651. Who was Edmund Spensers patron ?
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A. Elizabeth

B. Lord Burleigh

C. The Earl of Leicester

D. Francis Bacon

652. In the first lecture of his Modern Poetry course, what argument does Professor Langdon Hammer make about the relationship between the modern city and poetic modernism ?
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A. All of these answers

B. Individuals often felt lost and alienated in large cities, and among poets this resulted in turning inward and focusing only on the world of ones own imagination.

C. Most modernist poets lived in large cities; therefore, they often used urban imagery in their poetry.

D. Many languages and many forms of language were used in large cities; modernist poets often treated language not as something given and natural but as a construct which they could manipulate.
654. Experimentation in which of the following areas of poetic expression characterize Victorian poetry and allow Victorian poets to represent psychology in a different way ?
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A. the use of pictorial description to construct visual images to represent the emotion or situation of the poem

B. sound as a means to express meaning

C. all of the above

D. perspective, as in the dramatic monologue

655. Maud is a poem written by_________________?
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A. Byron

B. Swineburne

C. Tennyson

D. Pope

656. What was the relationship between Victorian poets and the Romantics ?
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A. The Romantics remained largely forgotten until their rediscovery by T. S. Eliot in the 1920s.

B. The Victorians were disgusted by the immorality and narcissism of the Romantics.

C. The Romantics were seen as gifted but crude artists belonging to a distant, semi barbarous age.

D. The Victorians were strongly influenced by the Romantics and experienced a sense of belatedness.
657. Milton continued his studies at Cambridge. Which college of the university did he attend ?
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A. Trinity College

B. St. Xaviers College

C. Christs College

D. Pembroke College

659. Dunstan is a character from the novel________________?
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A. Silas Marner

B. Emma

C. Adam Bede

D. Hard Times

660. The basic theme of Arnolds Literature and Dogma is____________?
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A. Social changes in the Victorian Age

B. Contemporary literary criticism

C. Art and Literature

D. Theology
661. Who was appointed as Poet-Laureate after William Wordsworth ?
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A. George Eliot

B. D.G Rossetti

C. Robert Browning

D. Tennyson
663. What did Byron deride with his scathing reference to \Peddlers, and Boats, and Wagons!\ ?
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A. the neo-classical influence of Pope and Dryden

B. the Orientalist fantasies of Coleridge

C. the clumsiness of Shakespeares plots

D. Wordsworths devotion to the ordinary and everyday
665. What was a favorite entertainment in Elizabeths court ?
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A. Gambling

B. Backgammon

C. Swimming

D. Jousting
667. When was John Milton born ?
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A. 19 August 1604

B. 9 December 1608

C. 22 April 1600

D. 6 June 1606

670. Which of the following statements about The Canterbury Tales is true ?
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A. The Wife of Bath, The Clerk, Sir Gawain and The Franklin are characters and tale-tellers in this work.

B. In all, Chaucer tells thirty tales in this work.

C. The Canterbury Tales remained unfinished at the time of its authors death.

D. The General Prologue is appended to The Canterbury Tales.
671. Which of the following best defines Utilitarianism ?
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A. a moral arithmetic, which states that all humans aim to maximize the greatest pleasure to the greatest number

B. a critical methodology stating that all words have a single meaningful function within a given piece of literature

C. a philosophy dictating that we should only keep what we use on a daily basis.

D. a farming technique aimed at maximizing productivity with the fewest tools

672. Vanity Fair is a novel by_______________?
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A. Thackery

B. Jane Austin

C. Dickens

D. Emily Bronte

674. Who were the Two Nations referred to in the subtitle of Disraelis Sybil (1845) ?
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A. the rich and the poor

B. England and Ireland

C. Anglicans and Methodists

D. Britain and Germany

675. Utopia was written by_____________?
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A. Machiavelli

B. Poliziano

C. Thomas More

D. Cervantes

676. Which of the following Victorian writers regularly published their work in periodicals ?
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A. Charles Dickens

B. all of the above.

C. Thomas Carlyle

D. Matthew Arnold

677. Which one is the unfinished novel of Charles Dickens____________?
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A. Our Mutual Friend

B. Edwin Drood

C. Little Dorrit

D. Dombey and Son

679. Why did the novel seem a genre particularly well-suited to women ?
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A. all but C

B. It was a popular form whose market women could enter easily.

C. It did not carry the burden of an august tradition like poetry.

D. It was seen as a frivolous form where one shouldnt make serious statements about society.

681. How would Natural Supernaturalism be best characterized as a Romantic notion introduced by Carlyle ?
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A. a process by which things that are familiar and thought to be ordinary are made to appear miraculous and new to our eyes

B. a spontaneous belief in the supernatural based upon a surprise encounter with a supernatural being

C. the experience of hallucinating contact with the supernatural world when taking opium

D. a form of animism in which objects in the natural world are believed to be inhabited by spirits

682. From where Matthew Arnold took the story for his Sohras and Rustam ?
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A. Arabian Nights

B. Shah Namah

C. Pilgrims Progress

D. Canterbury Tales

684. What factors contributed to the increased popularity of nonfiction prose ?
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A. a new market position for nonfiction writing and an exalted sense of the didactic function of the writer

B. the deconstruction of the truth-fiction dichotomy and an accompanying relativistic sense that every opinion was of equal value

C. the forbiddingly high cost of threevolume novels and the difficulty of finding poetry in bookshops outside of London

D. a Puritanical distrust of fictions and a thirst for trivia

685. what sparked the Renaissance ?
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A. the Black Plague

B. The Feudal system was collapsing

C. the 95 theses

D. the Crusades

686. Who was the leader of Pre-Raphaelite group of artists in England ?
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A. Christina Rossetti

B. Swinburne

C. Morris

D. D.G Rossetti
687. What was the nickname of Mary I ?
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A. Bloody Mary

B. Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

C. Mary, Queen of Scots

D. None of the Above

688. Which of the following statements does NOT characterize the poet e. e. cummings ?
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A. Ivy League educated

B. Active pacifist during both world wars

C. Popularized the use of free verse

D. A private and self-effacing person
690. One of Marlowes most famous poems was an account of which lovers ?
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A. Troilus and Cressida

B. Apollo and Hyacinth

C. Anthony and Cleopatra

D. Hero and Leander
692. The Oxford Movement was started by______________?
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A. The Scholars of the Oxford University

B. The people of the Oxford area

C. The clergymen of Oxford

D. The University Wits

693. What served as the inspiration for Percy Bysshe Shelleys poems to the working classes A Song: \Men of England\and England in 1819 ?
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A. the Peterloo Massacre

B. the storming of the Bastille

C. the Battle of Waterloo

D. the organization of a working class mens choral group in Southern England

695. Why did the novel seem a genre particularly well-suited to women ?
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A. all but C

B. It was a popular form whose market women could enter easily.

C. It did not carry the burden of an august tradition like poetry.

D. It was seen as a frivolous form where one shouldnt make serious statements about society.

696. According to Langston Hughess essay The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain (his answer to George Schuylers essay Negro Art Hokum), what is the mountain that stands in the way of any true Negro art in America ?
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A. It is the racial segregation in the South.

B. It is a widespread urge toward whiteness among African Americans.

C. It is a widespread urge to incorporate and neutralize other cultures among white Americans.

D. It is the racial discrimination endemic in the white community.

698. What was the relationship between Victorian poets and the Romantics ?
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A. The Romantics remained largely forgotten until their rediscovery by T. S. Eliot in the 1920s.

B. The Victorians were strongly influenced by the Romantics and experienced a sense of belatedness.

C. The Victorians were disgusted by the immorality and narcissism of the Romantics.

D. The Romantics were seen as gifted but crude artists belonging to a distant, semibarbarous age.

699. George Eliot was the pen-name of______________?
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A. Marian Evans

B. Clare Reeve

C. Lara Evans

D. Mary Collins

700. The Song of the Lotus is a poem by____________?
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A. Coleridge

B. Tennyson

C. Eliot

D. Keats