plato Mcqs
1. Name the ancient philosopher who wrote The Republic:
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A. Eppipides

B. Eratosthenes

C. Plato

D. Diophantus

6. Who was the student of Plato?
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A. Socrates

B. None of these

C. Aristotle

D. Xenophon

7. Eudoxus was a great influence on:
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A. Euclid

B. Ptolemy

C. Both (a) & (b)

D. None of these

8. Eudoxus was born in:
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A. Athens

B. Sparta

C. Stagira

D. Cnidus Peninsula
10. Who was the teacher of Plato?
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A. None of these

B. Xenophon

C. Socrates

D. Aristotle

11. Who was the mentor of Plato?
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A. Xenophon

B. None of these

C. Aristotle

D. Socrates