3901. What is anthology ?
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A. fish cultivation

B. collection of insects

C. collection of poems

D. study of poetry

3902. Who is the author of Man and Superman ?
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A. Charles Dickens

B. Leo Tolstoy

C. George Bernard Shaw

D. W. Shakespeare

3903. Which poet emphasized on rustic language in Poetry ?
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A. John Keats

B. William Blake

C. William Wordsworth

D. Thomas Gray

3904. Who wrote the fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings ?
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A. Peter Jackson

B. C. S. Lewis

C. J. K. Rowling

D. J. R. R. Tolkien
3906. Negative Capability to Keats, means_______________?
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A. Say bad thing, about others

B. The ability to sympathize with other

C. None of these

D. To empathize
3907. Who is the writer of the poem A Grammarians Funeral ?
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A. William Shakespeare

B. Wordsworth

C. Robert Browning

D. Shelley

3908. Who wrote the book Ivan Hoe ?
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A. Sir Walter Scott

B. R L Stevenson

C. O Henry

D. Ernest Hemingway

3911. Who is the author of For Whom the Bell Tolls ?
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A. Charles Dickens

B. Ernest Hemingway

C. Homer

D. Lord Tennison

3912. What is an Epic ?
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A. a prose composition

B. a short poem

C. a historical poem

D. a long narrative poem
3913. Which period of literature came first ?
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A. Victorian

B. Regency

C. Romantic

D. Restoration
3914. Who is the writer of The Ring of the Book ?
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A. Robert Browning

B. Wordsworth

C. William Shakespeare

D. Shelley

3916. Find the Odd man out ?
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A. Ulysses : James Joyce

B. Riders to the Sea : John Millington Synge

C. A Full Moon in March : W. B. Yeats

D. Drama of Ideas : T. S. Eliot
3917. Who accuses Arnold of high pamphleteering ?
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A. F. R. Leavis

B. Pater

C. Eliot

D. I. A. Richards

3918. George Bernard Shaw is_________________?
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A. a modern painter

B. a playwright

C. a historian

D. a film-maker

3919. Who wrote Beauty is truth, truth beauty ?
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A. Eliot

B. John Keats

C. wordsworth

D. Shakespeare

3920. Who is the hero of Paradise Regained_______________?
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A. The Paritan Church

B. Christ

C. Satan

D. None of these

3922. Lucy Gray is a poem written by_______________?
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A. None of these

B. All of these

C. Wordsworth

D. Keats

3923. Modern age is an age of______________?
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A. Subjectivity

B. All of the above

C. Pessimism and Cynicism

D. Conflicts and Controversies
3924. The central idea of Ozymandias is that______________?
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A. all things, both great and small,will perish

B. man is mortal,art immortal

C. imagination is stronger than fact

D. history repeats

3925. Which poem of Tennyson was particularly like by Queen Victoria ?
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A. Charge of the Light Brigade

B. In Memoriam

C. The Idylls of the kings

D. None of these

3926. Who wrote Kubla Khan ?
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A. Coleridge

B. Wordsworth

C. Shelley

D. Keats

3928. The literary work of Kubla Khan is_________________?
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A. a short story by Somerset Maugham

B. a verse by Coleridge

C. a drama by Oscar Wilde

D. a history by Vincent Smith

3929. Yahoos according to Gulliver were______________?
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A. Indians

B. American

C. European

D. None of these

3930. On liberty was written by_______________?
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A. Godwin

B. Macaulay

C. Mill

D. Carlyle

3931. Tennyson wrote____________?
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A. The Lotus Eaters

B. My last Duchess

C. Dover Beach

D. The Eve of St. Agnes

3932. The poem The Patriot is written by_______________?
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A. Robert Browning

B. Mathew Arnold

C. Alfred Tennyson

D. John Donne

3933. What the term Renaissance refers ?
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A. rebel

B. representation

C. revival or rebirth

D. presentation

3934. Who of the following was both a poet and painter ?
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A. Donne

B. William Blake

C. Spenser

D. Keats

3936. Who is the first great modernist of English Literature ?
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A. Geoffrey Chaucer

B. Cynewulf

C. Robert Browning

D. Roger Bacon

3937. Who is the writer of The Augustan Period ?
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A. Robert Herrick

B. Jeremy Taylor

C. Samuel Richardson

D. Thomas Hobbes

3938. The Medal by John Dryden is a/an________________?
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A. play

B. prose

C. satire

D. translation

3940. Murder in the Cathedral is a play written by___________?
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A. Oscar Wilde

B. Marlowe

C. Shakespeare

D. T.S. Eliot
3941. The Revolt of Islam was written by________________?
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A. Coleridge

B. None of these

C. Wordsworth

D. Shelley
3942. Shakespeare was born in_______________?
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A. 1570

B. 1564

C. 1590

D. None of these

3944. The statue of Ozymandias is______________?
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A. in a desert

B. in a valley

C. on a mountain

D. beside a river

3945. Who is the author of Animal Farm ?
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A. George Orwell

B. Charles Dickens

C. Thomas More

D. Boris Pasternak

3946. Love and Friendship is written by___________________?
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A. None

B. Jane Austen

C. Francis Bacon

D. Jonathan Swift

3947. The period between 1660 to 1750 is known as___________________?
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A. The Restoration

B. None of these

C. The Age of Classicism

D. The age of Milton

3948. A person who writes about his own life writes ______________?
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A. a chronicle

B. an autobiography

C. a diary

D. a biography

3949. Who is called the Bird of Avon ?
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A. John Milton

B. John Dryden

C. William Shakespeare

D. None of these

3950. Which of the following is illustrative of Ruskins interest in social economy ?
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A. The Stones of Venice

B. None of these

C. Unto this Last

D. The Seven Lamps