physiology Mcqs
501. Unmyelinated fibres differ from myelinated fibers in that they ______________?
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A. Have increased excitability

B. Have no power of regeneration

C. Have no association of Schwann cells

D. Have to nodes of Ranvier
502. First change to occur in the distal segment of cut________________?
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A. Mitosis of schwann cell

B. Axonal degeneration

C. Sprouting

D. Myelin degeneration

504. Stimulation of barorceptor leads to ________________?
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A. Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate

B. Increased B.P, decreased heart rate

C. Decreased B.P, increased heart rate

D. Decreased B.P , decreased heart rate
505. The effects of Adrenaline on heart are all except__________________?
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A. Increases heart rate

B. Decreases myocardial irritability

C. Increases oxygen uptake by heart

D. Increases force of contraction

506. SA node acts as a pacemaker of the heart because of the fact that it_________________?
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A. is capable of generating impulses

B. Has poor cholinergic innervation

C. Has rich sympathetic innervation

D. Generates impulses at the highest rate
507. Tremors are seen in disorder of_________________?
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A. Parathyroid gland

B. Basal ganglia

C. Pyramidal tract

D. Pain pathway

508. Sensations of pain from teeth and temperature are carried by_______________?
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A. Ventral spinothalamic tract

B. Corticobulbar tract

C. Corticospinal tract

D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
509. Increased functional demand on the heart produces increased size of the myocardium by _______________?
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A. Fatty infiltration

B. Hypertrophy

C. Hyperplasia

D. Increased amounts of fibrous connective tissue

510. The velocity of conduction in the Purkinjie fibers of the heart is__________________?
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A. 1 to 4 m/sec

B. 5 to 8 m/sec

C. More than 12 m/sec

D. 9 to 12 m/sec

511. The following factors increase the cardiac output except______________?
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A. Myocardial contractility

B. Preload

C. Heart rate

D. After load
512. Minimum blood pressure is in_____________?
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A. Capillaries

B. Aorta

C. Arteries

D. Venules
515. Aphasia is most likely associated with a lesion in_______________?
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A. Primary motor area

B. Brocas area

C. Visual area

D. Sensory area

516. Glomerular capillary pressure differ from other capillaries of body in______________?
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A. Higher filtration pressure

B. Lower filtration pressure

C. Both of the above

D. None

517. The Sensory receptors serving the stretch reflex are classified as___________?
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A. Exteroceptors

B. Chemo receptors

C. Nociceptors

D. Proprioceptors
518. Which of the following is not true for myelinated nerve fibers______________?
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A. Membrane currents are generated at nodes of Ranvier

B. Impulse through myelinated fibers is slower than non- myelinated fibers

C. Local anesthesia is effective only when the nerve is not covered by myelin sheath

D. Saltatory conduction of impulses is seen

519. Cardiac cycle duration in man is_______________?
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A. 1.2 seconds

B. 0.8 seconds

C. 0.4 seconds

D. 1.6 seconds

520. Heart muscle, true are all except_______________?
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A. Act as syncytium

B. Has gap junctions

C. Has branching

D. Has multiple nuclei
521. Effect on force of contraction of heart is_____________?
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A. Ionotropic effect

B. Chronotropic effect

C. Dromotropic effect

D. Bathmotropic

522. All the heart valves are open during which stage of cardiac cycle __________________?
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A. Systolic ejection

B. None of the above

C. Isovolumetric relaxation

D. Isovolumetric contraction