famous playwright poet and others Mcqs
552. What was the cause of Williams death in Sons and Lovers ?
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A. An overdose of morphia

B. An accident

C. Pneumonia

D. Suicide

553. Which of the following plays of Shakespeare has an epilogue ?
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A. The Tempest

B. Twelfth Night

C. Hamlet

D. Henry IV, Pt I

555. Uneasy lies the head that_______________( King Henry four, part two)?
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A. Wears a crown

B. none of these

C. Wears a hat

D. Wears a wig

556. According to Paradise Lost, which of the following does God not create ?
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A. He creates everything

B. Computers

C. Adam and Eve

D. The Son

557. The most notable characteristic of Keats poetry is ?
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A. Social reform

B. Satire

C. Sensuousness

D. Sensuality

560. Which of the following novels has the subtitle A Novel Without a Hero ?
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A. Middlemarch

B. Wuthering Heights

C. Vanity Fair

D. Oliver Twist

563. In Shakespeares literary output, the period 1604-1608 is the period of__________________?
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A. Historical plays

B. None of above

C. Comedy plays

D. Great Tragedies

564. Which roles have played by Shakespeare in Hamlet and As you like it ?
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A. Leartus, Silvius

B. Ghost, Old servant Adam

C. Fortinbras, Corin

D. Osric, Touchstone

565. The title of Carlyles Sartor Resartus means ?
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A. Religious Scripture

B. Tailor Repatched

C. None of these

D. Seaside Resort
567. The epigraph of The Waste Land is borrowed from ?
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A. Virgil

B. Homer

C. Seneca

D. Fetronius

569. Graham Greenes novels are marked by ?
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A. Buddhism

B. Catholicism

C. Paganism

D. Protestantism

570. Carlyles work On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History is a course of ?
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A. four lectures

B. six lectures

C. five lectures

D. seven lectures

573. Brownings famous poem Rabbi Ben Ezra is included in ?
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A. Dramatic Idyls

B. Dramatis Personae

C. Red Cotton Night-Cap Country

D. Asolando

575. What does Eve do when she first becomes conscious ?
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A. Look at her reflection in a stream

B. Go in search of her mate

C. Eat of the Tree of Knowledge

D. Talk to the animals

577. What is the name of the sister of William Wordsworth, who is also a poet and diarist ?
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A. Anna Wordsworth

B. Shirley Wordsworth

C. Dorothy Wordsworth

D. Agnes Wordsworth

578. Who wrote the poem Defence of Lucknow ?
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A. Swinburne

B. Rossetti

C. Tennyson

D. Browning

580. Identify the writer who used a pseudonym, Michael Angelo Titmarsh, for much of his early work ?
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A. Graham Greene

B. W. M. Thackeray

C. D. H. Lawrence

D. Charles Dickens

583. Which stanza form did Shelley use in his famous poem Ode to the West Wind ?
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A. Rime royal

B. Terza rima

C. Ottava rima

D. Spenserian Stanza

584. Which of the following myths does not figure in The Waste Land ?
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A. Oedipus

B. Sysyphus

C. Philomela

D. Grail Legend of Fisher King

586. What is Miltons stated purpose in Paradise Lost ?
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A. To make his story hard to understand

B. To assert his superiority to other poets

C. To justify the ways of God to men

D. To argue against the doctrine of predestination

587. Who was killed by Hamlet unintentionally ?
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A. Forinbras

B. Leartus

C. Polonius

D. Horatio

588. In which country is Macbeth set ?
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A. Canada

B. Spain

C. Scotland

D. Denmark

589. Miltons unholy trinity of characters includes_______________?
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A. Satan, Sin, and Death

B. Sin, Temptation, and Satan

C. Sin, Death and Temptation

D. Error, Temptation, and Satan

590. The ode on which topic that Coleridge wrote while attending Jesus College, Cambridge won him the Browne Gold Medal ?
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A. On romantic philosophy

B. On the slave trade

C. On supernatural elements in poetry

D. On the creativity of human mind

591. ____________was father of Desdemona ?
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A. Othello

B. Iago

C. Brabantio

D. Gratiano

595. Which of the following poems of Coleridge is a ballad ?
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A. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

B. Work Without Hope

C. Youth and Age

D. Frost at Midnight

596. Was the Globe ?
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A. A famous map of the world.

B. An Elizabethan sports stadium.

C. An Elizabethan Theater.

D. A Roman Amphitheater.

598. Which of the following is not an apparition shown to Macbeth by the Witches ?
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A. An armed head

B. A child crowned, with a tree in his hand

C. A bloody child.

D. A bloody dagger floating in mid-air.