margret Paston to John Paston

B. The Paston letters

C. To John Paston

D. Letters to the Margret Paston

3709. Spencer married in June 11, 1594 to _______________?
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A. Elizabeth Wilton D/O Lord Grey De Wilton

B. Elizabeth Boyle D/O Richard Boyle

C. Elizabeth Raleigh D/O Walter Raleigh

D. Elizabeth Boyle D/O James Boyle
3710. In whose memory did John Milton write Methought I saw my late espousd saint ?
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A. Katherine Woodcock

B. Oliver Cromwell

C. Mary Powell

D. Edward II

3711. To which theater was Christopher Marlow associated with ?
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A. English Puritan theatre

B. English Neo-Classical theatre

C. Restoration theatre

D. English Renaissance theatre
3714. The English Civil War was waged between what two political groups ?
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A. Parliamentarians and Roundheads

B. Royalists and Parliamentarians

C. Anarchists and Royalists

D. Royalists and Monarchists

3716. Section 31, of the Sale of Goods Act, duty bounds the buyer to______________?
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A. Accept the goods

B. Pay for the goods

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

3719. Constitution of 1962, provided ___________ form of government ?
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A. Presidential

B. Parliamentary

C. None of these

D. None of the above

3720. When was John Milton born ?
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A. 12 June 1628

B. 9 December 1608

C. 17 August 1612

D. 2 May 1614

3721. What is Faerie Queene ?
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A. An epic

B. A sonnet

C. A ballad

D. An allegory
3723. Which famous work of John Miltons was based on the fall of man ?
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A. Paradise Regained

B. On the Late Massacre in Piedmont

C. Samson Agonistes

D. Paradise Lost
3724. Ultimately, the literary theory of deconstruction argues that___________?
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A. any system for the production of meaning is inevitably bound by context, yet also limitless.

B. the instability of a text is actually evident in the text itself.

C. All of the above.

D. texts are always heterogeneous.

3725. New trends in literary theory tend to do which of the following ?
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A. Reject all previous modes of literary theory

B. Work only with ideas developed by post-Marxist theorists

C. Focus on a return to traditional critical methods

D. Make use of different literary theories in order to develop new theories
3726. What is mimesis ?
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A. A reversal

B. A poetic metaphor

C. A satire

D. An imitation
3727. What is dialogism ?
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A. All of the above.

B. A term that explains resistance to a monolithic text

C. A term used to describe how texts include a variety of styles

D. A term used to explain the use of multiple points of view in literature

3728. Which of the following ideas relates to J.L. Austins performativity theory ?
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A. Individuals perform gender actively.

B. Performance is the ultimate objective of all human beings.

C. Language is used to indicate action as well as thought.

D. Individuals develop consciousness through speech

3729. In her essay The Laugh of the Medusa, what does Hlne Cixous suggest for women ?
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A. Women should primarily dedicate themselves to studying womens literature from the past.

B. Women should write, but they should do so only within the existent male canon.

C. Women should be unconcerned with the struggle for identity.

D. Women should write for and about themselves in order to counter phallocentric texts.
3730. Trauma theory is tremendously influenced by which theoretical school ?
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A. Deconstruction

B. Psychoanalysis

C. Feminism

D. Marxism

3731. Which of the following best describes the difference between literary criticism and literary theory?
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A. Literary theory is concerned with the method used to interpret a work, while literary criticism is the application of literary theory.

B. Literary criticism is concerned only with the meaning of a literary work, while literary theory is concerned only with the structure of a literary work.

C. Literary criticism is concerned with how characters in a text act, while literary theory is concerned with why characters act.

D. Literary criticism draws upon research derived from sources outside literature, while literary theory draws upon sources within a text.

3732. What does Judith Butler mean when she suggests that gender is performed ?
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A. Gender does not reflect an essential truth, but rather is a role people play based on their internalization of socially constructed gender roles.

B. Real gender roles are scripted by excellent writers.

C. Only individuals who have the capacity to perform have gender.

D. Gender roles do not exist.

3733. In her essay The Poem as Event, Louise M. Rosenblatt sees the reader as performing what function ?
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A. All of the above.

B. The reader acts upon the text.

C. The reader is acted upon by the text.

D. The reader brings individual knowledge to his or her reading of the text.

3734. How does Wolfgang Iser envision the reader ?
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A. The reader fills in the gaps imposed by an authors intention.

B. The reader is less important than the authors context.

C. The reader is sublimated beneath the author.

D. The reader is totally subject to the authors intention.

3735. Reader-response theory is focused on considering which of the following ?
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A. How readers regard critics

B. How readers imagine visual images in a text

C. How readers participate in creating the meaning of a text

D. How readers learn to read

3736. Which of the following offers the best definition of criture fminine ?
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A. Second-wave feminism

B. The inscription of womanhood and femininity in texts

C. Psychological studies of women

D. How women really feel about male writers

3737. What does the term meta-language mean, according to Andrzej Warminski ?
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A. A language that does not yet constitute a real language

B. A supernatural language

C. A language about another language

D. A language used by a particular marginalized group of people within a larger dominant culture

3738. What is the central idea of Ferdinand de Saussures Course in General Linguistics ?
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A. Linguistics is too complicated to be distilled to a formula.

B. Language is inseparable from its historical context.

C. Language can be analyzed as a formal system of elements.

D. There are five phases of linguistic development.

3739. What are some common criticisms of literary theory ?
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A. Many theories are no longer accepted by their parent disciplines.

B. Many theories have been pushed too far into abstraction.

C. All of the above.

D. The reasoning of theory is often too circular.

3740. What is humanism ?
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A. All of the above.

B. A theory that values restraint, form, and imitation

C. A humanity-centered view of the universe

D. A school of theory devoted to the revival of Classical (ancient Greek and Roman) literature

3741. To what idea does the ancient Greek term aporia refer in terms of deconstruction theory ?
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A. The ability of a text to contain truth

B. The idea that a text has a specific meaning that can be understood through a process of deconstruction

C. Jacques Derridas style of writing

D. The undecidability and essentially unstable nature of a text
3742. What is generally considered to be Theodor W. Adornos primary concern as a theorist ?
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A. The effect of the economy on womens concerns

B. The effect of the unconscious mind on the conscious self

C. The effect of modern society on human suffering

D. The effect of literature in enlightening the human mind

3743. What is dialectical materialism ?
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A. A term related to gender theory that argues that men are dominant in society by virtue of their economic privilege

B. A form of literary criticism that is based on historical context

C. A form of literary criticism based on linguistic analysis

D. A form of literary criticism that does not incorporate economic concerns

3744. Which of the following texts is the BEST example of the argument that a works meaning does not come entirely from the imagination of the author ?
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A. T.S. Eliots Tradition and the Individual Talent

B. Platos The Republic

C. Roland Barthess The Death of the Author

D. Jacques Derridas Of Grammatology

3745. Which of the following human behaviors is important to a Freudian psychoanalytic study of William Shakespeares Hamlet ?
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A. Obsessions

B. Slips of the tongue

C. All of the above.

D. Changes in emotional states

3746. Which of the following is a theme of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwicks book Epistemology of the Closet ?
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A. Literary study is unaffected by a lack of interest in sexuality.

B. Understanding homosexuality has little effect on understanding culture.

C. Understanding homosexual themes in novels has become too routine

D. Understanding sexuality is crucial to understanding culture.
3747. What is the philosophical theory known as pragmatism ?
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A. All of the above.

B. A concept derived from the ancient Greek word pragma, meaning action

C. An idea used to guide conduct towards clear objectives

D. A theory of practical actions developed by William James

3748. What is hermeneutics ?
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A. A term that describes the interpretation of meaning

B. A term that describes the effect of autobiography on text

C. A term that describes the attempt to read homosexuality into literature

D. A term that describes the absence of racial others in the canon

3749. Trauma theory primarily developed out of the work of which psychoanalyst ?
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A. Carl Jung

B. Sigmund Freud

C. Michel Foucault

D. Jacques Derrida

3750. How does Virginia Woolfs essay A Room of Ones Own contribute to feminist theory ?
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A. It suggests that gender has power over class.

B. It suggests that gender roles are conditioned by the possession of money and power.

C. It suggests that education, rather than money, is needed for the liberation of women.

D. It suggests that the suppression of women is part of a historical climate that will naturally fade away.