2451. The lesson the young man teaches Dorothy is_________________?
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A. to hide here emotion

B. not to lodge a complaint

C. to fight with people

D. to live and enjoy her life
2452. Which of the following is true about the target audience for John Saffins pamphlet ?
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A. White public of Plymouth

B. African Americans

C. White public of Massachusetts

D. Native Americans

2453. On the basis of the criterion of the state of the tension of the tongue, vowels can be classified into______________?
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A. Round vowels & unrounded vowels

B. Tense vowels &lax vowels

C. Front vowels & back vowels

D. High vowels & low vowels

2454. Stopping on a snowy Evening_____________?
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A. Sherwood Anderson

B. Countee Cullen

C. Robert Frost

D. Langston Hugues

2455. Which statement below best paraphrases what John Winthrop meant when he declared that the MBC would be as a city upon a hill ?
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A. Everyone has a role in society

B. Woman have no role in society

C. Religious freedom

D. Only men should work

2456. The /k/ in kill and skill are ________________?
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A. Morpheme variants

B. Allomorphs

C. Allophones

D. Minimal pairs

2457. The vivid imagery of the season is shown to_____________?
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A. reflect the happenings in the life of the narrator

B. state the situation of the narrator

C. emphasize the choice of the season

D. reinforce the thoughts of the narrator
2459. How long is Rip asleep in the woods ?
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A. Twenty years

B. One hundred years

C. Eighty years

D. Fifty years

2460. The purpose of placing fallen cold and dead at the end of each section is to_____________?
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A. remind the leader of the tragedy

B. clarify his idea

C. repeat the lines for the rhyming

D. keep the readers aware of what is to come

2462. Who is the representative figure of the Jazz Age ?
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A. Wallace Stevens

B. F. Scott Fitzgerald

C. Sherwood Anderson

D. Saul Bellow

2463. The study of meaning is called________?
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A. Syntax

B. Semantics

C. Morphology

D. Phonology

2466. The Puritans who settled Plymouth Colony were separating Puritans which meant ?
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A. None of the above

B. Separate from the Church of England

C. Continue being apart of the Church of England

D. Reform

2467. What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Walt Whitman ?
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A. Father of free verse

B. Father of American Poetry

C. Circumference

D. Both A and B
2468. Who was Fuseli ?
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A. Swiss-bom painter

B. British painter

C. French guitarist

D. An Italian-born doctor

2470. The American Renaissance overlapped the time period, in which American writers were trying to____________?
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A. Colonial; end patriotism for England.

B. Modernism; end individualism.

C. Romanticism; define themselves and their writing style as independent from England.

D. Postmodern; end slavery.

2471. According to the myth, why must all things have an end ?
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A. Mankind would suffer because of a lack of food if there were more people than resources to care for them

B. Grandmother wished it to be so and that was how it was

C. Hare wished it to be so and that was how it was

D. The Earthmaker wanted the opportunity to creat a new race of people

2472. Which among the following dimensions can the vowels in English be classified ?
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A. The part of the tongue that is raised

B. All the abovE.

C. The position of the lips

D. The height to which the tongue is raised

2473. In addition to driving the family coach, what other responsibility do the St. Clare assign Uncle Tom ?
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A. Helping Dinah cook

B. Administering Maries medicine

C. Managing finances

D. Tutoring Eva

2475. What does Evas father promise her before she dies ?
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A. That he will try to find Harry

B. That he will remarry

C. That he will free Uncle Tom

D. That he will adopt Topsy

2477. ________________are also called secondary phonemes?
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A. Suprasegmentals

B. Allomorphs

C. Allophones

D. Morphemes

2480. Who is the central Figure in O Nells The Hairy Ape_____________?
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A. None of the above

B. Yank

C. The Secretary of I.W.W.

D. Mildred

2482. American Civil War was fought in_______________?
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A. 1861-1865

B. 1815-1820

C. 1830-1840

D. 1825-1833

2484. What does the narrator of the story about Rip describe as the great error in Rips composition ?
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A. That he is henpecked by his wife

B. His love of town gossip

C. His unwillingness to work

D. His weakness for spirits

2485. Who is Sharp-elbow ?
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A. Hares grandfather

B. A genrous village chief who is known for his kindness

C. A god who protects and guides Hare on his many adventures

D. A tyrannical village chief who is known for his elbow blades
2486. This is the title of a famous Puritan sermon______________?
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A. Sinners in the Hand

B. Hands of Satan

C. A Bird in the Hand

D. Sins of the World

2487. I took my visitors all over the house. I bade them search search well. I led them, at length, to his chamber. I showed them his treasures, secure, undisturbed. The narrator is________________?
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A. A detective

B. Helping the police to look for a letter

C. Leading the police to the scene of a crime

D. Helping Robin to search for his uncle

2488. Black Boy is an autobiographical account of whose Southern boyhood ?
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A. John Dos Passos

B. Pynchon

C. Thomas

D. Saul Bellow

2490. Words such as UNESCO and RADAR are instances of ____________?
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A. Re__duplicates

B. Compounding

C. Conversion

D. Acronym
2495. In which state is the Shelby farm located ?
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A. Kentucky

B. Tennessee

C. Alabama

D. Mississipi

2496. Black English is the creation of the____________________?
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A. Black Diaspora

B. Linguistics Society

C. Unites States of American -English

D. Black Diaspora Association

2498. ______________are words which differ only in one phoneme ?
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A. Triphthongs

B. Semi__vowels

C. Minimal pairs

D. Diphthongs

2499. Which of Uncle Toms personal characteristics guided his interactions with others and his responses to his circumstances ?
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A. His gentle and soft-spoken nature

B. His ability to hide his rebellious nature.

C. His overwhelming fear of violence

D. His honesty and deep devotion to God
2500. Which of the following describes the precolonial eras literature styles ?
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A. Novels, poetry, dramas, histories

B. Literary magazines, poetry, novels, short stories

C. Narratives and poetry

D. Pamphlets, poetry, novels, short stories