structural analysis Mcqs
51. The fixed support in a real beam becomes in the conjugate beam a___________________?
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A. fixed support

B. free end

C. roller support

D. hinged support

52. Study the following statements?
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A. ) The force method is more useful when degree of static indeterminacy is greater than the degree of kinematic indeterminacy

B. The force method is more useful when degree of static indeterminacy is less than the degree of kinematic indeterminacy</strong></span>

C. The displacement method is more useful when degree of kinematic indeterminacy is less than the degree of static indeterminacy

D. ="color: #003f1a;">i) The displacement method is more useful when degree of kinematic indeterminacy is greater than the degree of static indeterminacy
53. For stable structures, one of the important properties of flexibility and stiffness matrices is that the elements on the main diagonal________________?
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A. of a stiffness matrix must be positive

B. correct answer is

C. of a stiffness matrix must be negative

D. of a flexibility matrix must be negative</strong>

E. ) of a flexibility matrix must be positive