2102. A language come into existence when_____________?
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A. a new language id discovered

B. ancient elements force to become a language

C. there are speakers of the language

D. there is brutal necessity
2103. Which ofWashington Irvings characters falls asleep for twenty years ?
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A. Tom Buchanan

B. Philip Marlowe

C. Tom Joad

D. Rip van Winkle
2106. Who made a distinction between Fancy and Imagination ?
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A. Hazlitt

B. Southey

C. Coleridge

D. Wordsworth

2107. The term Beat Generation comes from______________?
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A. Beat to his size

B. Beat to his stomach

C. Beat to his socks

D. Beat to his Shoe

2109. gave a hint of the rich culture that was forgotten________________?
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A. Reported speech poems

B. Narratives captivity

C. The influence of the missionaries in lives of the Indians

D. The life of the Indians

2112. How do the Shelbys treat their slaves ?
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A. They do not have slaves

B. Set them all free

C. Beat them everyday

D. Kindly but firmly
2113. Trauma theory primarily developed out of the work of which psychoanalyst ?
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A. Carl Jung

B. Michel Foucault

C. Sigmund Freud

D. Jacques Derrida

2114. What was one theme in the period of independence ____________?
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A. political conflicts

B. national identity

C. urban and european vs indigenous and rural

D. All the above
2115. Which of the following ideas relates to J.L. Austins performativity theory ?
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A. Language is used to indicate action as well as thought.

B. Individuals perform gender actively.

C. All of the above answers are correct

D. Performance is the ultimate objective of all human beings.

2116. Rabbit Angstrom Novels are written by ____________?
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A. R. Ellison

B. Henry Miller

C. Harper Lee

D. John Updike
2119. Why did Bradford and the Pilgrims create Plymouth Colony ?
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A. Religious practice of the Church of England

B. All of the above

C. For the land

D. Sovereignty to establish godly kingdom as they saw fit
2121. According to Hare, what work did the Earthmaker send him to do ?
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A. To play tricks on other animals to prove how intelligent he is

B. To trample upon evil beings that were abusing his aunts and uncles

C. To make mischief and cause trouble

D. The hare has no purpose that is why his grandmother must always watch over him

2122. Who used the words romanticism and romantic first ?
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A. Carlyle

B. Coleridge

C. Schlegel

D. Wordsworth

2123. The black language holds great importance for the_____________?
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A. restoration of a language

B. Black community in America

C. identity of Blacks in The United States

D. Survival and continuation of the Black community
2125. Who coined the term New Historicism ?
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A. Stephen Greenblatt

B. Fredric Jameson

C. Jacques Derrida

D. Terry Eagleton

2126. What is hermeneutics ?
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A. A term that describes the effect of autobiography on text

B. A term that describes the attempt to read homosexuality into literature

C. A term that describes the interpretation of meaning

D. A term that describes the absence of racial others in the canon

2128. What term describes Cassys racial heritage ?
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A. Quadroon

B. Mulatto

C. Hectoroon

D. Octoroon

2129. Coleridge considered imagination as______________?
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A. Critical faculty

B. A product of intellect

C. A psychological experience

D. Modifying power
2130. Light in August ?
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A. Sherwood anderson

B. T.S. elliot

C. Langston Hughes

D. William Faulkner
2131. The fearful trip is a recall of________________?
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A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Trip form England to the United States

C. The Civil war

D. Voyage

2132. As I lay die_________________?
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A. Langston Hugues

B. Robert Lee Frost

C. William Faulkner

D. Sherwood Anderson

2133. Who remarked, Spenser write no language. ?
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A. Arnold

B. Pope

C. Dr. Jhonson

D. Ben Jonson
2134. Which of the following is not one of the 4 part of Puritan Sermon ?
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A. Doctrine

B. None of the above

C. Text

D. Bibliography
2135. Sublimity has_______________?
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A. 4 sources

B. 2 sources

C. 5 sources

D. 3 sources

2137. This term refers to the feeling of a word______________?
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A. Connection

B. Constitution

C. Connotation

D. Description

2139. This is the name of the report by Cotton Mather about the trial accusing Martha Carrier of witchcraft_______________?
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A. The Story of Plymouth Plantation

B. Sinners in the Hand

C. The Burning of Our House

D. The Wonders of the Invisible World
2140. What is Mrs. Shelbys first name ?
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A. Margaret

B. Rachel

C. Emily

D. Danielle

2141. Biographia Literaria was written by_________________?
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A. Charles Lamb

B. Coleridge

C. Keats

D. Wordsworth

2142. Aristotle discusses the theory of Tragedy in _______________?
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A. Art Poetique

B. Poetics

C. Rhetoric

D. Ars Poetica

2143. Why do people evolve a language_______________?
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A. To communicate

B. For identifying themselves

C. To articulate their circumstances

D. For existence

2144. Michael Foucault was the major practitioner of this school of criticism?
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A. Formalist Criticism

B. Deconstructionism

C. Structuralism

D. Mimetic Criticism

2145. What is defamiliarization ?
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A. A term that describes the capacity of art to counter the effects of habit

B. An idea explored by Viktor Shklovsky

C. All of the above answers are correct.

D. A term that describes how literature exposes its own artificiality

2147. He wrote a journal about his expedition in northern Florida _____________?
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A. De Vaca

B. Cortez

C. Vasco de Gama

D. Johnathan Edwards

2148. Which of the following themes or ideas are closely associated with the Native American way of life ?
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A. Waste and abuse of natural resources

B. Uncivilized society

C. Immoral behavior

D. Love and respect for family and its elders
2150. What did the family do to protect the children from the uncle ?
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A. They dressed the boys like girls and told them to behave as girls do

B. They formed a mob and chased the uncle out of the village

C. They dressed the girls like boys and told them to behave as boys do

D. They locked the uncle away until the children were old enough to protect themselves