biology Mcqs
1. Co-enzyme is often formed from ?
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A. vitamin

B. inorganic ion

C. lipid

D. protein

3. Reverse transcriptase is present in____________?
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A. All DNA viruses

B. All retroviruses

C. All RNA viruses

D. All viruses

4. Which are the four most abundant elements in living cells ?
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A. carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus

B. carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen

C. carbon, sulfur, hydrogen, magnesium

D. carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur

5. Double fertilization is feature of____________?
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A. Whisk ferns

B. Gymnosperms

C. Angiosperms

D. Ferns

8. Pigment present in red algae is_____________?
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A. phycocyanin

B. phycoerythrin

C. fucoxanthin

D. bilirubin

9. True roots absent in_____________?
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A. gymnosperms

B. ferns

C. bryophytes

D. angiosperms

10. Euglena belongs to the kingdom___________?
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A. Monera

B. Protista

C. Fungi

D. Non of them

14. Nutrition in fungi is___________?
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A. Absorptive heterotrophs

B. Photosynthetic

C. Chemosynthetic

D. Completely parasitic

15. Kingdom Fungi includes_______________?
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A. A cellular, eukaryotic organisms

B. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular eukaiyotlc organisms

C. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular,thailophytic organisms

D. both B and C
17. It is possible to date the rocks by comparing the amount of specific radioactive isotopes they contain. Which of the statement is correct in this respect?
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A. Older sediment layers did not have these radioactive isotopes

B. Older sediment layers have less amount of these radioactive isotopes as that of the young ones.

C. Older sediment layers have equal amount of these radioactive isotopes as that of the young ones

D. Older sediment layers have greater amount of these radioactive isotopes as that of the young ones.

18. Animals that eat plants are called___________________?
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A. Herbivores

B. Omnivores

C. Consumer

D. Carnivores

19. The arrangement of ________ speaks of the division of labour within cell?
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A. Atoms

B. Subatomic particles

C. Molecule

D. Organelles
20. Red to orange pigments are_____________?
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A. Chlorophyll

B. Xanthophylls

C. Carotenoids

D. Carotenes
22. From right ventricle blood is pushed into?
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A. brain

B. body

C. aorta

D. pulmonary trunk
23. The arrangement of _________ speaks of the division of labour within cell?
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A. Atoms

B. Organelles

C. Molecule

D. Subatomic particles

25. Which is a parasitic plant?
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A. ferns

B. cuscuta

C. rose

D. mosses

27. The study of fossils is called?
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A. Historical biology

B. Environmental Biology

C. Social biology

D. Palaeontology
28. Haemodialysis means cleaning of____________?
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A. Blood

B. Urine

C. Glomerular filterate

D. Coelomic fluid

29. People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a _________?
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A. smaller number of White Blood Cells

B. larger number of White Blood Cells

C. larger number of Red Blood Cells

D. smaller number of Red Blood Cells

30. 95% of the cytoplasm of RBCs is____________?
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A. Enzymes

B. Other proteins

C. Salts

D. Hemoglobin
32. Breeders have developed new and better varieties of food items by using which technique?
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A. Biological control techniques

B. Hydroponic culture technique

C. Pasteurization

D. Genetic engineering
34. According to modern system of taxonomy, living organisms have been classi?ed into?
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A. Six Kingdoms

B. Five Kingdoms

C. Two Kingdoms

D. Three Kingdoms

35. Ribosomes and DNA are also present in_________?
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A. golgi complex

B. mitochondria

C. lysosomes

D. endoplasmic reticulum

37. I can break down fatty acid to succinate__________?
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A. Golgi bodies

B. Peroxisome

C. Glyoxisome

D. Lysosome

38. Viruses are considered living organisms because__________?
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A. They can be crystallized

B. They are microscopic

C. They contain DNA and can be reproduced

D. They occur in plants and animals

40. Vaccine was first developed by_______________?
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A. Edward Jenner

B. Jaber Ibn Hayan

C. Louis Pasture

D. Aristotle

41. Which treatment is instituted in a cancerous patient?
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A. Antibiotic therapy

B. None of these

C. Gene therapy

D. Radiotherapy
44. Starch is converted into maltose by?
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A. amylase

B. invertase

C. diastase

D. maltase

45. Removal or degradation of environmental pollutants or toxic materials by living organisms is called__________?
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A. Pasteurization

B. Integrated disease management

C. Bioremediation

D. Hydroponic culture technique

46. Under a compound microscope chromosome is made of arms and___________?
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A. Centrosome

B. Centromere

C. Centromere

D. Chromatid

47. Enzyme present in the saliva is_____________?
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A. invertase

B. ptyalin

C. trypsin

D. lipase

49. Which one is a micromolecule__________?
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A. Protein

B. Polysaccharide

C. Hemoglobin

50. Fibers of the extracellular matrix is the characteristics of_______________?
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A. Bacterial cell wall

B. Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane

C. Plant cell wall

D. Cell membrane of bacteria