1872 contract act Mcqs
51. A continuing guarantee may at any time be revoked by the surety as to future transaction by giving notice to ________________?
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A. The creditor

B. Without giving any notice to any person

C. Principal debtor

D. None of above

52. A guaranfee which extend to a series of transactions is called ____________________?
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A. Continuing guarantee

B. Specific guarantee

C. Special guarantee

D. None of above

53. An agent is bound to render proper account to _______________ on demand?
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A. His principal

B. Sub-agent

C. None of the above

D. Creditor

56. The Contract Act 1872 was enforced on_______________?
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A. First August, 1872

B. None of these

C. 1st September, 1872

D. First day of July, 1872

58. When there is breach of contract the party which aggrieved by breach is entitled for__________________?
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A. Nothing

B. Compensation against the breacher

C. None of above

D. Registration of criminal Case against the breacher

61. The contract of insurance is infact contract of________________?
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A. Urgency

B. Indemnity

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of above

63. Coercion, Fraud and misrepresentation makes contract_________________?
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A. Void of the option of the party whose consent was caused

B. Voidable on the option of the party whose consent so caused

C. Valid for both sides

D. None of above

65. In pledge contract bailee is called________________?
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A. None of above

B. Pawnee

C. Pledger

D. Pawnor

66. As per-section 201, of the Contract Act an agency can be terminated by__________________?
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A. All of above

B. The principal revoking his authority

C. The agent renouncing the business of the agency

D. The completion of agency business

68. A principal is responsible for all the acts of his agent which is called___________________?
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A. Vicarious liability

B. Original liability of The Principal

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

70. Agreement contingent on impossible events are________________?
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A. Void

B. Voidable

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

71. The term Contingent means ?
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A. Possible but not assured

B. Doubtful or uncertain

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

73. In contract of guarantee the person at whose place guarantee given is called __________________?
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A. Surety holder

B. Principal debtor

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of above

76. An agreement enforceable by law is called________________?
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A. An agreement

B. Contract

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

77. A intending to deceive B, falsely represents that five hundred munds of indigo are made annually at As factory and their by induces B to buy the factory ?
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A. The contract is voidable on the part of A

B. The contract is voidable on the part of B

C. The contract is voidable on both A and B part

D. None of above

78. A makes a contract with B to buy Bs horse if A survives C. This contract cannot be enforceed by law ?
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A. Unless and until C dies in As life time

B. Unless and until A dies in Cs life time

C. Both A and C dies

D. None of above

80. The age limit for making a contract is_______________?
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A. Majority

B. None of above

C. 16 years

D. 17 years

81. A contract to pay B Rs. 10,000 if Bs house is burnt the contract is________________?
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A. Contingent Contract

B. Conditional Contract

C. Simple contract

D. None of above

82. Section 146 of the Contract Act, deals with liabilities of_______________?
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A. Surety

B. Co-sureties

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

84. Section 18 of the Contract Act, deals with_______________?
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A. Coericon

B. None of above

C. Misrepresentation

D. Fraud

85. As per section 185 of the Contract Act, 1872 consideration is_________________?
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A. Not necessary to create agency

B. Necessary to create agency

C. Depends upon type of agency

D. None of above

87. A proposes by letter to sell a house to B The Communication of the proposal is complete________________?
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A. When A make such proposal

B. When B accepts the proposal

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

89. The term Pledge means________________?
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A. A thing which is given as security

B. A thing which is saled out

C. Both A and B

D. None of above

90. The term Coercion means__________________?
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A. Compulsion

B. Committing or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Pakistan Penal Code

C. All of the above

D. A unlawful pressure

92. The person making the proposal is called_________________?
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A. Promiser

B. Promisee

C. Both of above

D. None of above

94. Section 124 to 147, of the Contract Act, deals with _________________?
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A. Contracts of indemnity

B. Contracts of guarantee

C. Both A and B

D. None of above