6751. A person who has the ability to use only one language is called__________?
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A. Monolingual

B. Monologue

C. Monologal

D. None of the above

6752. Sounds articulated by two lips are called ____________?
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A. Labio__dental

B. Dental

C. Alveolar

D. Bilabial
6754. The final /t/ in walked is ____________?
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A. Past morpheme

B. Plural morpheme

C. Possessive morpheme

D. An adjective forming morpheme

6756. How many types of phonetic transcriptions are generally followed ?
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A. None of the above

B. Innumerable

C. Only one

D. Two
6757. Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in listing the items ?
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A. The falling

B. The fall__rise

C. None of the above

D. The rising

6761. The theory of Transformational Generative Grammar is contained in ____________?
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A. Chomskys Syntactic Structures

B. Chomskys Aspects of the theory of Syntax

C. Leonard Bloomfields Language

D. Both a & b
6763. Noam Chomsky was born in _________?
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A. 9-Dec-28

B. December 7, 1928

C. 8-Dec-28

D. 10-Dec-28

6764. /f/ and /v/ are called ?
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A. Plosives

B. Trill

C. fricatives

D. Affricates

6765. The s in johns is __________?
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A. Plural morpheme

B. Possessive morpheme

C. Past morpheme

D. An adjective forming morpheme

6766. Morpheme alternants are called________?
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A. Allophones

B. None of the above

C. Allomorphs

D. Minimal pairs

6768. The system of communication within a community.
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A. N. O. T

B. Langue

C. Parole

D. Paradigmatic

6771. The theory of Biolinguistics is given by__________?
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A. Enoch Powell

B. Ferdenand De Sassure

C. Steven Pinker

D. Noam Chomsky
6772. Which among the following pairs are Velar plosives ?
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A. /p/ & /b/

B. /t/ &/d/

C. /m/ & /v/

D. /k/ & /g/
6773. The classification of vowels into front vowels and back vowels is based on ________________ ?
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A. All the abovE.

B. The height to which the tongue is raised

C. The part of the tongue that is raised

D. The position of the lips

6774. On the basis of the criterion of the state of the tension of the tongue, vowels can be classified into______________?
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A. High vowels & low vowels

B. Front vowels & back vowels

C. Tense vowels &lax vowels

D. Round vowels & unrounded vowels

6776. Words such as smog and motel are instances of ____________?
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A. Compounding

B. Backformation

C. Derivation

D. Portmanteau
6777. Which among the following is not an aim of linguistics_______________?
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A. To propound stories of the origin of language

B. To establish a theory of language

C. To describe a language and all languages

D. To study the nature of language

6778. The classification of vowels into front vowels, back vowels and center vowels is based on ________________?
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A. All the abovE.

B. The height to which the tongue is raised

C. The part of the tongue that is raised

D. The position of the lips

6780. Words such as phone and photo are instances of ____________?
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A. Compounding

B. Portmanteau

C. Derivation

D. Clipping.
6782. Stress is used for the sake of ______________?
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A. Loudness

B. Double meaning

C. None of the above

D. Emphasis
6785. ______________________ is the device used in modern linguistics for grouping together words and phrases so as to remove ambiguity of construction?
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A. All the abovE.

B. Transformational Generative grammar

C. The phrase structure Grammar

D. Immediate Constituent Analysis
6786. The two great linguists who have contributed much to frame the device of Immediate Constituent analysis are__________________?
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A. Edward Sapir & Ferdinand de Saussure

B. Leonard Bloomfield & Noam Chomsky

C. Max__Muller & Herman Gundert

D. Leonard Bloomfield & Max__Muller

6787. The form dog is a __________morphemE?
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A. None of these

B. Free variation

C. Bound morpheme

D. A free morpheme
6788. Which among the following does not constitute the scientific nature of linguistics_____________?
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A. Determination of causal relationship between facts

B. Chronological presentation of data

C. Verification, validation and generalization.

D. Systematic gathering and analysis of data

6789. ______________are sounds articulated in the glottis ?
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A. Palatal

B. None of the above

C. Velar

D. Glottal
6792. ________________are also called secondary phonemes?
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A. Suprasegmentals

B. Allophones

C. Allomorphs

D. Morphemes

6793. The r in red is articulated as a______________?
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A. Lateral

B. Frictionless continuant

C. Trill

D. Semi__vowel

6795. ____________________are also called prosodic features?
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A. Morphemes

B. Allomorphs

C. Suprasegmentals

D. Allophones

6796. ______________ is the system of phonetic notation composed of symbols and letters devised by the International Phonetic Association?
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A. The international phonemic script

B. The intelligible phonetic script.

C. The international phonetic alphabet

D. The international phonetic script