famous playwright poet and others Mcqs
251. By which religious writer was Joyce most clearly influenced ?
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A. John Foxe

B. William Bradshaw

C. William Tyndale

D. Thomas Aquinas
252. Which of the following is the theme of De Vulgari Eloquentia ?
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A. The difference between grammar and language

B. The language of different literary genres

C. The historical evolution of language

D. All of the above
253. In The Inferno, how is the idea of Fortune represented ?
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A. Fortune is a divine minister similar to an angel.

B. Fortune is responsible for the distribution of worldly goods.

C. Fortune is beyond human understanding.

D. All of the above
254. Which of the following characterizes Modernism ?
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A. the use of traditional formal structure

B. the desire to break with established forms

C. the desire to show realistic forms

D. the lack of interest in characters psyches

255. In The Paradiso, what event does Dante allegorically represent ?
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A. The souls descent into hell

B. The souls ascent to heaven

C. The souls tour of purgatory

D. The souls union with the body

258. By which physical affliction was Joyce affected ?
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A. loss of limb

B. deafness

C. autism

D. blindness
259. According to most critics, how does Dante distinguish love from lust ?
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A. Lust is often pure, while love tends to be crude.

B. Lust and love are both sins that place the sinner in hell.

C. Lust involves the subordination of reason to desire.

D. Lust leads to moral improvement, while love is a more destructive force.

260. Shakespeares Henry IV, Pt I contains his _______________?
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A. senecan attitude

B. platonic ideals Plays by Shakespeare..

C. love of nature

D. patriotism
262. Twelfth night is a______________?
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A. Tragedy

B. Comedy

C. Problem play

D. Both a and b

263. What type of play is Richard III ?
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A. Comedy

B. Tragedy

C. History

D. Lyric

265. In the narrative poem, The Rape of Lucrece, who is Lucretia ?
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A. A villainess

B. A beggar woman

C. A Roman matron

D. A fairy queen

266. In The Purgatorio, what do the steps to the Gate of Purgatory represent ?
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A. The three components of the perfect confession

B. The eight beatitudes

C. The seven deadly sins

D. The seven types of sin that keep people from heaven

269. According to Dr. Roger Dunkle, in ancient times, what was considered a tragedy ?
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A. A worship of the gods

B. A story that ended with a marriage

C. A comedic performance

D. A song for the prize or sacrifice of a goat
270. In the play, Henry V, the Chorus serves to do which of the following ?
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A. Make jokes about Henry

B. Dance upon the stage

C. Comment on the plot and themes of the play

D. Sing songs about the events

271. Blank verse refers to which of the following ?
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A. Rhyming couplets

B. Prose

C. Rhyming verse

D. Unrhymed iambic pentameter
272. Fill in the blank. In Shakespeares plays, prose is often used in_________________?
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A. Rhyming verse

B. Iambic pentameter

C. Serious letters

D. Couplets

274. In The Paradiso, who does Dante meet in the sphere of the sun ?
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A. Virgil

B. Judas

C. Cacciaguida

D. Thomas Aquinas
275. How do most critics believe Joyces exile affected his use of language ?
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A. After his exile, he never used split narratives

B. After his exile, he disliked the intricacy of language

C. After his exile, he used a mixture of languages and linguistic traditions in his works

D. After his exile, he only used one voice in his works

276. In the play, Macbeth, who is the goddess of witchcraft ?
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A. Lady Macbeth

B. Hecate

C. The porter

D. Lennox

277. Which of the following poems was authored by Shakespeare ?
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A. A Lovers Complaint

B. Tintern Abbey

C. El Cid

D. The Wasteland

278. Which method of narration has been employed by Dickens in his novel Great Expectations ?
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A. Autobiographical method

B. Stream of Consciousness technique

C. Direct or epic method

D. Documentary method

279. In verse, meter refers to which of the following ?
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A. The measured pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables

B. The length of a written line

C. The height of the stage

D. The number of words in a line

280. In The Paradiso, which quality does Dante associate with the wise ?
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A. Justice

B. All of the above

C. Fortitude

D. Temperance

281. Dantes mention of the sound of the angelic trumpet refers to which religious event ?
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A. The Annunciation

B. The Last Judgment

C. Baptism

D. Holy Communion

283. In The Purgatorio, how does Dante represent the entryway to the seventh terrace of lust ?
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A. He must walk through an immense wall of flames.

B. He must be allowed by Cerberus to pass.

C. He must be escorted into the terrace by an angelic messenger.

D. He must first be ferried across the River Lethe.

284. According to Dante, what place is at the top of his purgatory ?
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A. The circles of Hell

B. The Dark Wood

C. The Garden of Eden

D. The Gate to Limbo

285. In The Inferno, who defends the city of Dis ?
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A. The sinners in the heretic circle

B. The angelic messengers

C. The fallen angels

D. The furies

286. What is the function of the Primum Mobile ?
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A. It symbolizes Dantes distrust of the Church.

B. It separates heaven from hell.

C. It is the home of the angels.

D. It reminds Dante of his own pride

287. In drama, a soliloquy refers to which of the following ?
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A. A rhyming line

B. A dialogue between two characters

C. A characters final words before dying

D. A speech delivered by a character intended to be spoken to only the audience
288. In which circle would Dante place someone who committed suicide ?
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A. The circle of wrath

B. The circle of heresy

C. The circle of treachery

D. The circle of violence
289. In the play, Richard III, who speaks of the winter of our discontent (I.i.1) ?
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A. The princes

B. Queen Elizabeth

C. Richard III

D. Richmond

290. In which location(s) did Joyce live while in exile ?
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A. Zurich

B. Paris

C. All of the Above

D. Trieste

291. Which of the following are tragedies of Shakespeare ?
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A. Hamlet, Othello and Troilus and Cressida

B. Coriolanus, Timon of Athens and Titus Andronicus

C. King Lear, Measure for measure and The merchant of Venice

D. Macbeth, Much ado about nothing and Antony and Cleopatra

292. What is the craftsmens play at the end of A Midsummer Nights Dream about ?
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A. Pucks adventures

B. The history of Athens

C. Pyramus and Thisbe

D. Summertime dreams

293. In the play Richard III, where does Richard imprison the young princes ?
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A. In another country

B. In a pit

C. In a prison

D. In a tower
294. S. T. Coleridge was an Associate of__________________?
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A. The Royal Society of Edinburgh

B. Royal Society of Literature

C. The Royal Society ofLondon

D. Royal Society of Arts

295. Which qualities do the fixed stars in paradise represent ?
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A. Faith, hope, and love

B. Faith, wisdom, and love

C. Love, compassion, and pride

D. Justice, temperance, and faith

296. Othello was a _________________?
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A. General of Denmark

B. Prince of England

C. General of England

D. Prince of Denmark

297. In The Paradiso, on what day do the events occur ?
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A. Wednesday after Easter

B. Good Friday

C. Easter Sunday

D. All Saints Day

298. In Hamlet, what is Hamlets uncles name ?
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A. Polonius

B. Horatio

C. Claudius

D. Fortinbras

299. Which author(s) are associated with Modernism ?
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A. Ezra Pound

B. T.E. Hulme

C. T.S. Eliot

D. All of the Above
300. According to most scholars, what does the chariot in The Purgatorio symbolize ?
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A. The righteousness of the Roman Empire over time

B. The conflict between ancient Romans and the early Church

C. The impossibility for sinners to repent

D. The absence of heretics and monsters in medieval church history