6801. According to the part of the tongue that is raised, vowels can be classified into__________?
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A. Round vowels & unrounded vowels

B. High vowels & low vowels

C. Front vowels & back vowels

D. Tense vowels &lax vowels

6803. The classification of vowels into half__high vowels and half__low vowels is based on ________________?
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A. All the abovE.

B. The height to which the tongue is raised

C. The position of the lips

D. The part of the tongue that is raised

6805. A person who can use more than two languages_______________?
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A. Multilingual

B. Bilingual

C. Poly__langual

D. Poly__lingual

6807. Who introduced in linguistics the concept of Langue and Parole ?
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A. Charles Sanders Pierce

B. Edward Sapir

C. Ferdinand de Saussure

D. Noam Chomsky

6808. The /d/ in middle is an instance of __________________?
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A. Nasal plosion

B. Lateral plosion

C. Incomplete plosion.

D. Alveolar plosion

6809. The consonants /j/ and /w/ are called__________?
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A. Sibilants

B. Trills.

C. Semi__vowels

D. Laterals

6812. The final /n/ in the words sudden and mutton are __________________?
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A. Suffixes

B. Syllabic consonants

C. None of the above

D. Sibilants

6813. ______________is the scientific study of language ?
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A. linguistics

B. Phonology

C. Philology

D. Phonetics

6815. Morphology is the branch of linguistics which deals with
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A. The study of the structure of sounds and symbols.

6817. The special features which affect speech sounds such as stress, pitch intonation and juncture are called ______________?
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A. Secondary phonemes

B. All the above.

C. Supra__segmental phonemes

D. Prosodic features

6820. The /k/ in kill and skill are ________________?
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A. Morpheme variants

B. Minimal pairs

C. Allophones

D. Allomorphs

6821. Words such as UNESCO and RADAR are instances of ____________?
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A. Conversion

B. Acronym

C. Re__duplicates

D. Compounding

6822. The classification of vowels into close vowels and open vowels is based on ________________?
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A. All the above.

B. The position of the lips

C. The height to which the tongue is raised

D. The part of the tongue that is raised

6824. The en in strengthen is a __________?
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A. An adjective forming morpheme

B. Possessive morpheme

C. Verb forming morpheme

D. Plural morpheme

6826. The s in she sings well is ____________?
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A. An adjective forming morpheme

B. Morpheme signaling third person singular.

C. Plural morpheme

D. Possessive morpheme

6828. According to the position of lips vowels can be divided into__________?
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A. Tense vowels &lax vowels

B. Round vowels & unrounded vowels

C. High vowels & low vowels

D. Front vowels & back vowels

6830. The initial /l/ and the final /l/ in the word little are___________?
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A. Morpheme variants

B. Allophones

C. Minimal pairs

D. Allomorphs

6832. Words with more than three syllables are called __________words?
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A. Multisyllabic

B. Try syllabic

C. Disyllabic

D. Polysyllabic

6834. The /t/ in little is an instance of __________________?
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A. Alveolar plosion

B. Nasal plosion

C. Incomplete plosion.

D. Lateral plosion
6836. Syllables in which the consonant functions as nucleus are called________?
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A. None of the above

B. Suffixes

C. Sibilants

D. Syllabic consonants
6838. Which among the following pairs are Alveolar plosives ?
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A. /m/ & /v/

B. /p/ & /b/

C. /k/ & /g/

D. /t/ &/d/
6839. The /p/ in top__most is a ______________?
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A. Incomplete plosion.

B. Nasal plosion

C. Alveolar plosion

D. Bilabial plosion

6841. Longinus asserts that nothing contributes more to loftiness of tone in writing than _________?
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A. Impassioned Utterance

B. Grandeur Thought

C. Genuine Emotion

D. Splendour Style

6842. ______________are words which differ only in one phoneme ?
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A. Minimal pairs

B. Triphthongs

C. Diphthongs

D. Semi__vowels

6845. The final /m/ in the word Prism is an instance of ____________?
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A. Sibilants

B. Suffixes

C. Syllabic consonants

D. None of the above

6847. The classification of vowels into tense vowels and lax vowels is based on ________________?
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A. The part of the tongue that is raised

B. The position of the lips

C. The state of the tension of the tongue

D. The height to which the tongue is raised

6848. The pronunciation of English practised by the educated people at the public schools came to be called____________?
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A. Received Pronunciation

B. Standard pronunciation

C. Standard English

D. Recognized pronunciation