famous playwright poet and others Mcqs
1. To what does the title of Joyces short story After the Race refer ?
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A. the decline of the Irish race

B. the race for Irelands welfare

C. the race to establish an empire

D. the race for more modes of transportation

2. Which event(s) caused the Easter Rising ?
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A. the Irish desire for independence

B. All of the Above

C. an increase in Irish nationalism

D. the formation of the secret, revolutionary IRB

3. When was Edmund Spenser born ?
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A. 1569

B. 1558

C. 1542

D. 1552
5. Which best describes Blooms attitude towards nationalism ?
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A. he is disinterested in nationalism

B. he hopes to join the IRB

C. he is opposed to the nationalist cause

D. he is deeply invested in the nationalist cause

6. Margaret Atwood was born in which Canadian city ?
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A. Vancouver

B. Ottowa

C. Montreal

D. Toronto

7. The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as_____________?
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A. personification

B. simile

C. metaphor

D. none of the above

10. At the end of Eveline, what decision does the title character make ?
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A. she decides to quit her job

B. she decides to stay in Ireland

C. she leaves for France

D. she decides to leave her mother

11. Which of the following does Joyce address thematically in The Dubliners ?
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A. the supremacy of Britain

B. Irish nationalism

C. the positive side of war with Germany

D. the Irish nations inability to survive without Englands help

12. Why do most scholars consider Finnegans Wake avant-garde ?
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A. the free dream associations

B. the sketchy, episodic structure

C. the invented words

D. All of the Above
13. What was strange about Emily Dickinson ?
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A. She never attempted to publish her poetry

B. She rarely left home

C. She wrote in code

D. She wrote her poems in invisible ink

14. To whom did Edmund Spenser dedicate his work The Shepheardes Calender ?
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A. Boyle

B. Philip Sidney

C. Queen Elizabeth

D. Chaucer

15. Who does Polonius send to spy on Laertes in Paris ?
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A. Samson

B. Reynaldo

C. Francisco

D. Gorgonzola

16. Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece ?
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A. Solan

B. Sappho

C. Lord Byron

D. John keats

17. Which of the following is not an English poet (i. e. from England) ?
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A. Alexander Pope

B. Victor Hugo

C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

D. John Milton

18. What is the word for a play on words ?
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A. simile

B. pun

C. metaphor

D. haiku

19. In Ulysses, which stylistic characteristic(s) appear ?
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A. All of the Above

B. repetition of words

C. stream of consciousness

D. shifts in narrative voice

20. Who wrote about the idyllic Isle of Innisfree ?
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A. Dylan Thomas

B. Ezra Pound

C. Yeats

D. E. E. cummings

21. Where were the pilgrims going in the Canterbury tales ?
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A. To the shrine of st. Peter at Canterbury cathedral

B. To the shrine of saint thomas becket at canterbury cathedral

C. both A and B

D. None of these

22. Which writer arranged for the publication of The Dubliners ?
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A. Ernest Hemmingway

B. Virginia Woolf

C. W.B. Yeats

D. Ezra Pound
23. In which work Edmund Spenser celebrates his marriage with Elizabeth Boyle ?
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A. Amoretti

B. Prothalamion

C. Faerie Queen

D. Epithalamion
24. Why did Poetry Quarterly cease publication in 1953 ?
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A. Shortage of paper

B. Owner convicted of fraud

C. Rise in taxation on magazines

D. Fall in Sales

25. In The Dubliners, which literary style is used ?
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A. fantasy

B. gothic

C. realism

D. impressionism

26. Who has defined poetry as a fundamental creative act using languages ?
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A. William Wordsworth

B. H. W. Longfellow

C. Ralph Waldo Emerson

D. Dylan Thomas
27. Which of the following is not a poet ?
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A. William Shakespeare

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Browning

D. Terry Saylor
28. With which Irish figure(s) is HCE often identified ?
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A. Charles Stuart Parnell

B. Wolfe Tone

C. Father Arnall

D. Daniel OConnell

29. Which American writer published A brave and startling truth in 1996 ?
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A. Robert Hass

B. Maya Angelou

C. Micheal Palmer

D. Jessica Hagdorn

30. In Ulysses, which characteristic(s) can be considered Modernist ?
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A. the use traditional language

B. the lack of taboo topics

C. the inclusion of various types of media

D. the sequential construction of time

31. Which of the following exemplifies the Modernist style of The Dubliners ?
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A. the representation of a shallow, drab culture

B. the positive representation of the Catholic Church

C. the representation of adventures the city offers to the mind

D. the positive representation of cultural institutions

32. Which of the following themes is/are addressed in Ulysses ?
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A. married relationships

B. All of the Above

C. religious identity

D. national identity

33. Which is/are an element(s) of Stephens aesthetic theories ?
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A. art should be harmonious and proportional

B. art should not please the perception

C. art should not produce stasis in the viewer

D. art should be kinetic

34. Which poem ends I shall but love thee better after death ?
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A. Ode to a Grecian urn

B. Let me not to the marriage of true minds

C. How do I love thee

D. In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes

35. What is the name of the playlet Hamlet stages for Claudius ?
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A. Vice of Kings

B. The Murder of Gonzago

C. The Slaying of Lucianus

D. Slings and Arrows

36. Why do critics consider the dream form ideal for Finnegans Wake ?
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A. it makes the readers experience of the characters less intimate

B. it allows for the introduction of plot snippets and new language

C. it prevents exploration of the unconscious

D. it obscures the characters immediate thoughts

38. According to Stephen, how is art represented in the lyrical form ?
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A. the image is presented in immediate relation to others only

B. the image is presented in immediate relation to the artist himself

C. the image is presented is immediate relation to the artist and others

D. the image is presented in a way that is not purely personal

39. Which writer(s) is/are associated with the Irish Literary Revival ?
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A. W.B. Yeats

B. George Russell

C. All of the Above

D. J.M. Synge

41. Which of Chaucers works is associated with Valentines Day ?
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A. The Canterbury Tales

B. Parlement of Foules

C. The Canterbury Tales

D. The Book of the Duchess

42. What is the title of the prose pamphlet Edmund Spenser wrote in the year 1596 ?
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A. Visions of the worlds vanitie

B. A View of the Present State of Ireland

C. The Visions of Petrarch

D. The Ruines of Time

43. ____________is a late 20th century play written by a woman ?
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A. Top Girls

B. Camille

C. Queen Cristina

D. The Homecoimg

45. What is the function of the Linati schema ?
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A. it outlines the fundamental structure of Ulysses

B. it outlines the order of stories in The Dubliners

C. it outlines the movement of time in Finnegans Wake

D. it outlines the transition from child to adult in The Dubliners

46. Which one of the following works of Geoffrey Chaucer is an elegy written for Blanche of Lancaster ?
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A. The Book of the Duchess

B. The House of Fame

C. Troilus and Criseyde

D. The Legend of Good Women

47. A poem with no meter or rhyme______________?
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A. free verse

B. lyric

C. narrative

D. none of the above

48. Which one of the following is an unfinished work of Edmund Spenser ?
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A. The Faerie Queene

B. The Shepheardes Calender

C. Amoretti

D. Astrophel

49. Concentrate on these elements when writing a good poem ?
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A. rhyme and reason

B. theme, purpose, form, and mood.

C. purpose and audience

D. characters, main idea, and theme

50. In Finnegans Wake, which of the following typify family life ?
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A. murder

B. slander

C. All of the Above

D. hypocrisy