waste water engineering Mcqs
151. The sewerage system consists of______________________?
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A. All of these

B. Branch sewer

C. House sewer

D. Lateral sewer

152. The disintegrating pump in which solid matter is broken up before passing out, is__________________?
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A. Pneumatic ejector

B. None of these

C. Reciprocating pump

D. Centrifugal pump
153. In sewers the gas generally found, is_________________?
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A. All the above

B. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

C. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

D. Methane (CH4)

154. Depletion of ozone layer in the outer atmosphere may cause___________________ ?
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A. Heart disorder

B. Skin cancer

C. Bronchitis

D. Lung cancer

155. Dry water flow in a combined sewer, is______________________?
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A. Domestic sewage

B. Industrial sewage

C. Storm water

D. Inclusive of domestic and industrial sewage but excludes storm water

156. The presence of free ammonia in sewage, is detected by___________________?
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A. Adding potassium permanganate

B. Phenol-di-sulphuric acid

C. Boiling

D. Adding sulphuric acid

157. In septic tanks__________________?
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A. The clear space between the baffle top and covering slab is about 7.5 cm

B. The baffles or tees are extended up to top level of scum

C. All the above

D. Free board of 0.3 m may be provided

159. Fresh sewage may become stale in_________________?
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A. Six hours

B. Three to four hours

C. Two to three hours

D. One hour

160. The formula V = (1/n) r2/3____________________?
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A. Kutters formula

B. Bazins formula

C. Mannings formula

D. Chezys formula

162. Pick up the correct statement from the following ?
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A. The larger the sewer in size, no deposition will take place

B. The smaller the sewer in size, less will be velocity

C. The larger the sewer in size, more will be velocity

D. The larger the sewer in size, deposition will take place
163. In sewers the highest non-scouring velocity is achieved in________________?
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A. Cast iron sewers

B. Stone ware sewers

C. Cement concrete sewers

D. Glazed bricks sewers
164. The sewer which resists sulphide corrosion, is____________________?
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A. Cast iron sewer

B. Lead sewer

C. Brick sewer

D. R.C.C. sewer

165. The detention period for plain sedimentation water tanks, is usually____________________?
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A. 24 to 36 hours

B. 8 to 16 hours

C. 16 to 24 hours

D. 4 to 8 hours
168. Hume steel pipes are__________________?
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A. Steel pipes

B. Steel shell coated from inside with cement mortar

C. Steel shell coated from outside with cement mortar

D. Both B. and C.
171. The settling velocity of a spherical particle of diameter less than 0.1 mm as per Stocks law, is__________________?
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A. Vs = 218 (Gs Gw)d [(3T + 70)/100]

B. Vs = 418 (Gs Gw)d [(3T + 70)/100]

C. Vs = 218 (Gs Gw)d [(3T + 70)/100]

D. Vs = 418 (Gs Gw) d [(3T + 70)/100]

173. Drop manholes at the junctions of sewer lines, are provided if________________?
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A. Two sewer lines intersect

B. Invert level of a branch sewer is more than 60 cm that of the main sewer

C. Ordinary manhole cannot be built

D. Sewer line runs along a main road

174. Which one of the following tests is used for testing sewer pipes ?
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A. Water test

B. All of these

C. Mirror test

D. Ball test

175. In sewage, the solids in mg per litre is__________________?
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A. 1500 to 2000

B. 1000 to 1500

C. 500 to 1000

D. 100 to 500

176. Pick up the in-correct statement from the following?
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A. Inlets are generally provided in all sewers

B. Catch basins are generally provided in sewers for carrying drainage discharge

C. Manholes are provided in sewer pipes at suitable intervals

D. None of these

177. Maximum permissible velocity 1.5 m/sec, is adopted in drains_______________________?
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A. With beds of rocks and gravels

B. Lined with stones

C. Both A. and B.

D. Neither A. nor B.

179. Which one of the following resists hydrogen sulphide corrosion ?
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A. Glazed stone wares

B. Asbestos cement

C. R.C.C.

D. Glazed ware
182. Self-cleansing velocity is__________________?
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A. Velocity at dry weather flow

B. Velocity of water at flushing

C. Velocity of water in a pressure filter

D. Velocity at which no accumulation remains in the drains
184. Imhoff cone is used to determine_____________________?
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A. None of these

B. Suspended solids

C. Settleable solids

D. Dissolved solids

185. Pick up the correct statement from the following ?
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A. Sewers are designed for minimum permissible velocity at minimum flow

B. Maximum daily flow = average daily flow

C. All the above

D. Maximum daily flow = 2 times the average daily flow

191. hydraulically equivalent, the relationship which holds good, is _______________?
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A. D3/2 = 4 b3/2

B. D8/3 = 4 b8/3

C. D3/8 = 4 b3/8

D. D2/3 = 4 b2/3

192. Aerobic activity is maximum_______________?
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A. None of these

B. In sewer treatment plants

C. At sewer pipes

D. In freshly produced sewage
194. The temperature affects the________________?
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A. Solubility of gases in sewage

B. Viscosity of sewage

C. Biological activity of bacteria in sewage

D. All the above
195. The detention time (t) of a settling tank, may be defined as the time required for_________________?
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A. A particle to travel from top surface to bottom sludge zone

B. A particle to travel along its length

C. None of these

D. The flow of sewage to fill the tank
196. Cement concrete sewers are only suitable if non-scouring velocity is between_________________?
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A. 2.5 to 3.0 m/sec

B. 4.5 to 5.5 m/sec

C. 3.0 to 4.0 m/sec

D. 3.5 to 4.5 m/sec