6651. American Civil War was fought in_______________?
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A. 1825-1833

B. 1830-1840

C. 1861-1865

D. 1815-1820

6656. Which of these statements does NOT apply to Hawthorne as a moralist ________________?
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A. Awareness of the mysteries and frailties of human nature

B. Awareness of the importance of living a life without error and sin

C. Awareness of the dangers of setting yourself up as the judge of others or of isolating yourself from humanity

D. Awareness of the ethical problems of sin, punishment and atonement

6657. Apess claims that Native Americans in New England are the most mean, abject, miserable race of beings in the world. Which of the following is NOT a reason he offers as an explanation for their misery ?
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A. Native American women have been seduced and abandoned by white men.

B. They are not provided with adequate education.

C. They are legally denied the right to engage in commerce.

D. They are victimized by corrupt Indian Agents appointed by the government.

6659. This is the title of a famous Puritan sermon______________?
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A. Sinners in the Hand

B. Sins of the World

C. Hands of Satan

D. A Bird in the Hand

6660. He wrote a journal about his expedition in northern Florida _____________?
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A. De Vaca

B. Johnathan Edwards

C. Cortez

D. Vasco de Gama

6662. What event provides the motivation for Shelby to release all the slaves ?
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A. Toms daughters wedding

B. Tom saving Eva

C. Toms death

D. Elizas escape

6664. ________________is known as the friendly innkeeper of the town ?
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A. Parker J

B. Stephen J Parker

C. Stephen

D. Goodman Parker
6665. Which statement below best defined Whitmans idea of Oversoul ?
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A. Relationships

B. Hope

C. Death

D. American landscape
6667. The Puritans who settled Massachusetts Bay were non-separating Puritans, which meant ?
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A. Create seperation

B. They did not want to disassociate from the Church of England

C. Separate from church of England

D. Start their own beliefs

6668. The poem Chicago is written by________________?
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A. Carlos William

B. E.E. Cummings

C. Ezra Pound

D. Carl Sandburg
6669. In which city does the St.Clare live ?
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A. Memphis

B. Atlanta

C. New Orleans

D. Louisville

6671. Bartolome de Las Casas wrote_____________?
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A. A Very Old Man with Enormous wings

B. Flor Y Canto

C. The devastation of the indies

D. Hopskotch

6672. This mode of discourse relates a story________________?
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A. Exposition

B. Fiction

C. Narration

D. Persuasion

6674. Miniver scorned the gold he sought. Here gold refers to______________?
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A. paycheck or money

B. materialism

C. the yellow metal

D. the pot of luck
6677. This is the name of the report by Cotton Mather about the trial accusing Martha Carrier of witchcraft_______________?
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A. Sinners in the Hand

B. The Wonders of the Invisible World

C. The Burning of Our House

D. The Story of Plymouth Plantation

6678. Wines Burg Ohio______________?
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A. William Faulkner

B. Robert Lee Frost

C. Sherwood Anderson

D. Carl Sanburg

6679. This group united 5 tribes_____________?
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A. Iroquois

B. Hopi

C. Navajo

D. Sioux

6680. The purpose of placing fallen cold and dead at the end of each section is to_____________?
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A. keep the readers aware of what is to come

B. clarify his idea

C. repeat the lines for the rhyming

D. remind the leader of the tragedy
6681. Who is the central Figure in O Nells The Hairy Ape_____________?
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A. None of the above

B. The Secretary of I.W.W.

C. Yank

D. Mildred

6682. What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Benjamin Franklin ?
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A. Mentor to other writers

B. Rewrote the autobiography

C. Self-made and

D. Both B and C
6684. Your uses an upper case because ?
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A. he wanted to emphasize the Y

B. he wanted it to create logic to the capitalization of the final E.

C. the poem demanded an upper case

D. he places his beloved in an upper place
6685. learn by going where I have to go. The poet learns of______________?
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A. going back to the state of depression

B. his errors and starts correcting them

C. Going back to his hometown

D. the final destination where he has to reach
6690. In which state is the Shelby farm located ?
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A. Kentucky

B. Mississipi

C. Tennessee

D. Alabama

6691. Light in August ?
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A. Sherwood anderson

B. Langston Hughes

C. William Faulkner

D. T.S. elliot

6692. What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Emerson ?
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A. Father of american poetry

B. Father of Free verse

C. Father of American Liteature

D. Pro Slavery

6693. What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Walt Whitman ?
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A. Father of free verse

B. Father of American Poetry

C. Circumference

D. Both A and B
6695. Who is NOT considered to be a representative of the Southern Renaissance ?
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A. Tennessee Williams

B. T.S.Eliot

C. Robert Penn Warren

D. William Faulkner

6699. What promise did Augustines sudden death prevent him from fulfilling ?
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A. Reuniting Tom with Aunt Chole

B. Relearning to pray

C. Overcoming his alcoholism

D. Freeing his slaves