constitution and constitutional government Mcqs
54. A constitution is rigid because:
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A. There is a difficult procedure for amendment

B. There is a system of checks and balances

C. There is a theory of separation of powers

D. There is a system of judicial review

55. The advantage of rigid constitution is that:
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A. It adjusts itself with the passage of time

B. It guarantees permanence and stability

C. It is progressive

D. It keeps pace with national progress

56. A codified constitution is: ____________?
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A. One in which all the customs and conventions have been reduced to writing

B. None of the above

C. Available as written in one single document

D. One in which all the provisions are pieced together in one or more documents
58. Constitutional monarchy is found in: ___________?
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A. China

B. Yugoslavia

C. India

D. U.S.A.

E. U.S.S.R.

59. According to Communists constitutional government can be brought with the help of:
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A. Presidential form of Government

B. Constitutional monarchy

C. Parliamentary democracy

D. International corporation

E. Communist Ideology
62. A rigid constitution:
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A. Cannot be amended

B. Can be amended by the people as a whole

C. Can be amended by a special procedure

D. Can be amended like an ordinary law

64. In Soviet Union constitutional government is closely linked with: _____________?
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A. Democracy

B. Ideology

C. Rule of the proletariat

D. Federal system

E. Form of Government

68. Which one of the following is a hindrance on the way of constitutional government in a developing country?
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A. Their love for democracy

B. Their love for democracy

C. Their indifferent attitude towards religion

D. Their desire to copy the West

69. A constitution is known as flexible:
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A. If it is difficult to amend

B. If it can be amended by the ordinary lawmaking procedure

C. It the states alone can amend the constitution

D. If the procedure for the amendment of constitution is simple than the ordinary lawmaking procedure

70. The Constitution of U.S.A. can be amended by: __________?
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A. By Congress

B. By a procedure laid down in the

C. Through a special Constitution

D. Through referendum

E. Supreme Court

71. In a perfect federation constitution must be: ___________?
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A. Party rigid and partly flexible

B. None of These

C. Flexible

D. Rigid
72. In the Western world constitutional government is associated with: ____________?
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A. Presidential form of Government

B. Party system

C. Monarchy

D. Democracy

E. None of the above

73. A constitutional government is on which:
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A. Of the state in the interests of individual liberty.

B. Does not have a monarch as head of the state

C. Places effective restrictions on the individual liberty in the interests of state authority

D. Places effective restrictions on the authority

E. Adheres strictly to constitutional provisions

74. An unwritten constitution is:
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A. Mostly unwritten

B. Wholly unwritten

C. Contains only some unwritten portions

D. Declared as unwritten by the constituent Assembly

75. Which is a Constitution?
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A. It is an element of state

B. It is an element of the society

C. It is an element of the nation

D. It regulates as well as determines functions of Government.
79. Which one of the following is not an essential feature of a good constitution?
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A. Written character

B. Flexibility

C. Comprehensiveness

D. Independence of judiciary
81. Which one of the followings is not a feature of constitutionalism?
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A. Supremacy of individual

B. Division of powers

C. Supremacy of Law

D. Limited Government

82. One of the serious disadvantage of a rigid constitution is that:
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A. It does not reflect public opinion

B. It is not suited to federations

C. It can easily be tampered with

D. It shifts the balance of authority from legislature to judiciary
83. In England which one of the following events indicates nations desire for constitutional government:
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A. Glorious Revolution

B. Bi-party system

C. Theory of Divine Reghts of Kings

D. Institution of Monarchy

84. Customs and Conventions are a feature of: __________?
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A. Only written constitution

B. Both written as well as unwritten

C. Only unwritten constitutions

D. Countries having no constitutions

85. Which one of the followings has been wrongly shown as a merit of flexible constitution?
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A. A flexible constitution is good for countries where people are not politically conscious

B. A flexible constitution can easily respond to the needs of the people

C. A flexible constitution can adapt itself to changing times

D. A flexible constitution saves the country from violent revolutions

86. A constitutional government means:
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A. An arbitrary government with a despotic ruler

B. A government in which the head of the state enjoys very nominal powers

C. A government which is not subject to any restraints

D. A government limited by the terms of the constitution
87. Government is the agency through which the will of: ___________?
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A. State is expressed

B. The majority is expressed

C. The people is expressed

D. The head of the state is expressed

88. Generally an evolved constitution:
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A. Cannot be amended

B. Can be amended by the people alone

C. Can be amended through a wry complicated procedure

D. Can be amended through a very simple procedure
90. Difference between written and unwritten constitution is: ___________?
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A. Real and effective

B. Substantial and not that of degree

C. None of these

D. That of degree and not of kind
92. Which one of the following is a prerequisite of a constitutional government?
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A. Desire for liberty combined with limitation of authority

B. All the above

C. Desire to preserve stability of political community

D. Desire for justice through general and equal application of laws

94. Constitution is an essential feature of: ________?
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A. Despotic governments

B. Non-monarchical states

C. All governments

D. Democratic governments

95. Which one of the following is not considered a basic right in a constitutional government?
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A. Security of life

B. Freecom of expression

C. Freedom of speech

D. Right to worship a particular religion

E. Right to own private property

96. One serious disadvantage of written constitution is that:
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A. It does not give idea about basic rights of the people

B. It does not result in usurpation of authority

C. It is not suited to federations

D. It results in frequent litigations
97. The earliest known form of government was: ___________?
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A. Democracy

B. Monarchy

C. Aristocracy

D. Polity

98. Which one of the following indicates the love of the people of U.S.A. for constitutional Government?
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A. Presidential system of government

B. French Revoltion

C. Glorious Revolution

D. Declaration of Independence
99. Written constitution can develop or grow with the help of __________?
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A. International tribunals

B. International treaties

C. Judicial interpretations

D. Commissions and Committees

100. Which one of the following is not a feature of a good constitution?
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A. It should be precise

B. It should be written

C. It should be comprehensive

D. It should be rigid