animal husbandry Mcqs
5. Anthrax is a _______________________?
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A. Bacterial disease

B. Viral disease

C. None of above

D. Fungal disease

7. Intensity of light in poultry is measure by _______________________?
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A. None of above

B. Light period

C. Dark period

D. Foot candle
8. Vit. B6 is also called _________________________?
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A. Pyrodoxin

B. Riboflavin

C. Niacin

D. None of above

9. In Livestock is considered as _________________________?
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A. 50 % of herd

B. 30 % of herd

C. 60 % of herd

D. 40 % of herd

11. Dystokia is a term applied in Lives tale for _________________________?
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A. Difficult birth

B. None of above

C. Abnormal birth

D. Easy birth

14. BOS-Taurus is _________________________?
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A. BOS-Indices

B. BOS-Taurus

C. BOS-bubal is

D. none of the above

15. Holstein cattle breed belongs to _______________________?
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A. Australia

B. England

C. U.S.A

D. Nether land
16. Those Amino acids which the body cannot synthesized are called __________________________?
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A. None of above

B. Pietary non essential

C. Essential Amino acid

D. Dietary essential amino acid
20. Which element is deficient in milk _________?
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A. Iron

B. Phosphorus

C. Calcium

D. Sodium

26. A Ration of Antithetic acid results in ____________________?
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A. Zero hatchability

B. Normal hatchability

C. Excellent hatchability

D. Poor hatchability

28. IN layer growing period is form ____________________?
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A. 10 20 wks

B. 8 20 wks

C. 15 20 wks

D. 10 15 wks

31. Isthmus is a part evident which help in _________________________?
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A. Fertilization

B. Egg shall formation membrane

C. Albumen secretion

D. Formation of cuticles

33. Kundi is represented by its color which is _____________________?
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A. Total black

B. Half black

C. White spot or fore head

D. Both a & b

35. Average gestation period of goat is ___________________ days?
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A. 160- 170 days

B. None

C. 148- 156 days

D. 130- 140 days

39. Shape of an egg is a ________________________?
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A. Heritable character

B. Depend on food given

C. Depend on went average

D. Depend on breed

40. Cattle was domesticated primarily for _______________?
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A. Milk purpose

B. Meat purpose

C. Skin/hide purpose

D. Religious purpose
41. The pioneer of Poultry Busyness yn Pakistan is ______________________?
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A. Aero asia

B. P.I.A

C. Atlantic air line

D. Cathy Pacific

43. Broiler is obtained by the cross of ______________________?
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A. Rhode Island Red x White leg horn

B. White Cornish x Rhode Island Red

C. White Cornish x White Plymothrock

D. White Plymothrock x Newhampshire

48. Different method to measure digestibility is _______________________?
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A. In vitro technique

B. In Situ

C. All of them

D. In vive technique