general knowledge Mcqs
3651. When was the Water and Power Development Authority established?
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A. 12-Feb-61

B. February 12, 1958

C. 12-Feb-60

D. 12-Feb-59

3652. Which is the largest river of Canada?
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A. Florence.

B. St. Kitty.

C. St. Lawrence.

D. McKenzie.
3653. Who is the highest wicket taker in a single test match?
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A. Yasir Shah

B. Shane Warn

C. Imran Khan

D. Jim Laker
3655. Which is biggest Restaurant Chain of the World?
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A. Turkish Grill

B. McDonalds


D. Richet Burgers

3656. Who is the author of the book Pakistan: Beyond The Crisis State?
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A. Maleeha Lodhi

B. Asma Jahngir

C. Dr Sheerin Mazari

D. Tehmina Junjoya

3660. Who is called the father of Modern Psychology?
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A. Charless Darwin

B. Wilhelm Wundt

C. Ibn-e-Khaldoom

D. Adams Smith

3661. Penang is the seaport of____________?
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A. United States

B. Germany

C. France

D. Malaysia
3662. +20 is International code for which Country?
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A. Syria

B. Egypt

C. Palestine

D. libya

3663. European Court of justice established in 1952, is located in___________?
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A. Geneva, Switzerland

B. Belgium

C. Hague, Netherlands.

D. Luxembourg city
3665. Provencal language is spoken in _______ ?
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A. France

B. Portugal

C. Ethiopia

D. Rhodesia

3667. Highest Point Of Hindu Kush Range?
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A. K-2

B. Nanga parbat

C. Trich Mir

D. Mount Everest

3669. What is the height of badminton net from ground?
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A. 1.311 meter

B. 1.524 meter

C. 1.124 meter

D. 1.834 meter

3673. Who is the Author of the Book Brief Answers to the Big Questions?
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A. Stephen Hawking

B. Albert Einstein

C. Newton

D. Chadwick

3674. Lufthansa airline belongs to ________ ?
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A. Republic of Korea

B. Lithuania

C. Latvia

D. Germany
3676. When was second OIC Summit Conference held?
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A. 1977

B. 1979

C. 1974

D. None above

3677. Iberia Airline belong to which Country?
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A. Poland

B. Serbia

C. Spain

D. Latvia

3680. Who is the Author of book Governing The Ungovernable?
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A. Justice Nasir ul Mulk

B. Mamnoon Hussain

C. Dr Ishrat Hussain

D. Hassan Askari

3681. Which Country build worlds longest sea bridge?
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A. Hong Kong

B. Japan

C. Russia

D. China
3685. Which Country has 27 stars on its Flag?
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A. Panama

B. Brazil

C. Cuba

D. Mexico

3687. Which Country recently joined in IMF as 189th member?
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A. Lativia

B. Sumatra

C. Nauru

D. South Sodan

3688. Who Called Mahatma Gandhi a half naked fakir?
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A. none of these

B. Roosevelt

C. Nehru

D. Churchill
3689. NRO is Abbreviation of_______________?
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A. No Reconciliation Order

B. National Reconciliation Order

C. No Reconciliation Ordinance

D. National Reconciliation Ordinance
3690. Dynamite was invented by___________?
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A. Alfred Nobel

B. Thomas Edison

C. William Davis

D. None of these

3691. World Longest mountain range is__________?
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A. Andes

B. Himalya

C. Kunlun

D. Hindu kush

3693. Where is Largest man made Waterfall?
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A. China

B. Brazil


D. Canada

3697. Quito is a capital of__________?
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3698. APAPPS Stands for ____________?
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A. Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Progress for Peace and Solidarity

B. Afghanistan-Pakistan Alliance Progress for peace and Solidarity

C. Afghanistan-Pakistan Allied Plan for Peace and Solidarity

D. Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity