Mcqpk Terms & Conditions:

As Mcqpk is build for students and job seekers in order to study and practice mcqs type tests. So it must be used fo this specific purpose only. You can also provide mcqs, correct an mcq by commenting on it, share and mcq on social media or anywhere with your friends but using the data of this site for other purposes without our consent is illegal and strict action can be taken agaist the voilator.

Mcqpk has the right to block any user they want and restrict them from using this site without the need of telling them the reason.

Spamming Mcqpk:

Sending Spam comments or spam emails is strictly prohibeted by Mcqpk and we have the right to take legal action agaist the voilator.

Contributing to Mcqpk:

We appreciate contribution or heighlighting correction on of any mcqs but we have the right to change, delete or don't approve any of your mcqs, comment at any time.

If you are using this site you must agree to our terms & conditions