famous playwright poet and others Mcqs
853. Samson Agonistes differs from its source material, the Biblical book of Judges, in what way(s) ?
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A. In Samson, Samson never worships Dagon, but he does in Judges.

B. In Samson, Harapha is Samsons enemy, but he is not in Judges.

C. In Samson, Samson is a Jew, but he is not in Judges.

D. In Samson, Samson marries the Woman of Timnah, but not in Judges.

856. Which college did John Milton attend ?
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A. Trinity college

B. Warwick college

C. Queens college

D. Christs college
857. The pastoral elegy often begins with which of the following poetic conventions ?
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A. A and B

B. Invocation of a muse

C. Prayer to the Sun

D. A cry of lament

859. Which book was about the temptation of Christ ?
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A. LAllegro

B. Samson Agonistes

C. Paradise Regained

D. Paradise Lost

860. In what country is Dr Faustus based ?
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A. Germany

B. Italy

C. France

D. England

861. Renaissance is a ?
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A. Greek word

B. Spanish word

C. Italian word

D. French word
863. John Milton was fluent in which of the following languages ?
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A. Mandarin, Dutch, and French

B. Latin, Arabic, and Spanish

C. Latin, Greek, and Hebrew

D. Latin, Sanskrit, and Aramaic

864. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning John Miltons poetry ?
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A. He followed the Spenserian rather than the Petrarchan sonnet form.

B. He followed the Petrarchan rather than the Shakespearean sonnet form.

C. He followed the Shakespearean rather than the Petrarchan sonnet form.

D. He followed the Spenserian rather than the Shakespearean sonnet form.

865. Who did Milton have to write his works down when he became Blind ?
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A. his friends

B. his friends

C. his sons

D. his daughters
868. Which period of John Keats as called the most placid time in Keatss life by Cowden Clarke, a close friend of Keats ?
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A. His visit to Lake District

B. gery at 7 Church Street</strong>

C. Keats stay in Italy

D. Keats travel to Alps

E. Keats lodging in the attic above the
869. Which powerful figure does Faustus ridicule with his new-found powers ?
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A. The King of England

B. The Holy Roman Emperor

C. The Pope

D. The King of France

870. Milton in Samson Agonistes uses a Chorus, which he borrows from what previous genre ?
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A. Greek Epic

B. French Chanson de Gestes

C. Greek Drama

D. Medieval Mystery Plays

871. Near the end of Samson Agonistes, Samson resists performing before attendants of what type of event ?
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A. A Roman Circus

B. A and B

C. Greek Olympic Games

D. A Gladiator competition

873. In which school did John Keats study ?
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A. Harrow

B. Kings Grammar School

C. John Clarkes school

D. Eton

874. John Miltons Lycidas is best described by which of the following genres ?
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A. Masque

B. Blank verse tragedy

C. Prose polemic

D. Pastoral elegy
875. Whom did John Milton marry at the age of 34 ?
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A. Ann Powell

B. Agnes

C. Lynda

D. Mary Powell
876. The collection of the papers and correspondence of a well-to-do Norfolk family is known as ?
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A. The Paston letters

B. Letters to the Margret Paston

C. Margret Paston to John Paston

D. To John Paston

877. What Biblical story acts as a springboard for John Miltons Paradise Regained ?
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A. The Second Coming of Jesus

B. The Ascension of Jesus

C. The Baptism of Jesus

D. The story of Luke

879. Earth is described as being connected to heaven by a ?
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A. Ladder

B. stepping stones of clouds

C. Golden rope

D. Golden chain
880. Marlow died of ?
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A. stabbing

B. poisoned

C. Hanged

D. Illness

882. After Milton went blind, he was able to compose poetry by using ______________?
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A. braille

B. dictation

C. an Abacus

D. a code of his own devising

885. John Miltons LAllegro and Il Penseroso are companion poems and are both written in ?
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A. iambic pentameter

B. heroic couplets

C. tetrameter couplets

D. Shakespearean sonnets

886. Which devil is the main architect of Pandemonium ?
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A. Mulciber

B. Mammon

C. Belial

D. Moloch

887. In the tragic history of Doctor Faustus. Faustus was a ?
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A. Greek scholar

B. German scholar

C. French scholar

D. Spanish scholar

888. Shakespeare made Stratford his regular home in ?
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A. About 1608

B. About 1611

C. About 1609

D. About 1610
889. In Paradise regained who regained the paradise ?
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A. Jesus

B. Only Adam

C. Adam and Eve

D. Satan

891. The first sonnet form invented was the____________?
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A. Shakespearean

B. Petrarchan

C. Wordsworthian

D. first sonnet form invented was the

E. Spenserian

892. What is the meaning of Miltons work Samson Agonistes ?
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A. Wrestler

B. Theist

C. Antagonist

D. Atheist

895. Utopia was first printed in ?
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A. 1516

B. 1518

C. 1517

D. 1615

899. On his blindness, a collection of sonnets is written by ?
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A. Sir Philip Sidney

B. John Milton

C. Shakespeare

D. Edmund Spenser

900. What poets before Milton were famous for writing epics ?
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A. Homer, Virgil, and Spenser

B. Gilgamesh, Petrarch, and Dryden

C. Virgil, Shakespeare, and Spenser

D. Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Spenser