6952. Which among the following is not a branch of linguistics ?
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A. Semantics

B. Morphology

C. Philology

D. Phonology

6955. Keats was most famous for__________________?
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A. His extensive writings

B. His odes

C. His wild lifestyle

D. His popularity with readers

6957. Which of the following would probably NOT be the topic of a Romantic poem ?
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A. The French Revolution

B. Mans relationship to nature

C. The experience of common people

D. A celebration of the aristocratic
6959. With whom did John Keats have a love affair ?
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A. Mary Keats

B. Mary Shelley

C. Fanny Brawne

D. Dorothy Wordsworth

6960. Which Romantic author is the subject of Paul OBriens essay Prophet of the Revolution ?
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A. William Blake

B. William Wordsworth

C. Lord Byron

D. Percy Shelley
6961. Which of the following was NOT a primary cause of the Industrial Revolution ?
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A. The population increase in Europe

B. The European economy shifting into a global economy

C. Europes shift into being a manufacturing economy

D. The popularity of Romantic poetry
6962. Ode to a Nightingale focuses on ______________?
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A. The futility of artistic creation

B. The fall of man into sin

C. How pleasures are fleeting and life cannot continue forever

D. The unfortunate conclusion of the French Revolution

6963. Which action served to ignite the French Revolution ?
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A. The execution of King Louis XVI

B. The rise of King William

C. The madness of King George

D. The ruling of Bonaparte

6968. Percy Shelleys poem Mont Blanc presents nature as ________________?
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A. Depressing and miserable

B. Controlled by gods

C. A peaceful force

D. A powerful, sublime force
6969. Which of the following was a key element or aspect of Romantic poetry ?
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A. Engagement with the natural world

B. Political conservatism

C. Rationality

D. Emotional restraint

6970. In A Defense of Poetry, Percy Shelley argues that humans have an impulse to ____________________?
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A. Strive to express love

B. Reproduce rhythm and order

C. Resist understanding poetry

D. Write stories

6971. Which poem is considered Wordsworths magnum opus ?
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A. Lyrical Ballads

B. The Prelude

C. Lines Written in Early Spring

D. We Are Seven

6972. In Mont Blanc, Shelley likens the power of the mountain to the power of human imagination in order to __________________?
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A. Demonstrate how the human imagination is fragile

B. Demonstrate the power of the French Revolution on the British Romantic consciousness

C. Demonstrate the intrinsic connection between imagination and death

D. Demonstrate how the human mind comprehends and perceives truth
6973. A Romantic poet would be LEAST likely to celebrate __________________?
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A. The imagination

B. Rationality

C. The natural world

D. Love

6974. Which event marked the defeat of Napoleon ?
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A. The Reign of Terror

B. The execution of the King of France

C. The battle at Waterloo

D. Napoleons coronation as Emperor of France

6976. Which of the following would probably NOT occur in a William Wordsworth poem ?
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A. Mockery of political figures

B. Engagement with the natural world

C. Use of common, everyday language

D. Psychological insight

6978. Which of the following concepts are NOT elements of neo-classicism ?
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A. A sense of man being imperfect

B. A belief that art is primarily intellectual

C. Optimism

D. Order and reason

6979. Paul OBrien argues that Shelley did not lose his passion for the French Revolution, but that _____________did?
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A. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

B. John Keats and William Blake

C. Lord Byron and William Blake

D. Lord Byron and John Clare

6981. Shelleys Ode to the West Wind can be best understood as a poem about _____________?
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A. The horrors of the French Revolution

B. How poets can bring about political revolution

C. The loss of innocence

D. The passion between a husband and wife

6982. During the 19th century, the term middle class described people who were______________?
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A. Land owners only

B. Aristocrats

C. Workers

D. Between workers and aristocrats
6983. The dedication of Byrons Don Juan can be best described as ________________?
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A. Sincere and heartfelt

B. Mocking and satirical

C. Mournful and dark

D. Polemic and dry

6984. Edmund Burkes Reflections on the French Revolution ______________?
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A. Celebrates the French Revolution

B. Attacks the ideals of the French Revolution

C. Champions Napoleons political vision

D. Encourages the United States to Support the French Revolution

6986. To whom does the Ancient Mariner tell his story in Rime of the Ancient Mariner ?
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A. Coleridge

B. Dorothy Wordsworth

C. Life-in-Death

D. The Wedding Guest
6987. Elizabeth Fey refers to which poet as a sort of poet-king Arthur ?
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A. Percy Shelley

B. William Wordsworth

C. Lord Byron

D. William Blake

6988. Paul OBrien contends that _____________make(s) Shelley a radical.?
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A. Shelleys relationship with Byron

B. Shelleys sexuality

C. Shelleys political beliefs

D. Shelleys love of Shakespeare

6989. Which of the following would a neoclassical poet be most likely to use as a central theme in his or her poetry ?
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A. A warm remembrance of childish idealism

B. The plight of common, ordinary people

C. A celebration of the medieval

D. A satirical representation of current events
6990. Percy Shelley can be understood as a poet with _________________?
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A. No sense of reality

B. A strong dislike of women

C. A dark and twisted outlook on the world

D. A desire to make the world into a better place
6991. Dr. Samuel Gladden, in his essay Shelleys Agenda Writ Large: Reconsidering Oedipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant , argues that Shelleys Oedipus- Tyrannus is important because a_______________?
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A. The poem was incomplete

B. Shelley recognizes the power of sexual transgression in it

C. Shelley writes about Byrons sexuality in it

D. Shelley himself dismissed the poem

6992. The Reign of Terror refers to_________________?
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A. Frances war with a foreign nation

B. The death of the king of France

C. Napoleons rise to power

D. The mass execution of enemies of the revolution
6993. Which Romantic poet was famous for being mad, bad and dangerous to know ?
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A. John Keats

B. Lord Byron

C. Percy Shelley

D. William Blake

6994. Which of the following sentiments would be LEAST likely in a poem by Lord Byron ?
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A. An expression of doubt and angst.

B. Dark humor.

C. Mockery toward William Wordsworth.

D. An expression of love for common man.
6995. The poem London can be best understood as ______________?
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A. An examination of the citys past

B. An attack on William Wordsworth

C. A protest against social inequality

D. A celebration of the citys beauty

6996. The main thematic focus of Ode on a Grecian Urn is ____________________?
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A. The authors childhood experience

B. The relationship between truth and beauty

C. The French Revolution

D. The nature of death

6999. Many romantic poets regarded the natural world with a feeling of ________________?
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A. Resentment and disrespect

B. Fear and horror

C. Disinterest and disregard

D. Awe and fascination
7000. Thomas Paines The Rights of Man argues that ________________?
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A. Revolution is inhumane

B. Revolution is proper when a government does not take care of its people

C. Revolution never succeeds

D. Every government should be revolted against