medieval literature and culture Mcqs
102. What is the function of Ancrene Wisse ?
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A. pathos

B. affective piety

C. paradox

D. imagery

103. Which of the following inventions is associated with the rise in literacy ?
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A. the rudder

B. the flail

C. the triptych

D. the letter press
104. The adventure of another lay/Just as it happened, Ill relay ?
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A. The line has obvious rhyme and meter, and the opening words suggest a story of adventure and excitement.

B. The strong alliteration creates rhythm that accentuates the adventurous spirit.

C. The line seems to frame a story with plot complications.

D. The line alludes to a poem with religious undertones.

105. Which of the following women is widely considered the first feminist ?
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A. Thecla

B. Margery Kempe

C. Catherine of Siena

D. Christine de Pizan
106. In the Middle Ages, what was the status of a married woman in relation to her husband ?
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A. she was more legally powerful than her husband

B. she was her husbands property, but could not be mistreated under law

C. she was considered equal to her husband

D. she was considered her husbands property
107. In Medieval times, who were femme soles ?
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A. anchorites who lived in seclusion

B. women who were villains in stories of courtly love

C. women who operated their own businesses without men

D. educated women

108. When did the Roman Empire formally legalize Christianity ?
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A. The 8th century

B. The 3rd century

C. The 4th century

D. The 7th century

109. How did the printing press alter medieval culture ?
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A. All of the Above

B. it increased the amount of printed material available to the masses

C. it created a more unrestricted circulation of texts

D. it improved communication between societies

110. With which literary form is Ancrene Wisse most closely related ?
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A. conduct books

B. estate satire

C. medieval allegory

D. medieval lays

111. What is oral transmission ?
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A. a mode of communication used mainly after the rise of literacy

B. the spreading of material by word of mouth

C. a method of communication used solely by the early Church

D. a method of communication that became prominent at the end of the Middle Ages

113. According to most historians, why was it so important for a man to marry a virgin wife ?
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A. it assured him that her wife would never commit adultery

B. it assured him that his wife was not a sinner

C. it assured him that his wife would carry a dowry with her

D. it assured him that his children were his own
114. What was courtly love ?
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A. a type of early literature produced solely by medieval women writers

B. a literary convention based on the code of behavior associated with chivalrous romance

C. a method of oral transmission

D. a type of literature concerned with the behavior of anchorites

115. How did the Normans revolutionize English poetry ?
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A. They introduced rhyming octosyllabic couplets.

B. They introduced iambic pentameter.

C. They introduced metaphor.

D. They introduced alliterative verse.

116. Which of the following themes do both Julian of Norwich and Catherine of Siena explore ?
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A. the idea that community is essential to salvation

B. the idea that God is separate from the human experience of love

C. the concept of dualism of body and soul

D. the concept of a sensual God
117. In what centuries did mystical women writers primarily work ?
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A. 10th and 11th centuries

B. 9th and 10th centuries

C. 8th and 9th centuries

D. 14th and 15th centuries
118. Which of the following was the most copied book of the Middle Ages ?
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A. The Romance of the Rose

B. Book of Hours

C. The Bible

D. The Art of Courtly Love

119. Chaucers pilgrims are a representative section of late medieval society. Which of the following economic situations is evident among this group ?
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A. The lack of guilds led to a decline in available civic services.

B. Landlords had growing problems with their tenants.

C. All of these answers

D. A modern social hierarchy developed.

120. What is a lai ?
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A. A poem that is usually in octosyllabic couplets

B. A poem with courtly love as its central theme

C. A short lyrical poem

D. All of these answers
121. Which of the following texts was inspired by Historia Regum Britanniae ?
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A. Bedes Ecclesiastical History

B. Chaucers The Canterbury Tales

C. Caedmons Hymn

D. Chretien de Troyes Yvain, or le Chevalier au Lion
122. Which of the following best defines Middle English ?
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A. An early form spoken and written by the Anglo-Saxons

B. A form brought to England by the Scandinavians

C. A filed-down Old English with heavy French influence

D. A unique form of English spoken in Germany

123. What is the significance of the title of Everyman ?
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A. The title suggests a long history of conflict between the government and the individual.

B. The title alludes to other plays in the same cycle.

C. The title is part of the morality plays attempt to make Christian struggles universal.

D. The title suggests that faith-based issues are individual to each Christian.

124. What was the focus of Geoffrey of Monmouths Historia Regum Britanniae ?
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A. The conversion of Britain from paganism

B. The tales of King Arthur

C. The early years of William the Conqueror

D. The life and poems of Caedmon

125. Why was the alliterative revival associated with nationalism and nostalgia ?
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A. Metrical poetry simply got boring.

B. Alliterative poetry was much easier to write.

C. The stories of King Arthur made all English people nostalgic.

D. Alliterative poetry was associated with a world before the French influence, a world before the Conquest
126. Which of the following are characteristics of a medieval romance ?
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A. Episodic French and German poetry

B. Resemblance to an epic

C. Supernatural themes involving dragons and monsters

D. All of these answers
127. Chaucers The Canterbury Tales ?
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A. The church

B. The court of Richard II

C. The military

D. The literary tradition

128. What was the function of the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle ?
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A. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle offers a lay persons perspective on Anglo-Saxon history.

B. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the history of the continuity and persistence of Anglo-Saxon culture in Old English.

C. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle focuses on the courtly adventures of Anglo-Saxon English.

D. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle presents an accurate description of the Second and Third Crusades.

129. Which of the following epic themes are invoked in The Wanderer ?
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A. Exile

B. All of these answers

C. Abandoned mead-halls

D. Loneliness

130. Chaucer and Langland were contemporaries, but there were several differences between their writing styles. Which of the following best describes these differences ?
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A. Chaucer copied French and Italian style, whereas Langland did not.

B. Chaucer and Langland wrote in different dialects.

C. Most of Chaucers poetry was for a secular court audience, whereas Langlands was didactic, teaching a moral lesson.

D. Langland wrote only about aristocratic characters that were similar to Arthurian legends, whereas Chaucer wrote about lower social classes.

131. In Beowulf, what is the significance of the term wyrd ?
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A. Wyrd is an allusion to the impending conversion to Christianity

B. Wyrd suggests the idea of fate.

C. Wyrd has to do with reparational payments exacted from people guilty of homicide.

D. Wyrd is related to the folly of earthly possessions.

132. In the first decades after the Norman Conquest, which of the following best describes the use of language in England ?
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A. Latin became a common language for interaction between the two groups.

B. The conquered English quickly studied French.

C. Most of the English population went on speaking English with French used mostly among the upper-ruling class.

D. The French conquerors learned English in order to be able to govern well.

133. Which of the following advice is offered to women in Acrene Wisse ?
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A. Anchoresses should avoid gossip.

B. All of these answers

C. Anchoresses should avoid men.

D. Anchoresses should live in a dwelling attached to a church.

134. Which of the following themes appears in The Millers Tale ?
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A. All of these answers

B. The contrast between vulgar love and courtly love

C. The misdirected kiss

D. The misuse of scripture

135. In Caedmons Hymn, the poet borrows the language of which literary form ?
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A. The mock epic

B. The heroic epic

C. The lyric ballad

D. The lai
136. Which of the following cultural changes occurred as a result of the Norman invasion ?
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A. The primary language became French

B. The Church moved away from using Latin.

C. England returned to its pre-feudal state.

D. The trend of educational reforms was reversed.

137. How did French become the dominant language of England ?
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A. King Alfred wanted all educated people to speak French.

B. After the successful invasion of England, the language of William of Normandy became the language of the elite.

C. Many English nobles preferred French because of the cultures superior poetry.

D. Edward the Confessors wife was French, and she had great influence at court.

138. What is the primary focus of Bedes Ecclesiastical History ?
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A. The history of Christianity before it reached Britain

B. The conversion of Britain to Christianity

C. The life of everyday people in the 5th and 6th centuries

D. The spread of Christianity after the Norman Conquest

139. Which of the following is not an example of Arthurian legend ?
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A. Sir Thomas Malorys Morte Darthur

B. Geoffrey of Monmouths Historia Regum Britanniae

C. Julian of Norwichs Revelations of Divine Love

D. Marie de Frances Lanval

140. How did the Norman Conquest affect the international political situation in England ?
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A. The Norman Conquest increased the French influence.

B. The Norman Conquest marked the last attempt for a Scandinavian nation to overtake England.

C. The Norman Conquest ended cultural interaction with Norway and Denmark.

D. All of these answers
141. Which of the following texts are associated with the alliterative revival ?
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A. The Dream of the Rood

B. The Wanderer

C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

D. The Seafarer

142. Which of the following is the best example of a mystery play ?
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A. The Second Shepherds Play

B. The Dream of the Rood

C. The Wife of Baths Tale

D. The Knights Tale

144. Which of the following is not related to the term medievalism ?
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A. Enlightenment

B. Monasticism

C. Guildhouses

D. Feudalism

145. In Beowulf, what does the representation of Hrothgar suggest about rulers ?
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A. The ability to attract fellow warriors was a necessary attribute of power.

B. It was necessary for kings to fight in order to keep their power.

C. All of these answers

D. Kings often used generous gifts to recruit their followers.

146. In Everyman, which of the following provides the path to redemption in the afterlife ?
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A. Good deeds

B. Donations made to the monastery

C. Time spent in prayer

D. Faith

147. Which of the following texts provides the best example of the comitatus ethic ?
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A. Caedmons Hymn

B. The Canterbury Tales

C. The Battle of Maldon

D. The Dream of the Rood

149. What does Chaucer write concerning the devastating effect of the Black Death upon English social, cultural, and economic life in The Canterbury Tales ?
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A. Chaucer wrote no direct descriptions.

B. The upper classes were burdened by their monopoly of scarce resources.

C. Priests died in great numbers.

D. Rent prices increased because of the market boom.

150. What is the verse form of Marie de Frances Lanval ?
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A. Dactylic pentameter

B. Heroic couplets

C. Octosyllabic couplets

D. Clerihew