chemical engineering chemical environmental engineering chemical engineering Mcqs
251. Bag filter design is predominantly dependent on gas temperature, as it affects the gas density & viscosity and the selection of filtering material. The pressure drop in a bag filter is__________________?
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A. Inversely proportional to viscosity of gas

B. Proportional to the viscosity & density of the gas

C. Proportional to the pressure of the gas

D. Both B. and C.
253. ______________ cannot control the noise pollution ?
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A. Vibration damping

B. Tree plantation

C. Use of silencers

D. Green house gases
254. Replenishment of dissolved oxygen in water stream polluted with industrial waste occurs by________________?
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A. Natural aeration of water stream

B. Photosynthetic action of algae

C. Both A. & B.

D. Neither A. nor B.

257. Pick out the wrong statement?
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A. logical decomposition of the organic matter present in water stream present as food for the

B. BOD is expressed in mg/litre (typically, BOD=2.5 mg/litre for potable water)

C. BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen which will be demanded & used in 5 days by the

D. ing organism

E. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) is a characteristic and not a constituent of water

F. None of these
258. ____________ is removed from water by lime-soda process?
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A. Iron and manganese

B. Foul smell and taste

C. Temporary hardness

D. Permanent hardness

259. Pick out the wrong statement ?
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A. Carbon monoxide present in the two stroke petrol engine exhaust is much less as compared to

B. t emitted by a four stroke engine

C. t emitted from a four stroke engine</strong>

D. Mercury as a pollutant can enter the blood stream & the digestive system/ lungs and is

E. ponsible for causing Minamata disease

F. Amount of unburnt hydrocarbons emitted by two stroke petrol engine is more as compared to

261. Which of the following acts as a natural source of air pollution ?
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A. Deforestation

B. Volcanic eruption

C. Forest fire

D. None of these

262. Presence of ____________ in water stream are deleterious to aquatic life?
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A. Soluble and toxic organics

B. Suspended solids

C. Heavy metals and cyanides

D. All A., B. & C.
264. Pick out the wrong statement?
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A. Benzopyrene which causes cancer is present in traces in tobacco, charcoal & petrol driven

B. omobile exhaust

C. NO2 is capable of penetrating the troposphere and can absorb both ultraviolet & visible light

D. Hydrocarbon pollutants are produced by sweet gum, oak & natural rubber trees

E. H2S is not at all produced during combustion of sulphur bearing fuels as all the sulphur is

F. dised to SO2</strong>

265. Pick out the wrong statement?
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A. Sulphur dioxide is the main pollutant emitted from the exhaust of petrol driven automobiles

B. Decomposition of plants containing chlorophyll is a natural source of carbon monoxide in

C. osphere

D. Catalytic converter is fitted in automobiles to reduce carbon monoxide concentration in

E. aust emissions

F. Inhalation of pollutant carbon monoxide results in death by asphyxiation

266. Limestone powder is injected during pulverised coal burning in boilers to ______________ the flue gases?
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A. Increase the dew point of

B. Catalytically convert SO2 to SO3 in

C. None of these

D. Reduce SO2 content in
267. Direct reaction of unsaturated hydrocarbons with either NO or NO2 produces an eye irritating pollutant compound known as________________?
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A. Benzopyrene

B. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) or methyl nitrite

C. Photochemical smog

D. Polyacrylonitrile

270. Septic tanks are used for the ______________ of the deposited solids?
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A. Separation

B. Aerobic decomposition

C. Anaerobic decomposition

D. None of these

271. Turbidity of water is an indication of the presence of__________________?
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A. Suspended inorganic matter

B. Dissolved solids

C. Floating solids

D. Dissolved gases

274. Industrial workers working in leather tanning & manufacturing units are prone to suffer from ___________________?
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A. Skin diseases (e.g. dermatitis)

B. Respiratory ailments (e.g. bronchitis)

C. Silicosis

D. Blurred vision

275. Pick out the wrong statement ?
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A. Environmental pollution by NOx emission is much higher by four stroke petrol engines as

B. iation to come in but does not allow the short wavelength infra red radiation to escape out

C. The characteristic of a green house body is that it allows the long wavelength incoming solar

D. Temperature in stratosphere rises with increasing altitude

E. mical oxygen demand (C.O.D.) value

F. pared to the two stroke engines

277. Moist atmospheric air at high temperature (e.g., in summer) having high concentration of sulphur dioxide causes________________?
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A. Reduced strength of textiles

B. All A., B. and C.

C. Fading of dyes on textiles

D. Corrosion, tarnishing & soiling of metals

278. Pick out the correct statement?
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A. All A., B. & C.

B. Noise from vibrating chutes can be reduced by lining the metallic chute with rubber

C. Noise of conveyor belt system is reduced by using urethane coated cloth conveyor belts and

D. Noise from ball mills can be dealt with by fibre glass lined enclosures

E. ber/plastic covered metallic rollers

281. Aerobic biological oxidation ponds used for the purification of polluted water__________________?
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A. Destroys/removes pathogen from the sewage

B. All A., B. & C.

C. Destroys/removes pathogen much more effectively if the sewage is chlorinated

D. Is not very effective for non-biodegradable substances (e.g. ABS) containing effluents

282. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant, which causes_________________?
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A. Respiratory disease (e.g. asthma)

B. Damage to building materials like marble

C. Retardation in crop growth

D. Asphyxiation (suffocation) leading to death